Faculty Directory

Ahmed Abdelal, Ph.D.

Ahmed Abdelal

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.6417
Email: aabdelal@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

May Abdelaziz

May Abdelaziz

Adjunct faculty
Primary appointment in Pharmacy

Phone: 903.566.6231
Email: mabdelaziz@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

May  Abdelaziz, BPharm, MS, PhD.

May Abdelaziz

Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903.566.6231
Email: mabdelaziz@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Mohamed Abdelgawad, MD

Mohamed Abdelgawad

Cairo University Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine

Department: General Surgery

Firas Abdulla, MD

Firas Abdulla

The University of Texas at San Antonio College of Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry

Chowdhury S. Abdullah, Ph.D.

Chowdhury Abdullah

Assistant Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903-566-6287
Email: cabdullah@uttyler.edu
Departments: Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes


Deanna Adams, AGACNP-BC

Email: dadams@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Oluwafisayo Adekoya

Oluwafisayo Adekoya

State University of New York Upstate Medical University

Department: Occupational Medicine

Rahul Aggarwal, MD

Rahul Aggarwal

Dayanand Medical College

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Linda Ahaiwe, DO

Linda Ahaiwe

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Raham Ahmed, DO

Rahman Ahmed

Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Nabeel Ahmed, MD, Teaching Faculty

Nabeel Ahmed, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Ibrahim  Al-Hashimi, MD

Ibrahim Al-Hashimi

King Abdulaziz University College of Medicine and Allied Science

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Zain Al-Houri

Zain Al-Houri

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Email: zalhouri@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Marwan  Al-Shammari

Marwan Al-Shammari

Associate Professor of Management

Email: MAlShammari@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

David Alger

David Alger

Lecturer of Computer Science

Email: dalger@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Mohammed Ali

Mohammed Ali

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.663.8218
Email: mohammedali@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology

Ali Yumna, DO

Yumna Ali

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

Ahmad Aljayeh, MD

Ahmad Aljayeh

Ross University School of Medicine

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Ala’a Alkhatib, MD

Ala’a Alkhatib

University of Jordan

Department: General Surgery

Sarvani Reddy Allam, MBBS, MD

Sarvani Allam

Katuri Medical College, Guntur

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Lorri Allen

Lorri Allen

Mass Communication General Manager, Adjunct Lecturer

Phone: 903.566.6120
Email: lorriallen@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Kristie Allen

Kristie Allen

Lecturer of Psychology & Counseling

Phone: 903.566.7208
Email: kallen@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Rico Allen

Rico Allen

Adjunct Lecturer, Saxophone

Email: rallenii@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Muhammad Almas, MD

Muhammad Almas

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Ruben Alvarado

Graphic Designer

Phone: 903.566.7143
Email: ralvarado@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

No Photo Available

Christian Alvarado

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medicine
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.1450
Email: Christian.Alvarado@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

Katie Anders.

Katie Anders

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: kanders@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Kerrie Anne Ambort-Clark

Kerrie Anne Ambort-Clark

Assistant Dean of Health-Related Business Programs - Distinguished Teaching Professor, Senior Lecturer of Management
Soules College of Business - Director of the Healthcare Leadership Distinction and Professor of Practice, School of Medicine

Phone: 903.565.6528
Email: kaclark@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Tameka Anthony, ASW, CCMA, BS, MBA-HC, CHW

Tameka Anthony

Program Manager

Email: tameka.anthony@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Fellowship

Arturo Arce-Esquivel

Arturo Arce-Esquivel

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5838
Email: aarce@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Arturo Arce-Esquivel

Arturo Arce-Esquivel

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5838
Email: aarce@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Dijana Armstrong

Dijana Armstrong

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: darmstrong@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Aryal Santosh

Santosh Aryal

Adjunct faculty
Primary appointment in Pharmacy

Phone: 903.565.6473
Email: SantoshAryal@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Santosh Aryal

Santosh Aryal

Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical Science and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903.565.6473
Email: SantoshAryal@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy


Kendra Askew, MSN

Email: kaskew@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Michael Austin, MD, FAAP

General Pediatrician
Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.590.5555 Department: Pediatrics

Abeera Azam, MD

Abeera Azam

Allama Iqbal Medical College

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Ali Azghani

Ali Azghani


Phone: 903.566.7332
Email: aazghani@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Hugh Babineau, MD

Hugh Babineau

General and Bariatric Surgery

Department: General Surgery Residency

Randy Back

Randy Back

Associate Professor of Physics

Phone: 903.565.5797
Email: rback@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Dr. Danielle Bailey

Danielle Bailey

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice & Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Phone: 903.566.7432
Email: dbailey@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Kovick Bailey, DO

Kovic Bailey

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Madeline Bailey

Madeline Bailey

Assistant Director of Campus Activities

Phone: 903-565-5873
Email: madelinebailey@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement


Kovic Bailey, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Cristy Baker

Cristy Baker

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: cbaker@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mary Baker, PsyD

Mary Baker

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship


Sydney Baker

Marketing Manager

Phone: 903.565.5769
Email: sydneybaker@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Cynthia Ball, DO

Cynthia Ball

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.1424
Email: cynthia.ball@uthct.edu
Department: Occupational And Environmental Health Sciences

Cynthia Ball, DO, MS, FACOEM

Cynthia Ball

Associate Professor, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.1424
Email: cynthia.ball@uthct.edu
Departments: Public Health, School of Medicine

Corey Ball, MD, Teaching Faculty

Corey Ball, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Shirley Ballard

Shirley Ballard

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8100
Email: ShirleyBallard@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Josh Banta

Josh Banta


Phone: 903.566.7189
Email: jbanta@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

No Photo Available

Afton Barber

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Lutfi Barghuthi

Lutfi Barghuthi

Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine

Department: General Surgery

Abdullahel Bari

Abdullahel Bari

Associate Professor, Management

Email: abari@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Stephanie Barnard

Stephanie Barnard

Care Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine


Angela Batie

Program Coordinator

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Richard Batman

Richard Batman

Associate Professor of Instruction in Physics

Phone: 903.566.7477
Email: rbatman@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry


Emily Battle

Senior Editor/Writer

Phone: 903.565.5604
Email: ebattle@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Strategic Communications and Media Relations

Tim Baumgartner, MD

Tim Baumgartner

Indiana University

Department: General Surgery

Brent D. Beal

Brent Beal

Professor of Management

Email: bbeal@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Michelle Beall

Michelle Beall

Director of Outpatient Pharmacy Practice Experiences
Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903-730-3937
Email: mbeall@uttyler.edu
Departments: Pharmacy, Experiential Education

David Beams

David Beams

Associate Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering

Email: dbeams@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

J. Regan Beckham

J. Regan Beckham

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: rbeckham@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Ann C. Beebe

Ann Beebe

Professor of English, Department Chair

Phone: 903.565.5827
Email: ABeebe@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Olga Berkout, Ph.D.

Olga Berkout

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Director of ETX-CBS: The East Texas Contextual Behavioral Science Lab

Email: oberkout@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling


Jarett Berry, MD

Professor and Chair

Department: Internal Medicine


Dr. Joe Berthiaume

Executive Director, University Communities

Phone: 903.566.7008
Email: jberthiaume@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life


Felicia Bessman, FNP-BC

Email: fbessman@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Bruce Bettinger

Bruce Bettinger


Phone: 903.565.5619
Email: bbettinger@uttyler.edu
Department: Center for Student Financial Wellness


Blake Bextine

Associate Fellow

Department: College of Arts & Sciences

Blake Bextine

Blake Bextine

Biology Professor

Phone: 903.566.7323
Email: bbextine@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Daniel Bilaniv, DO

Daniel Bilaniv

Western University of Health Sciences of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Brent Bill

Brent Bill

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5883
Email: bbill@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Amber Billion

Amber Billion

Experiential Education Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5784
Email: abillion@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy


Nicolette Billups

Executive Director of University Marketing

Email: Nicolette.Billups@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Carla Biondillo

Carla Biondillo

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: carlabiondillo@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mohammad Biswas

Mohammad Biswas

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6115
Email: mbiswas@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Rebekah Bjorklund, MD

Rebekah Bjorklund

St. George's University School of Medicine

Department: General Surgery


Shaun Black

Associate Professor of Instruction in Biochemistry - Retired

Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Shaun D. Black

Shaun Black

Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry

Phone: 903.566.7348
Email: sblack@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy


William Blair

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: wblair@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Eva Blight

Eva Blight

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: eblight@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jamon Blood, MD

Jamon Blood

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

No Photo Available

Mildred Blowen


Email: jblowen@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

No Photo Available

Julie Blundell

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: julieblundell@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Gregory L. Bock

Gregory L. Bock

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Chair of the Center for Ethics

Phone: 903.566.7456
Email: gbock@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science

Vijayakumar Boggarm, PhD

Vijayakumar Boggaram

Professor of Molecular Biology

Phone: 903.877.7780
Email: vijay.boggaram@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research


Jessica Boldwill, MD

Core Faculty

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens


Jessica Boldwill, MD

Associate Professor

Department: Family Medicine

Agatha Borne, DVM, PhD

Agatha Borne

Program Director, MPH

Phone: 903.877.1439
Email: borne@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

Gary Bouse

Gary Bouse

Director of Development and Stewardship

Phone: 903.566.7318
Email: gbouse@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement

Jessica Bowen

Jessica Bowen

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: JBowen@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Robert Boyne

Robert Boyne, MD

Associate Professor

Jessica Bracks, MD

Jessica Bracks

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Email: jessica.bracks@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Don Bradley, Ph.D., OTR

Don "Mike" Bradley

Associate Clinical Professor, MOT Program

Phone: 903.565.6418
Email: dbradley@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences


Kristen Brady

Email: kbrady@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Madison Branch

Madison Branch

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7250
Email: mbranch@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Rachel A. Bratteli, Pharm.D., BCACP

Rachel Bratteli

Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.6165
Email: rbratteli@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

(No photo available.)

Rachel Bratteli

Clinical Assistant Professor, Fisch College of Pharmacy Clinical Sciences

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Bradley Jay Brazill, B.S. Pharm, Pharm.D.

Bradley Brazill

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5920
Email: bbrazill@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Brandon Bretl, Ph.D.

Brandon Bretl

Assistant Professor of Education

Phone: 903.566.7390
Email: bbretl@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Terry Britt

Terry Britt

Assistant Professor, Mass Communication

Email: tbritt@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Nyree Brockman

Nyree Brockman

Career Success Coach

Phone: 903.565.5590
Email: nbrockman@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success


Jennifer Brooks

Email: jenniferbrooks@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Anita Brown

Anita Brown

Lecturer, Mass Communication

Phone: 903.566.7364
Email: abrown@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Leonard Brown

Leonard Brown

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Computer Science

Phone: 903.566.7089
Email: lbrown@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Fredericka Brown

Fredericka Brown

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5828
Email: fbrown@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

(No photo available.)

Edward Brown

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Barbara A. Brown-Elliott, MS, MT(ASCP)SM

Barbara Brown-Elliott


Phone: 903.877.7685
Email: barbara.elliott@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Kenneth Bryant

Kenneth Bryant

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: kbryant@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science


Hannah Buchanan


Email: hbuchanan@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Strategic Communications and Media Relations


Sarah Buchanan

Manager, School of Medicine Marketing and Communications

Phone: 903.877.5735
Email: sarah.buchanan@uthct.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Sanjana Bukkapatnam, MD

Sanjana Bukkapatnam

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Jodi Bullard, PhD, RN

Jodi Bullard

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: jbullard@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Shayna Burdeaux, DO

Phone: 305.240.9223
Email: shayna.burdeaux@uthct.edu
Department: Ob/gyn


Nury Burnett

Special Events Coordinator

Email: nburnett@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Community Engagement and Special Events

Issac Burnett

Isaac Burnett

UNTHSC - Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Sean Butler

Sean Butler

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Phone: 903.565.5654
Email: sbutler@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Sean Butler

Sean Butler

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Chemistry Master's Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5654
Email: sbutler@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Theresa Byrd

Theresa Byrd


Phone: 903.877.1414
Email: theresa.byrd@uttyler.edu
Department: Health Professions Leadership

Kyung-Ah Byun

Kyung-Ah Byun

Associate Professor, Marketing
Building: COB 350.26

Email: kbyun@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Heidi Cage

Heidi Cage

Clinical Assistant Professor, MOT Program

Phone: 903.730.3924
Email: hcage@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Andrew Cage

Andrew Cage

Head Athletic Trainer

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Miguel Caldas

Miguel Caldas

Professor, Management
Building: COB 350.25

Email: mcaldas@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Leona Caldemeyer, MS, C-TAGME, Senior Program Administrator

Leona Caldemeyer, MS, C-TAGME

Senior Program Administrator

Department: Nephrology

Leona L. Caldemeyer, MS, C-TAGME

Leona Caldemeyer, MS, C-TAGME

Senior GME Program Administrator

Department: Rural Family Medicine Residency

Dennis Cali

Dennis Cali

Distinguished Professor, Communication Studies, Graduate Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7044
Email: dcali@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

photo not available

Felice Calico

IRB Coordinator

Phone: 903.877.8122
Email: Felicia.calico@uthct.edu
Department: Institutional Review Board Office

Sharon Calimag

Sharon Calimag

Nurse Clinician Faculty

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: scalimag@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ann Campbell, MSN, RN, VA-BC

Ann Campbell

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5928
Email: acampbell@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Maclovio Cantú IV

Maclovio Cantu

Assistant Professor of Studio Art

Phone: 903.566.7297
Email: mcantu@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Zishu Cao

Zishu Cao

Assistant Professor

Email: zcao@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering


William "Billy" Carmean, MD

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Robert Carpenter

Robert Carpenter

Executive in Residence and Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

No Photo Available

Sam Carrell

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Nikki Carter

Nikki Carter

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: jcarter@uttyler.edu
Departments: Political Science, History

Shawnn Casagrande

Shawnn Casagrande

Executive Assistant

Phone: 903.877.1455
Email: Shawnn.Casagrande@uttyler.edu
Department: Health Professions Leadership

Vanessa Casanova, PhD

Vanessa Casanova

Professor, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Director, Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention & Education
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.1408
Email: casanova@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

Vanessa Casanova, PhD

Vanessa Casanova

Professor of Occ Health Sciences

Phone: 903.877.1408
Email: vanessa.casanova@uthct.edu
Department: Health Science Center

Marco Castaneda

Marco Castaneda

Associate Professor of Economics

Phone: 903.565.5790
Email: mcastaneda@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Jim Cater

Jim Cater

Director, Center for Family and Small Enterprises; Professor of Management

Email: jcater@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

No Photo Available

Sharon Cathcart

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development


McKenna Cato

Assistant Director for Residence Life

Phone: 903-566-7008
Email: mcato@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life


Kat Chamberlain

Residence Services Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7008
Email: kchamberlain@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life


LaJuan Chambers, MD

Phone: 903.655.3956
Email: ljchambers@uthet.com
Department: Pediatrics

Keely Chapman

Keely Chapman

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

Chris Chappa

Chris Chappa

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: cchappa@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics


Sarah Chaput

Email: schaput@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Muhammad Chaudhry, MD

Muhammad Chaudhry

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.8677
Email: muhammad.chaudhry@uthct.edu
Department: Cardiology

Michael Chen, MD

Michael Chen

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Psychiatry


Brittany Childs

Executive Director of Community Engagement and Special Events

Phone: 903.566.7063
Email: bchilds@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Community Engagement and Special Events

Jenifer Chilton

Jenifer Chilton

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7021
Email: jchilton@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Shilpa Chitnis, MD, PhD, FAAN

Shilpa Chitnis, MD, PhD, FAAN

Professor and Chief of Neurology
Neurology Residency Program Director

Yonjoo Cho

Yonjoo Cho


Phone: 903.566.7260
Email: ycho@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development

Shih-Feng Chou

Shih-Feng Chou

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6209
Email: schou@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Janice Chretien

Janice Chretien

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Wingyan Chung

Wingyan Chung

Professor of Computer Science

Email: wchung@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

David Chung

David Chung

Assistant Professor of Management

Phone: 903.565.5949
Email: dchung@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Rachel Clark

Rachel Clark

Assistant Director of Student Organizations

Phone: 903-565-5557
Email: rachelclark@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Amy Clem

Amy Clem


Email: aclem@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Photo of Sam

Samantha Cockrell

Director of New Student & Family Programs

Phone: 9035655648
Email: scockrell@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement


Rachel Coffman

Residence Coordinator - The Foundry

Phone: 903.504.2270
Email: rcoffman@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life


Tammy Cole

Email: tcole@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jessica  Coleman

Jessica Coleman


Phone: 903.565.5889
Email: jcoleman@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Jessica Coleman

Jessica Coleman

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.565.5889
Email: jcoleman@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Dennis Combs, Ph.D.

Dennis Combs

Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training (PhD Program)

Phone: 903.565.5880
Email: dcombs@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

No Photo Available

David Conley

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

John Connolly

John Connolly

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Technology

Jessica Conrad, APRN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Jessica Conrad

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5715
Email: JessicaConrad@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Erica Conway

Erica Conway

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5715
Email: econway@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Vicki J. Conway

Vicki J. Conway

Distinguished Lecturer in Music

Phone: 903.566.7293
Email: vconway@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Alan Cook, MD, MS, FACS

Alan Cook

Medical Director

Phone: 903.877.8124 Department: Center For Clinical Research

Rosemary Cooper

Rosemary Cooper

Adjunct Lecturer
Executive Director of Career Success

Phone: 903.565.5535
Email: rcooper@uttyler.edu
Departments: Human Resource Development, Career Success

Cheryl Cooper, Ph.D., MSN, RN, Professor Cooper, PhD, MSN, RN

Cheryl Cooper

Professor (retired)
Adjunct in Public Health

Phone: 903.566.7263
Email: ccooper@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

Kourtney Cooper, MA, Ed.S, LPC-S

Kourtney Cooper

Clinical Lead

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Melissa Covington, BS, C-TAGME

Melissa Covington

Residency Training Program Specialist

Email: melissa.covington@uttyler.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

No Photo Available

Terry Cowan

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Technology


Reuben Cowan


Phone: 903.566.7121
Email: rcowan@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Reuben Cowan, M.S.

Reuben Cowan


Phone: 903.566.7121
Email: rcowan@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Tammy Cowart

Tammy Cowart

Chair, Accounting, Finance & Business Law
Professor of Business Law

Phone: 903.566.7217
Email: tcowart@uttyler.edu
Department: Business Law

Steven Cox, MD

Steven Cox

Senior Vice President for Clinical Affairs

Phone: 903.877.7456
Email: steven.cox@uthct.edu
Department: Administration

Dee Crabtree, MSN, RN

Dee Crabtree

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5864
Email: dcrabtree@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Aleksandra Cregler

Aleksandra Cregler

Phone: 903.565.5680
Email: acregler@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Thomas Crippen

Thomas Crippen


Phone: 903.566.7362
Email: tcrippen@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

David Criswell, Ph.D., FACSM

David Criswell

Professor and Chair

Phone: 903.566.7178
Email: dcriswell@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

David Criswell, Ph.D., FACSM

David Criswell

Professor and Chair

Phone: 903.566.7178
Email: dcriswell@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

David Criswell, Ph.D., FACSM

David Criswell

Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs

Phone: 903.566.7178
Email: dcriswell@uttyler.edu
Department: Health Professions Leadership

Nicole Cromeans, LMSW

Nicole Cromeans

Behavioral Health Liaison

Deborah Crumpler, PhD, RN, CCRN

Deborah Crumpler

Longview Site Coordinator, Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.663.8226
Email: dcrumpler@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ricardo Cruz, MS, PPG

Ricardo Cruz

Care Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Billy Cryer

Billy Cryer

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Email: bcryer@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature and Languages


Mary Curet

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Arun D. Kulkarni

Arun D. Kulkarni

Professor of Computer Science, Lead Graduate Advisor

Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: akulkarni@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Robert Dahl, MD

Robert Dahl

Department: General Psychiatry

Leslie Dahl, MA, LPC-A

Leslie Dahl


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Sagnik Dakshit

Sagnik Dakshit

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: sdakshit@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Ashley Dalby

Ashley Dalby


Phone: 903.565.5749
Email: adalby@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Ashley Dalby

Ashley Dalby


Phone: 903.565.5749
Email: adalby@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Jessica Dash, MD

Jessica Dash

Department: General Psychiatry

Pradeep Max Dass

Pradeep Dass

Dean, College of Education and Psychology, Professor of Education

Phone: 903.565.5574
Email: pdass@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Stephanie Daugherty

Stephanie Daugherty

Associate Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.566.7013
Email: sdaugherty@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Elena Daughtery

Elena Daughtery

Lecturer and Collaborative Pianist

Phone: 903.566.7425
Email: edaughtery@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Richard David, MD

Richard David

Program Director

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens


Jonathan David, DO

Core Faculty

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

No Photo Available

Andrew Davis

Adjunct Instructor

Email: andrewdavis@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Tyler Davis

Tyler Davis

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: General Surgery


James Davis, DO

Assistant Professor

Department: Pediatrics

Brooke Davis, DO

Brooke Davis, DO

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Madeline Dawsey

Madeline Dawsey

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: mdawsey@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Courtney Day, MSN, RN

Courtney Day

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: cday@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ralph de Similien, MD

Ralph de Similien

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: Adult Psychiatry

Belinda Deal, PhD, RN, CNE

Belinda Deal


Phone: 903.566.7120
Email: bdeal@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Heather Dean

Email: hdean@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Lauren S. Deaton, M.A., LPC

Lauren Deaton

Lecturer of Psychology

Phone: 903.565.5895
Email: laurenthomas@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Farah Deba, B.Pharm., M.Pharm., Ph.D.

Farah Deba

Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903.566.6259
Email: Fdeba@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Alicia Decker, DO

Alicia Decker

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Alicia Decker, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Julie Delello

Julie Delello


Phone: 903.566.7489
Email: jdelello@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Julie Delello, Ph.D.

Julie Delello


Phone: 903.566.7489
Email: jdelello@uttyler.edu
Department: Education


Pamela Delgado

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: pdelgado@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Gigi Delk

Gigi Delk

Adjunct Lecturer

Email: gdelk@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Megan Devine, MD

Megan Devine

Pulmonology, Infectious Lung Diseases and Critical Care Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Stefanie Diaz, MD, Teaching Faculty

Stefanie Diaz, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Jared Dickson

Jared Dickson

Lecturer/Research Associate

Email: jdickson@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Coby W. Dillard

Coby Dillard

Director of Military and Veterans Affairs

Phone: 903-565-5972
Email: cdillard@uttyler.edu
Department: Military and Veterans Success Center


Lauri Dillman

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903-565-5622
Email: ldillman@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Rachel Dingler

Rachel Dingler

Administrative Service Officer

Phone: 903.566.7110
Email: rdingler@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement

Dinh Bio-Ngoc, DO

Boi-ngoc Dinh

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Rural Psychiatry

Jason DiStefano

Jason DiStefano

Lecturer in Chemistry
Assistant JAMP Faculty Director

Phone: 903.566.7185
Email: jdistefano@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Gina M. Doepker

Gina Doepker

Associate Professor of Literacy Education

Phone: 903.566.6206
Email: gdoepker@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Neil Dong, Ph.D.

X. Neil Dong

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

Phone: 903.565.5615
Email: ndong@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Neil Dong, Ph.D.

X. Neil Dong

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

Phone: 903.565.5615
Email: ndong@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Kavitha Donthireddy, MD

Kavitha Donthireddy

Program Director

Department: Hematology And Oncology

Kavitha Donthireddy

Kavitha Donthireddy

Program Director

Department: Hematology And Oncology Fellowship


Edward Dotherow

Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics


James Edward Dotherow

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.1419
Email: james.dotherow@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

M. Rhys Dotson

M. Rhys Dotson

Associate Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: mdotson@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Susan Doty

Susan Doty

Senior Lecturer in Economics, Director for Economic Education & Financial Literacy (CEEFL)

Phone: 903.566.7459
Email: sdoty@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Harold Doty

Harold Doty

Professor of Management

Email: hdoty@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Susan Doty

Susan Doty

Senior Lecturer in Economics, Director for Economic Education & Financial Literacy (CEEFL)

Phone: 903.566.7459
Email: sdoty@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Jasmine Douglas

Jasmine Douglas

Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Robert Droder, MD

Robert Droder

Associate Program Director

Department: Hematology And Oncology Fellowship

Gina Dudley, MSN, RN, ACUE

Gina Dudley

BSN Site Coordinator, Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2307
Email: gdudley@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Brittany Dunsmore

Brittany Dunsmore

Program Administrator

Department: Hematology And Oncology

Frank  Dykes

Frank Dykes

Associate Professor of Special Education and Assistant Director of the School of Education

Phone: 903.565.5772
Email: fdykes@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Frank Dykes, Ed.D.

Frank Dykes

Professor of Special Education

Phone: 903.565.5772
Email: fdykes@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

(No photo available.)

Austin Eagleton

Department: General Surgery Residency

Rosalinda Edwards

Rosalinda Edwards

Administrative Assistant

Email: redwards@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering

Eleftheria Efthymiou

Eleftheria Efthymiou

Assistant Professor

Email: eefthymiou@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Hassan El-Kishky

Hassan El-Kishky

Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering

Phone: 903.565.5580
Email: helkishky@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Andrea Ellinger

Andrea Ellinger

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 903.566.7310 Department: Human Resource Development

Kimberly Elliott, PhD

Kimberly Elliott

Associate Chair

Phone: 903.877.1498
Email: kimberly.elliott@uthct.edu
Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Kimberly Elliott, PhD

Kimberly Elliott

Associate Professor, Healthcare Policy, Economics and Management

Phone: 903.877.7498
Email: kimberly.elliott@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

Emmanuel Elueze, MD, PhD, MPA (HCA), FACP

Emmanuel Elueze

VP - Medical Education and Professional Development

Phone: 903.877.8755 Department: Administration

Jeffrey Emge

Jeffrey Emge

Professor of Music

Phone: 903.566.7091
Email: jemge@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Ming Emiru, MD, Teaching Faculty

Mingiziem Emiru, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Juan Enrique Alonso

Juan Enrique Alonso

Adjunct Lecturer, Tuba and Euphonium

Email: jalonsofernandez@uttyler.edu
Department: Music


Charles Escamilla

Multimedia Producer/Photographer

Email: charlesescamilla@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

Jessica Escareno

Jessica Escareno

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.7397
Email: Jessica.Escareno@uttyler.edu
Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Lyndsey Estrada

Lyndsey Estrada

Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

John Evans

John Evans

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Evans Rachel

Rachel Evans

IELI Instructor; IELI Recruitment, Web Communications and Marketing; U.S. Dept. of State Passport Acceptance Facility Coordinator / Agent

Phone: 903.565.5701
Email: ieli@uttyler.edu
Department: Ieli

LeeAnn Fabry

LeeAnn Fabry

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5558
Email: LFabry@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Layla Farahani, DO

Layla Farahani

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

No Photo Available

Jasmine Farrish

Nurse Supervisor, NFP

Email: jasmine.farrish@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Dominick Fazarro

Dominick Fazarro

Professor of Industrial Technology and Industrial Management

Phone: 903.565.5911
Email: dfazarro@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology

Ryan Feather

Ryan Feather

Mid-Western University

Department: Psychology Internship


Julie Feimster

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903-730-3931
Email: jfeimster@uttyler.edu
Departments: Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Sciences

Laura Ferguson, MD

Laura Ferguson

Program Director

Department: Hospice And Palliative Medicine

(No photo available.)

Luis Fernandez

Department: General Surgery Residency


Christian Ferrer, MD

Department: Rural Family Medicine Residency

Shayan Feyzi, DO

Shayan Feyzi

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Lavada Fields, MSN, RN

Lavada Fields

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5554
Email: LFields@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mary Fischer

Mary Fischer

Professor of Accounting

Phone: 903.566.7433
Email: mfischer@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Jesus Flores Banda, MD

Jesus Flores Banda

Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi Facultad de Medicina

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Galina Florova, PhD

Galina Florova

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.7760
Email: galina.florova@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

ChiAyrsh Ford, DO

ChiAyrsh Ford

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Neil Ford

Neil Ford

Emeritus Professor

Phone: 903.566.7249
Email: nford@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

James Fox, MD

James Fox

Program Director, Associate Professor

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler


Emily Fox

Email: emilyfoxnnp@gmail.com
Department: Nursing

Ericka Freeman

Ericka Freeman

Social Work Field Director, Associate Professor in Practice

Email: efreeman@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences


Amber Friday

Executive Assistant

Phone: 903.566.6162
Email: afriday@uttyler.edu
Department: Marketing And Communications

Barry Frizzell, LAT, ATC, PTA, CSCS

Barry Frizzell

Coordinator of Sports Medicine for UT Health East Texas

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Nayeli Fuentes, MD

Nayeli Fuentes, MD

Texas Tech Health Sciences Center - Lubbock

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Brittany Fuller, BS

Brittany Fuller

Program Coordinator

Department: Hematology And Oncology Fellowship

Nelson Fumo

Nelson Fumo

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5588
Email: nfumo@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering


Melissa Gabel

Email: mgabel@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

(No Image Available)

Tyrone Galbreat

Department: General Surgery Residency

No Photo Available

Jay Galeon

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: JGaleon@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Lauren Gandy, MA, LPC

Lauren Gandy


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Sanjana Gangane, DO

Sanjana Gangane

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Michael Gangone

Michael Gangone

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

Phone: 903.565.5872
Email: MGangone@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Amy Gao, DO

Amy Gao

Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler


Kim Garcia

Residence Coordinator - Victory Village

Phone: 903.565.6493
Email: kimberlygarcia@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Jennifer Garner, OTD, OTR, A-RSP

Jennifer Garner

Clinical Assistant Professor & Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, MOT Program

Phone: 903.566.6274
Email: jgarner@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences


Christian Garrett

Email: cgarrett@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Luis Gautier

Luis Gautier

Associate Professor of Economics

Phone: 903.565.5789
Email: lgautier@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

No Photo Available

Hannah Gean

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: hbeggs@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Julie George, PhD, RN, ACUE

Julie George

MSN-Education Coordinator, Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.727.2313
Email: jgeorge@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ghanshyam Ghelani

Ghanshyam Ghelani

Associate Program Director

Department: Hematology And Oncology

Ali  Ghorshi

Ali Ghorshi

Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

Phone: 903.566.6137
Email: aghorshi@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

John Gianaris, MD

John Gianaris

Indiana University School of Medicine

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Callie Gibson

Callie Gibson

NYIT COM at Arkansas State University

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler


Greg Gilkl

Email: ggill@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Amardeep Gill

Email: amardeepgill@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Priscilla Gilpin Gilpin, M.Ed.

Priscilla Gilpin

Senior Lecturer of Education

Phone: 903.566.7443
Email: pgilpin@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Christine Christy Gipson, PhD, RN, CNE, ACUE

Christine Gipson

Accredited Provider Program Director, Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: cgipson@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

John Givler, DO

John Givler

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Joe  Glavy, Ph.D.

Joe Glavy

Professor & Adjunct, Department of Biology
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903.566.6217
Email: jglavy@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Joseph S Glavy

Joe Glavy

Professor, Pharmacy Department & Adjunct, Department of Biology

Phone: 903.566.6217
Email: jglavy@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Les Glover, MA, LPC

Les Glover


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Shelby Go, Pharm.D.

Shelby Go

Clinical Assistant Professor

Email: sgo@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy


Beverley Golden

Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications and Media Relations

Phone: 903.566.7303
Email: bgolden@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Strategic Communications and Media Relations

Elisabeth Golden

Elisabeth Golden, MD

Assistant Professor


Elisabeth Golden, MD

Assistant Professor

Email: elisabeth.golden@uttyler.edu
Department: Neurology


Elisabeth Golden, MD

Assistant Professor

Email: elisabeth.golden@uttyler.edu
Department: Medicine


Mandy Golman

Email: mgolman@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


John Gonzalez

Email: johngonzalez@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mayver Gonzalez Vargas, MD

Mayver Gonzalez Vargas, MD

Universidad de Zulia Faculty of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Brandon Goodale

Brandon Goodale

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Email: bgoodale@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Venu Gopalakrishna-Remani

Venugopal Gopalakrishna-Remani

Associate Professor of Management
Building: COB 350.49

Phone: 903.565.5807
Email: venugopal@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

No Photo Available

Shakalah Goss

Administrative Associate

Phone: 903.877.5262
Email: shakalah.goss@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Kevin Gosselin, PhD

Kevin Gosselin


Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: kgosselin@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ramona I. Grad, Ph.D.

Ramona Grad

Assistant Chair, Psychology and Counseling, Assistant Professor of Counseling

Phone: 903.566.6269
Email: RGrad@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling


Cynthia Grant

Email: cynthiagrant@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Christy Graves

Christy Graves


Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: cgraves@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Christy Graves

Christy Graves

Associate Professor, White Teaching Fellow, UT Tyler Faculty Fellow for Undergraduate Research

Phone: 903.566.7277
Email: cgraves@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Stephen Graves

Stephen Graves

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: sgraves@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Neil Gray

Neil Gray

Professor and Chair of Chemistry

Phone: 903.566.7429
Email: ngray@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Neil Gray

Neil Gray

Professor of Chemistry
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Phone: 903.566.7368
Email: ngray@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Bradley Green, Ph.D.

Bradley Green

Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.566.6270
Email: bgreen@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Hilary Greene

Hilary Greene

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8100
Email: hgreene@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mark Greenwell, MD

Mark Greenwell, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Matthew Greenwold

Matthew Greenwold

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6303
Email: mgreenwold@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

RaeJean Griffin

RaeJean Griffin

Lecturer/Lab Manager, Industrial Technology and Industrial Management

Phone: 903.566.7211
Email: rgriffin@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology


Teresa Griffin

Email: tgriffin@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Brandon Griffin

Residence Coordinator - Ornelas Hall

Phone: 903.565.5792
Email: bgriffin@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Steven Griffin, DO

Steven Griffin, DO

Department: Rural Family Medicine Residency

No Photo Available

Jack Grisham

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: jgrisham@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Thomas Guderjan

Thomas Guderjan

Professor of Anthropology

Phone: 903.566.7418
Email: tguderjan@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Linda Rios Guevara

Linda Guevara

Carlos Albizu-Miami Campus

Department: Psychology Internship

Rose Guidry, MSN, APRN, RD, LD, FNP-C

Rose Guidry

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5717
Email: rguidry@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Kyle Gullings

Kyle Gullings

Professor of Music

Phone: 903.566.7388
Email: kgullings@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Yasemin Gunpinar

Yasemin Gunpinar

Assistant Professor of Math Education

Email: ygunpinar@uttyler.edu
Department: Education


Craig Gunter

Associate Program Director

Department: Hospice And Palliative Care

Xia Guo, PhD

Xia Guo

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.8357
Email: Xia.Guo@uthct.edu
Department: Cellular And Molecular Biology

Erik Gustafson

Erik Gustafson

Assistant Professor

Email: egustafson@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Liam Guthrie, MD

Liam Guthrie

Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: Rural Psychiatry

Leticia Gutierrez, MSN, RN, TCRN

Leticia Gutierrez

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: lgutierrez@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Erika Gutierrez

Erika Gutierrez

Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Sciences

Phone: 903.566.6145
Email: erikagutierrez@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Barbara Haas, PhD, RN

Barbara Haas

Dean and Professor, Drs. Roy and Lucy Mathis Chair in Nursing

Phone: 903.566.7075
Email: bhaas@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mckenzie Hackmaster, DO

Mckenzie Hackmaster

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Tan Haigh, DO

Tan Haigh

Department: General Psychiatry


Renee Hail

Email: rhail@uttyler.edu


Todd Haines

Copy Center Manager

Phone: 903.566.7236
Email: thaines@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Patriot Printing

Tyler Hall, DO

Tyler Hall, DO

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Korbin Hamner

Korbin Hamner

New Student Programs Coordinator

Phone: 903-565-6462
Email: khamner@uttyler.edu
Departments: Student Engagement, New Student and Family Programs

Ayman Hamouda

Ayman Hamouda

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes - Pharmacy

Phone: 903.565.6578
Email: AHamouda@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Kyongji Han

Kyongji Han

Assistant Professor of Management

Email: khan@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Devin Haney, DO

Devin Haney

Nova Southeastern University Dr Kiran C Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Anna Hanson, MSN, RN, ACUE

Anna Hanson

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8100
Email: annahanson@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Caroline Hardee, MSN, RN

Caroline Hardee

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8222
Email: chardee@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Ronica Harper, MBA

Ronica Harper

Program Manager

Phone: 903.877.8125 Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship

Trey Harrington, DO

Trey Harrington

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Jordan Hartman, DO

Jordan Hartman

A T Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Tyree Hastings

Tyree Hastings

Instructor of Percussion

Phone: 509.981.8054
Email: thastings@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Gary Hatcher

Gary Hatcher

Professor of Studio Art

Email: ghatcher@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Christi Hawkins

Christi Hawkins

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8222
Email: chawkins@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Amy Hayes, Ph.D.

Amy Hayes

Associate Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.565.5753
Email: ahayes@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Kenan Hazirbaba

Kenan Hazirbaba

Professor of Instruction

Email: khazirbaba@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Renee Hebbeler-Clark, MD

Renee Hebbeler-Clark

Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Marvin Heck

Marvin Heck

Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud (Ces)

Department: General Surgery

Mary Heiden

Mary Heiden

Adjunct Lecturer, Music History

Department: Music

Mary Helen Fagan

Mary Helen Fagan

Associate Professor of Management

Email: mfagan@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Richard Helfers

Richard Helfers

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Phone: 903.566.7399
Email: rhelfers@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Kailey Henderson

Kailey Henderson

Director of University Initiatives

Phone: 903.566.7106
Email: khenderson@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement

Forrest Herman, MD

Forrest Herman

UT Health Science Center San Antonio

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Melinda Hermanns, PhD, RN, PMH-BC, CNE, PN/FCN, ANEF

Melinda Hermanns


Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: mhermanns@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Melinda Hermanns, PhD, RN, BC, CNE, PN, FCN

Melinda Hermanns

Associate Professor, MSN Program Director

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: mhermanns@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Sergio Hernandez Felix

Sergio Hernandez

Adjunct Lecturer, Guitar

Email: sergiohernandez@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Natasha Hernandez

Natasha Hernandez

Department: Psychology Fellowship

Jennifer Hicks

Jennifer Hicks

Lecturer, Management

Email: jmartinez@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing


William Hill

Email: whill@uttyler.edu

Tiffany Hill, MD

Tiffany Hill

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler


Tiffany HIll, MD

Phone: 903.590.5000
Email: tiffany.hill@uttyler.edu
Department: Pediatrics

James Hines

James Hines

Director of Development and Endowment Compliance

Phone: 903.566.7192
Email: jameshines@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement


Wei-Chin Ho

Assistant Professor

Clayton Hodges

Clayton Hodges

Associate Program Director

Department: Orthopedic Surgery Sports Medicine

Jay Hofweber, MD

Jay Hofweber

Texas A&M University College of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Regina Hogan, MA, LPC

Regina Hogan


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Leo Holm, MD

Leo Holm

Chief Clinical Informatics Officer, Assistant Professor

Email: leo.holm@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Jessica Holm, Ph.D.

Jessica Holm

Associate Professor of Counseling

Phone: 903.566.7298
Email: jholm@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Jennifer R. Honda, ,Phd, ,ATSF

Jennifer Honda

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.8730 Department: Cellular And Molecular Biology

JungHwa (Jenny) Hong

JungHwa Hong

Associate Professor of Marketing

Email: jhong@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Elisabeth Hooker, MS, LPC

Elisabeth Hooker

Behavioral Health Specialist

Department: Licensed Professional Counselor

Amjad Hossain

Amjad Hossain


Phone: 903.566.6288
Email: shossain@uttyler.edu
Department: Construction Management

Chialing Hsieh

Chialing Hsieh

Associate Professor of Finance

Email: chsieh@uttyler.edu
Department: Finance

Yezi Hu

Yezi Hu

Assistant Professor

Email: yezihu@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Lei Hua

Lei Hua

Assistant Professor of Management

Email: lhua@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Lorianne Hubbard

Lorianne Hubbard

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7250
Email: lhubbard@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Liseth Hubbard

Liseth Hubbard


Email: lisethhubbard@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication


Amy Huff


Phone: 903.566.7118
Email: ahuff@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Dewane Hughes

Dewane Hughes

Professor of Studio Art, Studio Art Graduate Program Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5510
Email: dhughes@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Teresa Hunt, MSN, RN

Teresa Hunt

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7122
Email: thunt@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Daelynn Hunter

Daelynn Hunter

Email: dhunter@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Shariful Huq

Shariful Huq


Phone: 903.566.6107
Email: shuq@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Photo of Jeannie

Jeannie Hurst

Student Success Coordinator at HSC

Phone: 903.877.7560
Email: jhurst@uttyler.edu
Departments: Student Engagement, Student Services-HSC


Liz Hutson

Director of Special Events

Phone: 903.566.6104
Email: ehutson@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Community Engagement and Special Events

Chung Hyun Goh

Chung Hyun

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6125
Email: cgoh@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Zita Husing

Zita Hüsing

Assistant Professor of English

Email: zhusing@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Mitsuo Ikebe, PhD

Mitsuo Ikebe

Chair - Professor

Phone: 903.877.7785 Department: Cellular And Molecular Biology

Premananda  Indic

Premananda Indic

Professor & Associate Chair of Electrical Engineering, MSEE Graduate Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.6208
Email: PIndic@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Mayzan Isied

Mayzan Isied

Phone: 903.565.5872
Email: misied@uttyler.edu
Department: Construction Management

(No photo available.)

Sherif Iskander


Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Hishaam Ismael, MD

Hishaam Ismael

Program Director

Phone: 903.877.7831 Department: General Surgery Residency

Danielle Jackson, DO

Danielle Jackson

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Alex Jacobsen, DO

Alex Jacobsen

Sports Medicine Fellowship

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Hui James

Hui James

Professor of Finance

Email: hjames@uttyler.edu
Department: Finance

Kevin James

Kevin James

Department Chair, Associate Professor of Marketing

Email: kjames@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing


Ronda James

Health Affairs Special Events Coordinator

Phone: 903.877.1407
Email: ronda.james@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Community Engagement and Special Events

Katherine-Michelle James, MD

Katherine-Michelle James

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Samakti Jariwala, MD

Samakti Jariwala

Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Navi Mumbai

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Emily Jean Standridge

Emily Jean

Associate Professor of English, Writing Center Director

Phone: 903.566.7374
Email: estandridge@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Woohyoung Jeon, PhD

Woohyoung Jeon

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7042
Email: wjeon@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Woohyoung Jeon, PhD

Woohyoung Jeon

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7042
Email: wjeon@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Shinhee Jeong

Shinhee Jeong

Associate Professor

Email: sjeong@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development


Tammy Jernigan

Email: tammyjernigan@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Anett K. Jessop

Anett Jessop

Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing

Email: ajessop@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Sarah Jethro, DO

Sarah Jethro

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Sarah Jethro, DO

Chief Resident

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Alpesh Jethva, MD, Teaching Faculty

Alpesh Jethva, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

No Photo Available

Lisa Jett

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.565.5774
Email: ljett@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement


Ahmad Jibreen

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5884
Email: ajibreen@uttyler.edu
Department: Construction Management

Madeline Jimenez, MD, Teaching Faculty

Madeline Jimenez, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Tiya Johnson, MD

Tiya Johnson

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

No Photo Available

Dawn Johnson

RN Nurse Home Visitor

Email: Dawn.Johnson@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Lauren Johnson

Lauren Johnson

Lecturer in Chemistry

Phone: 903.565.5508
Email: laurenjohnson@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

(No photo available.)

Natalie Johnson

Internal Medicine, Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler


Lauren Johnson

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry

Phone: 903.565.5508
Email: laurenjohnson@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry


Melanie Johnson

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903-565-5850
Email: melaniejohnson@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Gail Johnson

Gail Johnson

Adjunct Lecturer

Email: Gjohnson@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

TeAna Joiner

TeAna Joiner

Referral Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Adarsh Jones, MD

Adarsh Jones

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Kara Jones

Email: karajones@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Dennis Jones

Dennis Jones

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6433
Email: DennisJones@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology


Danielle Joubert

Senior Multimedia Producer

Phone: 903.565.5698
Email: djoubert@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

Cole Joubert, MD

Cole Joubert

Medical College of Wisconsin

Department: General Surgery

Vicki Jowell, MSN-ED, RN

Vicki Jowell

RN-BSN Coordinator, Clinical Senior Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7194
Email: vjowell@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Vanessa Joyner

Vanessa Joyner

Master of Fine Arts, MFA, Associate Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.566.7301
Email: vjoyner@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Bryan Juan, MD

Bryan Juan

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Email: bryan.juan@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Carrie Judd MSN, FNP, ACUE

Carrie Judd

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8222
Email: cjudd@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Justin Judd

Justin Judd

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Jatin Julakanti, MD

Jatin Julakanti

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Psychiatry

Bockgie Jung, DVM, PhD

Bock-Gie Jung

Research Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.5293
Email: bockgie.jung@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Claudine Kadmon, DO

Claudine Kadmon

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Forrest Kaiser, Ed.D.

Forrest Kaiser

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.6434
Email: fkaiser@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Fatemeh Kalantari

Fatemeh Kalantari

Adjunct Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

Email: fkalantari@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Kostas Kalfas

Kostas Kalfas

Assistant Professor

Email: kkalfas@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Shaheera Kamal, MD

Shaheera Kamal

Jinnah Sindh Medical University

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Gayathri Kambhampati

Gayathri Kambhampati


Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: gkambhampati@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Joseph Kamto

Joseph Kamto

Adjunct Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

Email: jkamto@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Hirofumi Kanazawa, MD

Hirofumi Kanazawa

Shinshu University

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Nitin Kanneganti, MD

Nitin Kanneganti

Creighton University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Shashi Kant, PhD

Shashi Kant

Associate Professor of Pulmonary Immunology

Phone: 903.877.7684
Email: shashi.kant@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Wayne Karaki, MD

Wayne Karaki

Internal Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Sai Katuri

Sai Katuri

Assistant Professor Accounting

Phone: 903.565.5893
Email: skaturi@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Ramandeep Kaur, DO

Ramandeep Kaur

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Maria Kellermann Jiminez

Maria Kellermann Jiminez

Research Assistant

Email: maria.kellermannjiminez@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Katrin  Kellner

Katrin Kellner

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7009
Email: kkellner@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Kayla Kelly, MSN, RN, CPN

Kayla Kelly

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2304
Email: kkelly@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Matthew  Kelly

Matthew Kelly

Assistant Professor of English

Email: MKelly@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Teresa J. Kennedy, Ph.D.

Teresa J. Kennedy

Professor, International STEM and Bilingual/ELL Education

Phone: 903.566.7448
Email: tkennedy@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Richard Kenney, Jr.

Richard Kenney

Social Work Program Director, Associate Professor in Practice

Phone: 903.565.6431
Email: rkenney@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Grace Kenney, DO

Grace Kenney

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Rural Psychiatry

Ben Kensing

Ben Kensing

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Department: General Surgery

(No photo available.)

Brent Kerns

Department: General Surgery Residency


Olivia Keyes

Residence Coordinator - Liberty Landing

Phone: 903.565.5725
Email: okeyes@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Barry Keys

Barry Keys

Adjunct Professor

Email: bkeys@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering

Shaadi Khademi, MD

Shaadi Khademi

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.1409
Email: shaadi.khademi@uthct.edu
Department: Occupational And Environmental Health Sciences

Tahsin Khajah

Tahsin Khajah

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7245
Email: tkhajah@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Mohammed Khan, DO

Mohammed Khan

Department: General Psychiatry

Fatima Khan, MD

Fatima Khan

St. George's University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Faiz Khan, MD

Faiz Khan

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Department: Rural Psychiatry


Carol Killingley, MPH

Project Manager

Department: Medicine

Hoyoung Kim

Hoyoung Kim

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Email: hoyoungkim@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Elijah Kim, DO

Elijah Kim

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Paula Kincaid

Paula Kincaid

Assistant Professor of Management

Phone: 903.565.5897
Email: pkincaid@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Lauren Kirby, Ph.D.

Lauren Kirby

Associate Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.566.7154
Email: lkirby@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Jennifer Klein

Jennifer Klein

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Phone: 903.566.7438
Email: jenniferklein@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Bryan Knous

Bryan Knous

Career Success Coach – Soules College of Business

Phone: 903.566.7027
Email: bknous@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success

Jillian Kocialski

Jillian Kocialski

Program Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine


Sandra Kolapo

Email: skolapo@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Andrey Komissarov, PhD

Andrey Komissarov


Phone: 903.877.5183
Email: andrey.komissarov@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Deborah Koslover

Deborah Koslover

Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: dkoslover@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

James  Koukl

James Koukl

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Nicholas Kreyling, DO

Nicholas Kreyling

Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

Anna Kuklina, MD

Anna "Anya" Kuklina

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Psychiatry

Ashley Kutach

Ashley Kutach

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

(No photo available.)

Maxwell Kwaku


Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Javier Kypuros

Javier Kypuros

Dean for the College of Engineering

Phone: 903.566.7267
Email: jkypuros@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Carla Lacerda

Carla Lacerda

Assistant Professor

Email: clacerda@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering

Autumn Ladd, MSN, RN, CWOCN

Autumn Ladd

BSN Tyler Site Coordinator, Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5956
Email: aladd@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Pamela Lake, PhD, RN, AHN-BC

Pamela Lake

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7113
Email: plake@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Shelbie Powell

Shelbie Lambert

Outreach Education Coordinator

Phone: 903.877.1440
Email: shelbie.lambert@uthct.edu
Department: Occupational And Environmental Health Sciences

Sarah Lang

Sarah Lang

Residency & Education Program Manager - GME

Phone: 903.877.1410 Department: Health Science Center


Melissa Lanier

Creative Services Project Manager

Phone: 903.565.5707
Email: mlanier@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Anna Larson

Anna Larson

Adjunct Instructor, Violin and Chamber Music

Email: alarson@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Heshium Lawrence

Heshium Lawrence

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7331
Email: hlawrence@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology

(No photo available.)

Minh Le

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Email: minh.le@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Joshua Leamons

Joshua Leamons

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Technology

Randy LeBlanc

Randy LeBlanc


Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: rleblanc@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science

Rudrick Ledesma, MD, Core Faculty

Rudrick Ledesma, MD

Core Faculty

Department: Nephrology


Gerald Ledlow


Phone: 903.877.1441
Email: Gerald.Ledlow@uttyler.edu
Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Young Ran Lee

Young Lee


Email: younglee@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Jason Lee

Jason Lee

Administrative Assistant II

Phone: 903.877.5924
Email: jason.lee@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

Jiyong Lee

Jiyong Lee

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

Phone: 903.566.6275
Email: jiyonglee@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry


Hannah Leitner

Health Affairs Marketing and Communications Manager

Phone: 903.877.5805
Email: Hannah.Leitner@uthct.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Vijaya Lella (Rao), PhD

Vijaya Lella (Rao)


Phone: 903.877.7332 Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Laurence Lenz, DO

Laurence Lenz

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Foster Lerner

Foster Lerner

Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Occupational Medicine

Deirdre Leung, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC

Deirdre Leung

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: dleung@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jeffrey Levin, MD, MSPH, DrPH, FACOEM, FACP

Jeffrey Levin

Director for Population Health and System Science

Phone: 903.877.7270
Email: jeffrey.levin@uthct.edu
Department: Occupational Medicine

Jeffrey Levin, MD, MSPH, DrPH, FACOEM, FACP

Jeffrey Levin

Director for Population Health and System Science, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.7270
Email: jeffrey.levin@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis

Lecturer in Chemistry

Phone: 903.566.7206
Email: jeromelewis@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Yi Li

Yi Li

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Email: yli@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science


Jamie Librizzi, M.D.

Chair of Children's and Women's Health

Email: jamie.librizzi@uttyler.edu
Department: Childrens and Womens Health

Mary Linehan

Mary Linehan

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: mlinehan@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Mandy Link

Mandy Link

Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: mlink@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Roger Lirely

Roger Lirely

Professor of Accounting

Phone: 903.565.5762
Email: rlirely@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Elizabeth Lisot

Elizabeth Lisot-Nelson

Associate Professor of Art History

Phone: 903.566.7484
Email: elisot@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Shuhao Liu

Shuhao Liu

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903-566-6332
Email: sliu@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering

Alan  Lizarraga

Alan Lizarraga

Laboratory Technical Supervisor, Lecturer

Phone: 903.565.5531
Email: alizarraga@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology


Richard Llave

Senior Web Developer

Phone: 903.566.7061
Email: rllave@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Web Services

Zara Lodhra, DO

Zara Lodhra

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Clarissa Long, DO

Clarissa Long

Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Athens

Kelsey Long, MD

Kelsey Long

St. George's University

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Clarissa Long, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Eric Lopez, ABD

Eric Lopez

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: elopez@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science


Gilbert Lopez, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Nour Louzon, MD

Nour Louzon, MD

Universidad de Guadalajara Faculty of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Anita Lowe, MSN, RN

Anita Lowe

Clinical Senior Instructor

Phone: 903.663.8100
Email: alowe@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Larry Lowry, PhD

Larry Lowry

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 903.877.1411
Email: larry.lowry@uthct.edu
Department: Health Science Center

Maolin Lu, PhD

Maolin Lu

Associate Professor, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Phone: 903.877.8738
Email: maolin.lu@uttyler.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Cortney  Hughes

Cortney Lynn


Phone: 903.566.7249
Email: ccharba@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Kerri M. Camp

Kerri M. Camp

Professor of Marketing
Building: COB 350.33

Phone: 903.565.5660
Email: kcamp@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Ryan Madison, DO

Ryan Madison

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Ryan Madison, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

(No photo available.)

Eric Madore

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Sara Maguina, DO

Sara Maguina

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Payaam Mahdavian, DO

Payaam Mahdavian

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Yasser Mahgoub

Yasser Mahgoub

Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

Email: ymahgoub@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Ashton Maisel

Ashton Maisel

Parent & Family Programs Coordinator

Phone: 903-565-5668
Email: amaisel@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Madhura Maiya

Madhura Maiya

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5522
Email: mmaiya@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Madhura Maiya

Madhura Maiya

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5522
Email: mmaiya@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Anannya Malreddy, MBBS, MD

Anannya Malreddy

Malreddy Medical College for Women

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Joel Marcus

Joel Marcus

Associate Professor

Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship

Carolyn Marie Tilghman

Carolyn Marie

Professor of Emeritus

Email: ctilghman@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

David Marks

David Marks

Senior Lecturer of Accounting

Email: dmarks@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Wallace Marsh

Wallace Marsh

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903-730-3942
Email: wmarsh@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Jenifer Martin, MS, LPC-S

Jenifer Martin

Clinical Lead

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

(No photo available.)

Joseph Martins

Hematology and Oncology

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Thomas Maryon, DHA

Thomas Maryon

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.1452
Email: thomas.maryon@uthct.edu
Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Rachel Mason

Rachel Mason

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Chief Health Professions Adviser / JAMP Faculty Director

Phone: 903.565.5641
Email: rmason@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Ethan Massingill, DO

Ethan Massingill

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Beth Mastel-Smith, RN, MS, PhD, FNGNA

Beth Mastel-Smith


Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: bmastel-smith@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Achsah Mathew, MD

Achsah Mathew

Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Jennifer Matthew, DO

Jennifer Mathew

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Rural Psychiatry

Nicoel Mattes

Nicoel Mattes

The University of Texas San Antonio School of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Joanna  Matuszak

Joanna Matuszak

Assistant Professor of Art History

Phone: 903.566.7398
Email: jmatuszak@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Traci Mayo

Traci Mayo

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: tmayo@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Jeremy McBain

Jeremy McBain

Associate Professor of Music

Phone: 903.565.5894
Email: jmcbain@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Susan McBride, PhD, RN-BC, CPHIMS, FAAN

Susan McBride

Associate Dean of Research, Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: susanmcbride@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

No Photo Available

Sara McCaslin

Adjunct Lecturer

Email: smccaslin@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Donald McClaugherty

Donald McClaugherty

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry

Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Roxanne McClung, MD

Roxanne McClung

American University of the Caribbean

Department: Psychiatry

Nandini Mcclurg

Nandini Mcclurg

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Cheryl McCullumsmith, MD, PhD

Cheryl McCullumsmith


Department: Psychiatry

Faculty Placeholder

Breanne McElderry

Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry

Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Adam McGuire, Ph.D.

Adam McGuire

Associate Professor of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.6268
Email: amcguire@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Mary Angie McInnis, DNP, APRN, ENP, FNP-BC

Mary McInnis

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 713.397.9773
Email: mmcinnis@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Megan McLaughlin

Megan McLaughlin

Medical Education Coordinator

Email: megan.mclaughlin@uthct.edu
Department: Graduate Medical Education

Johnny McMurray, MD

Johnny McMurray, MD

Texas A&M Health Sciences Center College of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler


Caroline McRae-Vogler, MD

Phone: 903.579.2700 Department: Pediatrics

(No photo available.)

Pamela McShane

Pulmonology, Infectious Lung Diseases and Critical Care Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler


Jonathan McSwain

Senior Director of Creative Services

Phone: 903.566.7321
Email: jmcswain@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

Rochell McWhorter

Rochell McWhorter

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7330
Email: rmcwhorter@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development

Brandy Meadows

Brandy Meadows


Email: bmeadows@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Cody Meaux, DO

Cody Meaux, DO

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Neva Mebane, DO

Neva Mebane

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine-Carolinas Campus

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Binod Mehta, MBBS, MD

Binod Mehta

B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Tina Melamed, PhD

Tina Melamed

Assistant Professor, Program DIrector, CSD/SLP Programs

Phone: 903.565.6576
Email: tmelamed@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Sara Memarian Esfahani

Sara Memarian

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: smemarian@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Ryan Menard, MD

Ryan Menard

Program Director

Phone: 903.877.5306
Email: james.menard@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Natalia Menkina-Snider

Natalia Menkina-Snider

Senior Lecturer in English

Phone: 903.566.7458
Email: nmenkina@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Christina Merenda, DO

Christina Merenda

Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry

(No Image Available)

Daniel Merritt

Department: General Surgery Residency

Fara Meza

Fara Meza


Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: fmeza@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics


Jacqueline Michael

Email: jmichael@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

David Milan

David Milan

Professor and Interim Chair

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: dmilan@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

No Photo Available

Ivette Miles

RN Nurse Home Visitor

Email: Ivette.Miles@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Janice Miles, MSN, RN-BC

Janice Miles

Clinical Liaison/Castle Branch, Clinical Senior Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5662
Email: jmiles@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

(No photo available.)

Tyrone Miller

Department: General Surgery Residency

Gary Miller, Ed.D.

Gary Miller

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5675
Email: gmiller@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Laura Miller

Laura Miller

Associate Professor of Instruction in Chemistry

Phone: 903.566.7137
Email: lmiller@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Mark R. Miller

Mark Miller

Chair and Professor, Industrial Technology and Industrial Management

Phone: 903.566.7186
Email: mmiller@uttyler.edu
Department: Technology

Valerie Miller, PhD, APRN, FNP-C

Valerie Miller

Interim MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Coordinator, Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: vmiller@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Hosik Min

Associate Professor

Email: hmin@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health


Hosik Min

Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Amir Mirmiran

Amir Mirmiran

Professor of Civil Engineering

Phone: 903.566.7103
Email: amirmiran@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Swayamdipto Misra, MD

Swayamdipto Misra

Tulane University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Tammy Mitchell

Tammy Mitchell

Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.877.8877
Email: tammy.mitchell@uthct.edu
Department: Hospice And Palliative Care


Kristina Mitchell, MD, FAAP

Phone: 903.590.5000 Department: Pediatrics

Mogle Danny

Danny Mogle

Lecturer and Student Media Adviser

Phone: 903.565.5536
Email: jmogle@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Kouider Mokhtari, Ph.D.

Kouider Mokhtari

Anderson-Vukelja-Wright Endowed Professor

Email: kmokhtari@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

No Photo Available

Lacey Monarch

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development


April Moore

Art Director/Senior Designer

Phone: 903.566.7498
Email: amoore@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

Jenna Moore

Jenna Moore

University of Texas at Tyler

Department: Psychology Internship

Joshua Morgan, MD

Joshua Morgan

Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry


Howard Morris

Department: Nursing

Daniel Morris

Daniel Morris


Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: danielmorris@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Dana Morris

Dana Morris

Assistant Professor

Email: danamorris@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Paige Moudy, DO

Paige Moudy

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: General Surgery

(No photo available.)

Christine Moulds-Merrit

Department: General Surgery Residency

Hala Mouneimne, DO

Hala Mouneimne

Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry


Marinel Munda, M.D.

Phone: 903.363.3608
Email: marinelpamatmat@gmail.com
Department: Pediatrics

Syed Munir, DO

Syed Munir

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Brittany Murley

Brittany Murley

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: bmurley@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jamal Murray, MD

Jamal Murray

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Long School of Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

(No photo available.)

Jason Murry

Associate Program Director

Department: General Surgery Residency

Kristin Mycke

Kristin Mycke


Phone: 903.565.6579
Email: kmycke@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

J. Torey Nalbone

Torey Nalbone

Associate Dean of College of Engineering

Phone: 903.565.5520
Email: TNalbone@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Ian Naron, MD

Ian Naron

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Joshua Neaves

Joshua Neaves

Assistant Vice President for Student Success
Director of Student Engagement

Phone: 903-565-5645
Email: jneaves@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Joanna Neel, Ed.D.

Joanna Neel

Associate Professor of Elementary Education

Phone: 903.565.5750
Email: jneel@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

J. Michelle Nelson

J. Michelle Nelson

ADN-BSN Concurrent Coordinator & Strengths Coach, Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: jenelson@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Dalia Nessim, MD, PhD, MPH

Dalia Nessim

Interim Department Chair

Phone: 903.877.1412
Email: dalia.nessim@uthct.edu
Department: Occupational And Environmental Health Sciences

Dalia Nessim, MD, MPH, FACOEM

Dalia Nessim

Interim Department Chair, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.1412
Email: dalia.nessim@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

No Photo Available

Elizabeth Nesuda

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Pierre Neuenschwander, PhD

Pierre Neuenschwander

Sr Associate Provost

Phone: 903.877.7678
Email: pierre.neuenschwander@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

James  Newsom

James Newsom

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.566.7392
Email: jnewsom@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Jonathan  Newsome, Pharm.D

Jonathan Newsome

Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.6233
Email: jonathannewsome@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Alain Nguyen, DO

Alain Nguyen

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Brenda Nguyen, DO

Brenda Nguyen

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Jimmy Nguyen, DO

Jimmy Nguyen

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Rural Psychiatry

Lac Han Nguyen, MD

Lac Nguyen

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh City

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Thomas Nguyen, DO

Thomas Nguyen

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Kien Nham, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Brittney Nichols, MBA, LPC-S

Brittney Nichols

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

Gina M. Nickels-Nelson, DNP, FNP-BC

Gina Nickels-Nelson

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7146
Email: gnickelsnelson@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Mahdi Niknejad

Mahdi Niknejad

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Phone: 903.565.6142
Email: mniknejad@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Kim Nimon

Kim Nimon

PHD Coordinator, Professor

Phone: 903.566.7310
Email: knimon@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development


Timothy Nix

Associate Professor of Practice

Email: tnix@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

(No photo available.)

Augustine Njoku

Associate Program Director

Department: Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship

Fletcher Njororai, Ph.D.

Fletcher Njororai

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7058
Email: fnjororai@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health


Fletcher Njororai

Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Wycliffe W. Njororai Simiyu, Ph.D.

Wycliffe Njororai


Phone: 903.565.5530
Email: wnjororai@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology


Jeffrey Noblitt

Vice President for Marketing and CCO

Phone: 903.566.7041
Email: jnoblitt@uttyler.edu
Department: Marketing And Communications

Joanna Norman

Joanna Norman

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

(No photo available.)

Scott Norwood

Department: General Surgery Residency

(No photo available.)

Ebube Nwaigwe


Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

No Photo Available

Susan O'Sullivan

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Agnes Obita - Core Faculty

Agnes Obita, MD, APD

Associate Program Director
Core Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Pamella Ochoa, Pharm.D,

Pamella Ochoa

Interim Dean and Clinical Professor
Experiential Education - Pharmacy

Phone: 903.565.5596
Email: pochoa@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Michael Odell, Ph.D.

Michael Odell

Roosth Endowed Chair, Professor of STEM Education

Phone: 903.566.7132
Email: modell@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Maria Ogburn

Maria Ogburn

Adjunct Lecturer, Music History, Music Appreciation

Email: mogburn@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Olaoluwa Ogundele, MBBS, MD

Olaoluwa Ogundele

University of Ibadan

Department: Transitional Year Residency


Olaoluwa "Laolu" Ogundele, MD

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

June Oh

June Oh

Assistant Professor in English and Digital Studies

Email: joh@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Dale Oladunni, MD

Dale Oladunni

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Department: Psychiatry

Yanira Oliveras, Ph.D.

Yanira Oliveras

Associate Professor, School of Education

Phone: 903.565.5639
Email: yoliveras@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Bolarinwa Olusola, MD

Bolarinwa Olusola


Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Aide Onime, MD, Program Director

Aideloje Onime, MD

Program Director

Department: Nephrology

Brian Opella, MSN, RN

Brian Opella

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7098
Email: bopella@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

(No photo available.)

Charles Orji


Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Charles Orji, MD, Core Faculty

Charles Orji, MD

Core Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Carolina Orsi

Carolina Orsi

Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: General Surgery

Andrew Oshiro, MD

Andrew Oshiro

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry

Ifeatu Oti, MD, Teaching Faculty

Ifeatu Oti, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

No Photo Available

James Pace

Faculty Emeritus

Department: Art And Art History


Rebecca Padron(Daniels)

Email: rdaniels@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Jenny Pagan

Coordinator for Housing Administrative Services

Phone: 903.730.3930
Email: jvegapagan@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Stephen Pamatmat, MD, Teaching Faculty

Stephen Pamatmat, MD

Teaching Faculty

Department: Nephrology

Vivek Pandey

Vivek Pandey

Professor of Finance

Phone: 903.566.7224
Email: vpandey@uttyler.edu
Department: Finance

Pierre-Luc Paquet

Pierre-Luc Paquet

Department: Literature And Languages

Jounsup Park

Jounsup Park

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Email: jpark@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Sooah Park

Sooah Park

Associate Professor of Music

Phone: 903.566.7088
Email: spark@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Michelle Parker, MD

Michelle Parker

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Anjali Parti, OTD, OTR/L

Anjali Parti

Program Director, Occupational Therapy

Phone: 903.565.5714
Email: aparti@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Anjali Parti, OTD, OTR/L

Anjali Parti

Chair, Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Clinical Professor

Phone: 903.565.5714
Email: aparti@uttyler.edu
Department: Health Professions Leadership

Dustin Patterson

Dustin Patterson

Professor of Biochemistry
Assistant Chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Phone: 903.565.5623
Email: dpatterson@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Shelby Paul, MD

Shelby Paul

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Peggy Pazos, BS, MBA, C-TAGME

Peggy Pazos

Executive Director,Graduate Medical Education

Phone: 903.877.7253
Email: peggy.pazos@uthct.edu
Department: Graduate Medical Education

Rebecca Peebles DO, CAQSM, FAAFP

Rebecca Peebles

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Program Director

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Zhi Kacie Pei

Zhi Pei

Associate Professor of Marketing

Email: zpei@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

(No photo available.)

Wes Pemberton

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

No Photo Available

Stacey Penny

RN Nurse Home Visitor

Email: Stacie.Penny@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting


David "Gage" Penson

Coordinator of Campus Activities

Phone: 903-566-7050
Email: DPenson@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Jennifer Peoples, MS, LPC-S

Jennifer Peoples

Sr. Program Manager

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Erani Pereira Filho, MD

Erani Pereira Filho

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Faculdade de Medicina

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Ernani Morais Pereira Filho, MD

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

(No photo available.)

Teena Pervaiz

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

Julie Pharr

Julie Pharr

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7352
Email: jpharr@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success

Julie Philley, MD

Julie Philley

President of UT Tyler

Email: president@uttyler.edu
Department: Administration

(No photo available.)

Steven Phillips

Department: General Surgery Residency

Andrew Philpott, DO

Andrew Philpott

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Ron Pieper

Ron Pieper

Retired Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Adjunct Lecturer

Email: rpieper@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Philip Pippin, MD

Philip Pippin

Associate Program Director, Associate Professor of Family Medicine

Email: philip.pippin@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

James Pittman, MD

James Pittman

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Family Medicine Athens


James Pittman, MD

Chief Resident

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

George Plotkin

George Plotkin, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Ryan Poch, MD

Ryan Poch

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Department: Rural Psychiatry

John Pogue, MD

John Pogue

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: Adult Psychiatry


Brent Porter, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Ajay Prabhu, DO

Ajay Prabhu, DO

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Angela Preston, PhD, MSN-Ed, RN, CNE

Angela Preston

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: apreston@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Katherine Prince

Katherine Prince

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7262
Email: kprince@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

2P Patriot Productions

Patriot Productions

Phone: 903-565-5645
Email: getconnected@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement

Tara  Propper

Tara Propper

Assistant Professor of English

Email: tpropper@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

No Photo Available

Joseph Provencher

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Director of Forensics and Head Coach

Email: jprovencher@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Suzanne Pundt

Suzanne Pundt

Senior Lecturer - Retired

Phone: 903.566.7274
Email: spundt@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Suzanne Pundt

Suzanne Pundt

Senior Lecturer/Anatomy and Physiology Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7274
Email: spundt@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Margot Purdy

Margot Purdy, GCDF

Career Success Coach – College of Engineering

Phone: 903.565.5851
Email: mpurdy@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success

Mariam Qazi, DO

Mariam Qazi

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Guoqing Qian, PhD

Guoqing Qian

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.8358 Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Fayz Quadri, DO

Fayz Quadri

Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Amber Quaranta-Leech, MA, LPC-S

Amber Quaranta-Leech

Licensed Professional Counselor

Alicia Quijano

Alicia Quijano

Studio Technician & Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.6156
Email: aconway@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Abdullah Rabah, DO

Abdullah Rabah

Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Laura Rackley, M.Ed., LPC-A, CSC

Laura Rackley


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

No Photo Available

Robin Ragland


Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: rragland@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Mustafijur Rahman, MBBS, MD

Mustafijur Rahman

Chittagong Medical College

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Yvonne Ralph

Yvonne Ralph

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.566.7382
Email: yralph@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Pravitha Ramanand

Pravitha Ramanand

Assistant Research Professor

Email: pramanand@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Kate Rameden-Tipton, MD

Kate Rameden-Tipton

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler


Gilbert Ramirez


Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Phyllis Ramirez, MD

Phyllis Ramirez

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.7168
Email: phyllis.ramirez@uthct.edu
Department: Adult Psychiatry

Gilbert Ramirez

Gilbert Ramirez


Phone: 903.877.5934
Email: gilbert.ramirez@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

Gilbert Ramirez

Gilbert Ramirez

Associate Dean, Assessment, Accreditation and Accountability

Phone: 903.877.5934
Email: gilbert.ramirez@uttyler.edu
Department: Health Professions Leadership


Ivan Ramirez Zuniga

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: iramirezzuniga@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Pawanpreet Randhawa, DO

Pawanpreet Randhawa

Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

Monique Rangel, DO

Monique Rangel

University of the Incarnate Word School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Cassandra Pasmissen

Cassandra Rasmussen

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship


Jordan Ratliff

Social Media Manager

Phone: 903.566.7124
Email: jratliff@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Strategic Communications and Media Relations


Sarah Ratliff, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Linda Raymond, MSN, RN, ACUE

Linda Raymond

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: lraymond@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Fatima Raza, DO

Fatima Raza

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Shiva Reddy, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.590.5555
Email: shivanandan.reddy@utyler.edu
Department: Pediatrics


Wess Reed

Maintenance Supervisor

Phone: 903.565.6410
Email: wreed@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

No Photo Available

Danish Rehman

Adjunct Instructor

Email: drehman@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics


Cheryl Remigio, M.D.

Phone: 903.579.2700
Email: cheryl.remigio@uthet.com
Department: Pediatrics

Fernando Resende

Fernando Resende

Chair & Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.6538
Email: fresende@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemical Engineering


Brandon Respress

Email: brespress@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Anjelica Reyes

Anjelica Reyes

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: anjelicareyes@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

Anjelica Reyes

Anjelica Reyes

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: anjelicareyes@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Anjelica Reyes

Anjelica Reyes

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: anjelicareyes@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Megan Reynolds, MSN, APRN

Megan Reynolds

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: mkira@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jennifer Reynolds

Jennifer Reynolds

Assistant Professor of Practice

Phone: 903.565.5734
Email: jreynolds@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting


Kelli Rial

Email: krial@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Stanley Rich

Program Administrator

Phone: 903.676.1145
Email: christopher.rich@uttyler.edu
Department: Graduate Medical Education


Stanley Rich

Program Administrator

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Dаniel Rifkiո

Dаniel Rifkiո

Digital Engagement Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.6302
Email: drifkin@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement


Cheryl Riley

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7170
Email: criley@uttyler.edu
Department: Marketing And Communications

Brandon Riley, MD

Brandon Riley

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Phone: 903.877.7168
Email: brandon.riley@uthct.edu
Department: Adult Psychiatry

Amber Rios

Amber Rios

Undegraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: arios@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Amber Rios

Amber Rios

Undegraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: arios@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Amber Rios

Amber Rios

Undegraduate Academic Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5757
Email: arios@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health

(No photo available.)

Mark Robbins

Department: General Surgery Residency

Paul Roberts

Paul Roberts

Professor and Bachelor of Science in HRD Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7334
Email: proberts@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development

Sarah Roberts

Sarah Roberts

Associate Professor of Music

Phone: 903.566.7387
Email: sroberts@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Tom Roberts

Tom Roberts

Professor of Computer Science

Email: tomroberts@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Ericka Robinson-Freeman

Ericka Robinson-Freeman

Associate Professor in Practice

Phone: 903.565.6432
Email: efreeman@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Pamela Rodriguez

Pamela Rodriguez

Career Success Coach

Phone: 903.565.5853
Email: prodriguez@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success


Christina Roehrig

Residence Coordinator - Patriot Village

Phone: 903.565.6545
Email: croehrig@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life


Carlton Rojas

Department: Nursing

Jaime Roman, MD

Jaime Roman

Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Jaime Roman, MD

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Katherine Root

Katherine (Katie) Root

Assistant Professor and Associate Program Director

Phone: 903.877.5400 Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Cameron Rose

Cameron Rose

Director of Choral Activities, Professor of Music

Phone: 903.566.7304
Email: crose@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Dixie Rose, PhD, RN, ACUE

Dixie Rose

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.727.2309
Email: drose@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Catherine E. Ross

Catherine Ross

Associate Professor of English

Phone: 903.566.7275
Email: cross@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Catherine E. Ross

Catherine Ross

Associate Professor of English

Phone: 903.566.7275
Email: cross@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Halle Ross-Young, PsyD

Halle Ross-Young

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine

Email: Halle.Ross-Young@uthct.edu
Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship

Susan Rossman

Susan Rossman

Associate Vice President for University Advancement

Phone: 903.566.7047
Email: srossman@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement


Brandi Rowen

Email: browen@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Miriam Rowntree

Miriam Rowntree

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Email: mrowntree@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Bethany Rudolph, MSN, RN

Bethany Rudolph

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7029
Email: brudolph@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Maggie Ruelle

Department: Nursing

Jessica Rueter, Ph.D.

Jessica Rueter

Associate Professor of Special Education

Email: jrueter@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Sara  Rumbelow

Sara Rumbelow

Lecturer and Anatomy & Physiology Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.6198
Email: srumbelow@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Danny Russell, MD

Danny Russell

Ross University School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Tsuyoshi Sakai, Phd

Tsuyoshi Sakai

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.7224 Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Melissa Salgado

Melissa Salgado

Lecturer, Model UN Director

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: msalgado@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science

Buka Samten, MD

Buka Samten

Associate Professor of Microbiology/lmm

Phone: 903.877.7665
Email: buka.samten@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

No Photo Available

Jessica Sanders

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7250
Email: jsanders@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

(No photo available.)

Dinesh Sangana

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Christos Sarantopoulos, MD

Christos Sarantopoulos

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Sarah Sass, Ph.D.

Sarah Sass

Interim Chair and Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology and Counseling

Phone: 903.566.7239
Email: ssass@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

 Muthukrishnan Sathyamoorthy

Muthukrishnan Sathyamoorthy

Associate Dean and Professor and Interim Chair

Phone: 903.565.5939
Email: msathy@uttyler.edu
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Osamu Sato

Osamu Sato

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.7331
Email: Osamu.Sato@uttyler.edu
Department: Cellular And Molecular Biology

Meryem Saygili

Meryem Saygili

Assistant Professor of Economics

Phone: 903.566.7366
Email: msaygili@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Ray Scardina, MD

Ray Scardina

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Phone: 903.877.7168 Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry


Tanya Schlemmer

Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: tschlemmer@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Andrew L. Schmitt, PhD

Andrew Schmitt

Psychology Section Chief, Director of Neuropsychology

Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship

Kiley Schneider

Kiley Schneider

Associate Program Director, Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship


Kyna Schreiber, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine in Neurology

Department: Neurology

Robert P. Schumaker

Robert Schumaker

Professor of Computer Science

Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: rschumaker@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Amy H Schwartz, PharmD, BCPS

Amy Schwartz


Phone: 903.566.7168
Email: aschwartz@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Audrey  Scott

Audrey Scott

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7250 Department: Art And Art History

Brenna Scott-Rothrock

Brenna Scott-Rothrock

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7020
Email: BScottRothrock@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Jon N. Seal

Jon Seal

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.7126
Email: jseal@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Stephanie Sealey, MA, LPC-A

Stephanie Sealey


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Tim Seiter

Tim Seiter

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: tseiter@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Alexis Serio Hughes

Alexis Serio

Professor of Studio Art & MA/MFA Graduate Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7248
Email: aserio@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Natalie Serrano

Natalie Serrano

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: NSerrano@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Jordan Sexe, DO

Jordan Sexe

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine – Hattiesburg, MS

Department: Internal Medicine Residency – Ut Tyler Health Science Center

(No photo available.)

Vandana Shah

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Vishal Sharma

Vishal Sharma

Assistant Professor of Finance

Email: vsharma@uttyler.edu
Department: Finance

Tina Sharma, MD

Tina Sharma

St. Martinus University Faculty of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Ryan Shartau

Ryan Shartau

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7323
Email: rshartau@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Christopher  Shaw

Christopher Shaw

Adjunct Lecturer

Email: cshaw@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science


Kyna Shcreiber, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine in Neurology, Neurohospitalist

Department: Medicine

Devan Sheffield, DO

Devan Sheffield

Rocky Vista College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Mohammed Aamir Sheikh, DO

Mohammed Sheikh

Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine – Harrogate, TN

Department: Internal Medicine Residency – Ut Tyler Health Science Center

Kayla Shelton

Kayla Shelton

Program Manager

Phone: 903.877.1417
Email: kayla.shelton@uthct.edu
Department: Health Science Center

Cynthia Sherman, M.Ed.

Cynthia Sherman

Senior Lecturer of Education

Phone: 903.566.7012
Email: csherman@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Cynthia Sherman, M.Ed.

Cynthia Sherman

Distinguished Senior Lecturer of Education

Phone: 903.566.7012
Email: csherman@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Lynn Sherrod

Lynn Sherrod

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Sreerama Shetty, PhD

Sreerama Shetty


Phone: 903.877.7789 Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Mukul Shirvaikar

Mukul Shirvaikar

Professor of Electrical Engineering, BSEE Undergraduate Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5620
Email: mshirvaikar@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Osama A. Shoair, PhD

Osama Shoair

Assistant Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes

Phone: 903.565.6523
Email: oshoair@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Tanya Shtoyko

Tanya Shtoyko

Professor of Chemistry
Chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Phone: 903.565.5502
Email: tshtoyko@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Sarah Siddiqui, MD

Sarah Siddiqui

Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, TX

Department: Hospice And Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Mark Sidey

Mark Sidey

Associate Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.565.5692
Email: msidney@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

David Silberman

David Silberman

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Elizabeth Sills

Elizabeth Sills

Associate Professor of Geography

Phone: 903.566.7442
Email: esills@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Olivia Simbler

Olivia Simbler

Program Coordinator

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Stephanie Simmons, PsyD

Stephanie Simmons

Program Director, Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology

Email: stephanie.simmons@uthct.edu
Department: Psychology Internship Fellowship

Andrea Simmons

Andrea Simmons

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7250
Email: asimmons@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Archit Singh, MD

Archit Singh

McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Pauline Skowrone

Pauline Skowron

Sports Medicine Fellowship

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Zackery Slaughter, MD

Zackery Slaughter

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Rural Psychiatry

John Sloan, Ph.D.

John Sloan

Associate Clinical Professor

Phone: 903.566.7123
Email: jsloan@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health


John Sloan

Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Yahyah Smadi

Yahyah Smadi

University of Damascus

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

No Photo Available

Shannon Smallwood

RN Nurse Home Visitor

Email: shannon.smallwood@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Diane Smedley

Diane Smedley

Assistant Professor of Counseling

Phone: 903.565.5677
Email: dsmedley@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Jason J. Smee

Jason Smee

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Phone: 903.566.7069
Email: jsmee@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Jason Smee

Jason Smee

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Assessment Director for Chemistry & Bochemistry

Phone: 903.566.7069
Email: jsmee@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Diana Smith

Diana Smith

Intake Specialist

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Winter J. Smith, Pharm.D., BCPS

Winter Smith

Clinical Professor

Email: wsmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

No Photo Available

Glenn'dra Smith

Administrative Assistant

Phone: 903.566.7253
Email: gsmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication


Lindsey Smith

Email: lindseysmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing


Evan Smith

Multimedia Producer

Email: evansmith@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

Ryleigh Smith, MSN, APRN, PPCNP-BC

Ryleigh Smith

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: ryleighsmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Nathan Smith

Nathan Smith

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: nsmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

JoHannah Smith

JoHannah Smith

Louisiana State University

Department: Psychology Internship

Photo of Robert

Robert Smith

Assistant Director of Greek Affairs

Phone: (903) 565-5645
Email: robertsmith@uttyler.edu
Department: Student Engagement


Valerie Smith, MD, MPH, FAAP

Assistant Professor
Vice Chair of Education

Email: valerie.smith@uttyler.eud
Department: Pediatrics

Rowley Snell, DO

Rowley Snell, DO

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Colin Snider

Colin Snider

Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor

Phone: 903.565.5758
Email: csnider@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

Colin Snider

Colin Snider

Associate Professor and Department Chair

Phone: 903.565.5758
Email: csnider@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Jeanne Son, MD

Jeanne Son

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Huaxin Song, PhD

Huaxin Song

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: hsong@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

William Sorensen, Ph.D.

William Sorensen


Phone: 903.566.7032
Email: wsorensen@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health


William Sorenson

Department: Population Health Leadership and Analytics

Mena Souliman

Mena Souliman

Chair and Professor

Phone: 903.565.5892
Email: MSouliman@uttyler.edu
Departments: Construction Management, Civil Engineering

Dr. Ross Spears

Dr. Ross Spears

Email: jspears@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling


Scharlotte Spencer

Email: sspencer@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Scott Spier, Ph.D.

Scott Spier

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7427
Email: sspier@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology

Scott Spier, Ph.D.

Scott Spier

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7427
Email: sspier@uttyler.edu
Department: Health And Kinesiology

Joshua Splinter, MD

Joshua Splinter

Associate Program Director

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Marcus Stadelmann

Marcus Stadelmann

Professor of Political Science, Chair of History and Political Science

Phone: 903.566.7412
Email: mstadelmann@uttyler.edu
Departments: Political Science, History

Ekaterina Stefanenko

Ekaterina Stefanenko

Adler University - Chicago

Department: Psychology Internship

Brayden Sternbridge, DO

Brayden Stembridge

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Keya Stephens, MSN, RN

Keya Stephens

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2307
Email: keyastephens@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Robert Sterken

Robert Sterken


Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: rsterken@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science

Christopher Stewart

Christopher Stewart

Professor and Department Chair

Email: christopherstewart@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Paige Stewart

Paige Stewart

Executive Director of Development, Health Affairs
Advancement: Development Team

Email: jennifer.stewart@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement

Travis Stewart

Travis Stewart

Department: Psychology Fellowship

Adrienne Stine

Adrienne Stine

Adjunct Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7250
Email: astine@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Matthew Stith

Matthew Stith

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: mstith@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Eric Stocks, Ph.D.

Eric Stocks

Professor of Psychology, Undergraduate Psychology Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5637
Email: estocks@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Patricia J. Stout PhD

Patricia Stout

Lecturer in Communication Studies

Email: pstout@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Paul D. Streufert

Paul Streufert

Professor of English and Director of Honors Program

Phone: 903.565.5823
Email: PStreufert@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Josh Stringer, MD

Josh Stringer

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Email: josh.stringer@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

David Strong

David Strong

Professor of English

Phone: 903.565.5702
Email: DStrong@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Katherine Strout, PhD, RN

Katherine Strout

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.663.8229
Email: kstrout@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Narayanan (Nary) Subramanian

Narayanan Subramanian

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Phone: 903.566.7403
Email: nsubramanian@uttyler.edu
Department: Computer Science

Christina Suikkari, MD

Christina Suikkari

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Department: Psychiatry

Judy Sun

Judy Sun

Associate Professor and Master of Science in HRD Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5912
Email: jsun@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development


Grace Sun

Email: gsun@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Zahide Sunal, Ph.D.

Zahide Sunal

Assistant Professor of Counseling
CMHC Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5899
Email: zsunal@uttyler.edu
Department: Psychology Counseling

Prabha Sundaravadivel

Prabha Sundaravadivel

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Phone: 903.566.6118
Email: PSundaravadivel@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Woonhee Sung

Woonhee Sung

Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology

Phone: 903.566.7175
Email: WSung@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Bhavani Suryadevara, MD

Bhavani Suryadevara

Assistant Professor and Associate Program Director

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Dylan Sutton, DO

Dylan Sutton

University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Colleen Swain, Ph.D.

Colleen Swain

Associate Provost for Academic Success and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Education

Phone: 903.565.5898
Email: cswain@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Krist Swimberghe

Krist Swimberghe

Dean, Associate Professor of Marketing

Phone: 903.566.7360
Email: kswimberghe@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing


Barbara Elise Switzer, MD, MHA, CHSE

Pediatric Hospitalist
Simulation Educator

Email: barbara.switzer@uttyler.edu
Department: Pediatrics

Shawana Tabassum

Shawana Tabassum

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Email: stabassum@uttyler.edu
Department: Electrical Engineering

Edward Tabri

Edward Tabri

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: ETabri@uttyler.edu
Department: History

Michelle Taff

Michelle Taff

Gallery & Media Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.7237
Email: mtaff@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Rahmat Talukder, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Rahmat Talukder

Chair and Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes - Pharmacy

Phone: 903.565.5920
Email: rtalukder@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Hua Tang, PhD

Hua Tang


Phone: 903.877.7938
Email: hua.tang@uthct.edu
Department: Cellular And Molecular Biology

Gloria Tarango

Gloria Tarango

Care Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Tina Taylor

Tina Taylor

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7031
Email: tinataylor@uttyler.edu
Department: Kinesiology


Megan Taylor

Email: mtaylor@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Traci Taylor, OTD, OTR

Traci Taylor

Clinical Assistant Professor, MOT Program

Phone: 903.566.6273
Email: tracitaylor@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences


Rowan Teboh

Email: rteboh@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

No Photo Available

Cassie Thacker

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2306
Email: cthacker@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Christopher Thomas, Ph.D.

Christopher Thomas

Assistant Professor of Education and C&I coordinator/advising

Phone: 903.566.7171
Email: cthomas@uttyler.edu
Department: Education


Sam Thornton

Assistant Director of Housing Business Operations

Phone: 903.566.7008
Email: sthornton@uttyler.edu
Department: Housing & Residence Life

Michael Thornton, MD

Michael Thornton

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Chi Tian

Chi Tian

Phone: 903.565.5516
Email: ctian@uttyler.edu
Department: Construction Management


Camijo Tice-Harouff

Email: cticeharouff@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Michael Tidwell

Michael Tidwell


Email: mtidwell@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Yordanos Tiruneh, PhD

Yordanos Tiruneh

Associate Professor, Preventive Medicine and Population Health, School of Medicine
Teaching Faculty, Public Health, School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.877.1445
Email: yordanos.tiruneh@uthct.edu
Department: Public Health

Mark Tobias, DO

Mark Tobias

Department: General Psychiatry

Robert Tompkins, MD

Robert Tompkins

Chair, Associate Professor, Program Director Rural Family Medicine

Phone: 903.877.7208
Email: robert.tompkins@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Robert Tompkins

Robert Tompkins, MD

Department: Rural Family Medicine Residency

(No photo available.)

Raul Torres-Heisecke

Cardiology and ElectroPhysiology

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler


Taylor Tracey

Copy Center Operator

Phone: 903.565.5696
Email: ttracey@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Patriot Printing

Colleen Trainor

Colleen Trainor

Laboratory/Stockroom Supervisor for Chemistry & Biochemistry

Phone: 903.565.5525
Email: ctrainor@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Michael Tran, DO

Michael Tran

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Uyen Tran, DO

Uyen Tran

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Anh-Dao Tran, DO

Anh-Dao Tran

Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Transitional Year Residency

My-Huyen Tran, MD

My-Huyen Tran

Associate Program Director, Associate Professor of Family Medicine

Email: my-huyen.tran@uthct.edu
Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Trang Tran, MD

Trang Tran

Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Torry Tucker, PhD

Torry Tucker

Associate Dean Research

Phone: 903.877.7010
Email: torry.tucker@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Stephanie Tuma

Stephanie Tuma

Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.877.7278
Email: stephanie.tuma@uthct.edu
Department: Psychiatry

Byron Turner, MD

Byron Turner

St. George's University School of Medicine

Department: Psychiatry

John Turner

John Turner

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Faculty Placeholder

Bryan Tuten

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

(No photo available)

Kimberly Tutt

Accreditation and Development Manager

Phone: 903.877.5834
Email: kimberly.tutt@uthct.edu
Department: Graduate Medical Education

Amy Tvinnereim, PhD

Amy Tvinnereim

Associate Professor, Director

Phone: 903.877.5189
Email: amy.tvinnereim@uthct.edu
Department: Biology


Sarah Tyner, M.D.

Phone: 903.541.5463
Email: sarah.tyner@uthet.com
Department: Pediatrics

Nusrat Uddin, DO

Nusrat Uddin

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry

Ndukwe Uduma, MD

Ndukwe Uduma

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Department: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

Chaitanya Undavalli, MD

Chaitanya Undavalli

Mahadevapappa Rampure Medical College, India

Department: Hospice And Palliative Medicine Fellowship

(No photo available.)

Ilanko Upendran

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Hareem Usmani, MD

Hareem Usmani

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Gregory Utley

Gregory Utley

Associate Professor of Spanish

Phone: 903.566.7464
Email: gutley@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Mariah Valentine

Mariah Valentine

Referral Coordinator

Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Joseph Vandehey

Joseph Vandehey

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: jvandehey@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Raman (Krishna) Vankayalapati, PhD

Raman (Krishna) Vankayalapati


Phone: 903.877.5190
Email: rama.vankayalapati@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Sasa Van Rubino

Sasa Vann Rubino

Texas Woman's University

Department: Psychology Internship

Ashleigh Varela, MA, LPC-A

Ashleigh Varela


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Michael Vasquez

Michael Vasquez

Program Coordinator

No Photo Available

Laura Vasquez

RN Nurse Home Visitor

Email: Laura.Vazquez@uttyler.edu
Department: Texas Home Visiting

Darryn Vazquez, MD

Darryn Vazquez

Baylor College of Medicine

Department: Transitional Year Residency

Gabriella Vazquez

Gabriella Vazquez

Career Success Coach – School of Nursing & School of Health Professions

Phone: 903.730.3969
Email: gabriellavazquez@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success

Jose Vega

Jose Vega

Clinical Professor

Phone: 903.566.6581
Email: jvega@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Leah Velarde

Leah Velarde

Director of Career Success

Phone: 903.566.7024
Email: lvelarde@uttyler.edu
Department: Career Success

Nagarjun Venkata

Nagarjun Venkata

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.877.7224
Email: nagarjun.konduruVenkata@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Michael  Veronin, Ph.D.

Michael Veronin

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Outcomes - Pharmacy

Phone: 903.566.6148
Email: mveronin@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Elmira Veselinovic, MD

Elmira Veselinovic, MD

Windsor University School of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Courtney Vinson

Courtney Vinson

Clinical Coordinator, SLP Program

Phone: 903.877.7295
Email: Courtney.Vinson@uttyler.edu
Department: Rehabilitation Sciences

Brittany Wagner, MD

Brittany Wagner

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

Department: General Surgery

Don Wagner Killebrew

Don Wagner

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Amentahru Wahlrab, Ph.D.

Amentahru Wahlrab

Professor and Graduate Advisor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: awahlrab@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science


Laura Waits

Assistant Vice President for Digital Strategy and Web Development

Phone: 903.565.5736
Email: lwaits@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Web Services

Valdime Walker

Valdime Walker

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7402
Email: vwalker@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Karen Walker, PhD, RN, MBA

Karen Walker

Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5649
Email: kwalker@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Richard J. Wallace Jr., MD

Richard Wallace


Phone: 903.877.7680
Email: richard.wallace@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Elaine Wallace, MSN, RN, ACUE

Elaine Wallace

Palestine Campus Director, Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2315
Email: ewallace@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Takova Wallace-Gay, PharmD, BCACP

Takova Wallace-Gay

Clinical Assistant Professor, Fisch College of Pharmacy Clinical Sciences

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Takova Wallace-Gay, PharmD., BCACP

Takova Wallace-Gay

Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.6140
Email: twallacegay@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Alex Wang, MD

Alex Wang

Sports Medicine Fellowship

Department: Primary Care Sports Medicine

Greg Wang

Greg Wang


Phone: 903.565.5910
Email: gwang@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development

(No photo available.)

Carla Wang-Kocik

Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Michael Ward

Michael Ward

Adjunct Lecturer, Theatre

Email: mward@uttyler.edu
Department: Music

Corrinne A. Warren

Corrinne Warren

Program Specialist

Phone: 903.877.7649
Email: corrinne.warren@uthct.edu

David Warters, M.D., FASA

David Warters

Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology Residency

Jennifer (Ashlea) Watson, MS, LPC-A

Jennifer (Ashlea) Watson


Department: Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

Jennifer Watters, Ed.D.

Jennifer Watters

Assistant Professor of Practice

Email: jwatters@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Angela Watts Powell, DO

Angela Watts Powell

University of the Incarnate Word School of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Athens


Angela Watts-Powell, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Ansel Weber, MD

Ansel Weber

Loma Linda University School of Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

No Photo Available

Joseph Webster

Adjunct Instructor

Email: josephwebster@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Kaylae Weishaar, DO

Kaylae Weishaar

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Michelle Wells

Michelle Wells

Sr. Program Coordinator, Outreach & Engagement

Jalisha Wesley, MSN, RN

Jalisha Wesley

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.566.7320
Email: jwesley@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Alyssa Weyer, DO, FEL-1

Alyssa Weyer


Department: Nephrology

Alexander White

Alexander White

Department: Occupational Medicine


Samuel White

Web Developer

Email: swhite@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Web Services

Kevin White

Kevin White

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7360
Email: kevinwhite@uttyler.edu
Department: Business Law

Brian Whitley, DO

Brian Whitley

Des Moines University College Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Family Medicine Residency Tyler

Amanda Wickman, MBA

Amanda Wickman

Program Director

Phone: 903.877.5998
Email: amanda.wickman@uthct.edu
Department: Southwest Center For Agricultural Health

(No photo available.)

Karen Wies

Internal Medicine, Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Geoffrey Willbanks

Geoffrey Willbanks

Adjunct Instructor

Email: gwillbanks@uttyler.edu
Department: Political Science

Gwen Williams

Gwen Williams

Director of Data Analytics and Integrity

Phone: 903.566.7054
Email: gwilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Advancement

Mary Williams, MSN, RN

Mary Williams

Clinical Instructor

Phone: 903.727.2315
Email: marywilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Lance R. Williams

Lance Williams


Phone: 903.565.5878
Email: lwilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Marsha Williams

Marsha Williams

Lecturer/Research Associate

Email: mwilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology


Rachel Williams

Email: rawilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Rebecca Williams, MSN, RN

Rebecca Williams

Clinical Senior Instructor

Phone: 903.565.5852
Email: rebeccawilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Nursing

Veronda Willis

Veronda Willis

Associate Professor of Accounting

Phone: 903.565.5822
Email: vwillis@uttyler.edu
Department: Accounting

Valerie Willis

Valerie Willis

Department: Occupational Medicine


Daniel Wilson, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens


Elizabeth Wingfield

Health Affairs Marketing and Communications Specialist

Phone: 903.877.7075
Email: Elizabeth.newsom@uthct.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, University Marketing

Evonn Wingfield, GMEC

Evonn Wingfield

Residency Training Program Coordinator II

Phone: 903.877.7949 Department: Rural Psychiatry Residency

Ken Wink

Ken Wink

Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences; Professor, Public Administration; Coordinator, Master of Public Administration Program

Email: kwink@uttyler.edu
Department: Social Sciences

Michael Winkler, DO

Michael Winkler

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Barbara Wooldridge

Barbara Wooldridge

Professor of Marketing

Phone: 903.566.7246
Email: barbara_wooldridge@uttyler.edu
Department: The Academy

No Photo Available

Cara Wreyford

Adjunct Lecturer

Department: Human Resource Development

Merrie Wright

Merrie Wright

Professor of Studio Art

Phone: 903.566.7423
Email: mewright@uttyler.edu
Department: Art And Art History

Xitong Wu, MD

Xitong Wu

Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

Department: General Psychiatry

Hui Wu

Hui Wu

Professor of English, Department Chair

Phone: 903.566.7289
Email: hwu@uttyler.edu
Department: Literature And Languages

Chen (Ken) Wu

Chen Wu

Associate Professor of Finance

Email: cwu@uttyler.edu
Department: Finance

Jie  Yang

Jie Yang

Associate Professor of Management and International Business

Phone: 903.565.5859
Email: jyang@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Hasan Yaqub, DO

Hasan Yaqub

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

(No photo available.)

Richard Yates

Infectious Disease

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler


Daren Yeager, M.D.

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.590.5700
Email: Daren.yeager@uttyler.edu
Department: Childrens and Womens Health

Brent Yergensen

Brent Yergensen

Associate Professor of Communication, Department Chair

Phone: 903.566.7095
Email: byergensen@uttyler.edu
Department: Communication

Guohua Yi, PhD

Guohua Yi

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.877.2837
Email: guohua.yi@uthct.edu
Department: Center For Biomedical Research

Sangok Yoo

Sangok Yoo

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5646
Email: syoo@uttyler.edu
Department: Human Resource Development

Laura Young, BSN, RN, PHN

Laura Young

Sr. Program Manager

Department: Health Science Center

(No photo available.)

David Young

Department: General Surgery Residency

Marilyn Young

Marilyn Young

Professor of Management Fellow, Hibbs Institute for Business Economic Research

Phone: 903.566.7437
Email: myoung@uttyler.edu
Department: Management And Marketing

Tonya Youngblood, MD

Tonya Youngblood, MD

Department: Rural Family Medicine Residency

(No photo available.)

Hani Yousif

Internal Medicine Hospitalist

Department: Internal Medicine Residency Tyler

Dr. Hua Yu

Hua Yu

Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering

Phone: 903.565.5516
Email: hyu@uttyler.edu
Department: Civil Engineering

Riqing Yu

Riqing Yu

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7257
Email: ryu@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Frank Yu, Pharm.D., MPH

Frank Yu

Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Office of Academic Affairs

Phone: 903.566.6147
Email: fyu@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy

Elizabeth Yuan, DO

Elizabeth Yuan

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler


Imaad Zaman, DO

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens

Diana Zamora, DO

Diana Zamora

University of the Incarnate Word School of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Blair Zdenek

Blair Zdenek

Program Manager

Phone: 903.877.5925
Email: blair.zdenek@uttyler.edu
Department: Public Health


Jason Zedlitz

A/V Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5817
Email: jzedlitz@uttyler.edu
Departments: Marketing And Communications, Creative Services

No Photo Available

Jie Zeng

Visiting Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.565.5839
Email: jzeng@uttyler.edu
Department: Mathematics

Shuyin Zhang, DO

Shuyin Zhang

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Faculty Placeholder

Kai Zhang

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Phone: 903.566.6276
Email: kzhang@uttyler.edu
Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Samad Zia, DO

Samad Zia

University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine Tyler

Staci Zolkoski, Ph.D.

Staci Zolkoski

Director and Associate Professor of Special Education

Phone: 903.565.5612
Email: szolkoski@uttyler.edu
Department: Education

Christian Zuniga, MD

Christian Zuniga

Associate Program Director

Department: Family Medicine Residency Athens