Carla Lacerda

Carla Lacerda

Assistant Professor

Building:   RBN 3012
Department: Chemical Engineering


Courses Taught

  • CHEN 4310 – Separation Processes
  • CHEN 4330 – Process Control and Safety
  • CHEN 4340 – Chemical Reaction Engineering
  • CHEN 4360 – Chemical Engineering Lab II

Research Interests

Our research focuses on the developing in vitro models to better study and understand the biomechanics and mechanobiology of components of the cardiovascular system. We use fabrication techniques such as 3D bioprinting and mechanical stimulation reactors to understand how cells respond to their microenvironment. We assess cell and tissue responses using omics tools and microscopy.

Research Page

Awards & Honors

  • NIH PRIDE Fellow, UCSD FOCUS Cohort IV - 2022/2023
  • Whitacre College of Engineering Dr. Charles L. Burford Faculty Award, March 2021
  • Air Force Research Lab Summer Fellow, Summer 2020
  • UT Austin Institute of Computational Engineering and Science Fellow, December 2018
  • NSF ASSIST Travel Grant, SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference, October 2018
