Tanya Shtoyko

Tanya Shtoyko

Professor of Chemistry
Chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Phone: 903.565.5502
Email: tshtoyko@uttyler.edu


  • B.S. Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, 1998
  • Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, 2003


Dr. Shtoyko is an award-winning teacher and scholar.  She has conducted internally and externally funded research in the area of surface-enhanced fluorescence and nanochemistry.  Much of her research has involved the participation of undergraduate students.  She has published numerous research papers in prominent research journals. Dr. Shtoyko has a long history of focusing on the student. She was a major contributor to a successful series of proposals to the Welch Foundation that resulted in over $800,000 in funding for undergraduate research.  She was also an important partner in the development of Project SEED, a summer research program for high school students. 


Dr. Tanya Shtoyko is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the inaugural recipient of the Braithwaite Chair of Biochemistry at The University of Texas at Tyler.  She joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry in 2004.  Prior to becoming Chair, Dr. Shtoyko served as Assistant Chair in the Department for seven years.

Originally from The Ukraine, Dr. Shtoyko, along with her husband and two children now reside in Whitehouse.