Professor of Management
Building: COB 350.39
Department: Management And Marketing
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Professor of Management
Building: COB 350.39
Department: Management And Marketing
Dr. Doty is currently a Professor of Management at The University of Texas at Tyler.
Previously he served as an Associate Vice President in the Office of Business Affairs,
as the Assistant Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, and as the Dean and Frank
M. and Fannie Burke Professor of Business in the Soules College of Business at UT
Tyler. Prior to joining UT Tyler he served as the Dean of the College of Business
and Professor of Management at The University of Southern Mississippi, as Chair of
the Department of Strategy and Human Resources in the Whitman School of Management
at Syracuse University, and on the faculty of the Walton College of Business at the
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He received a Ph.D. in Management and an MBA
from The University of Texas at Austin after completing his undergraduate degree at
Texas State University - San Marcos. He is listed in more than fifteen biographical
references including Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the
Management Sciences, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Business and Finance,
and Who's Who Among America's Teachers.
Dr. Doty (with co-authors) was awarded the 1993 Academy of Management Journal Best
Article Award by the Academy of Management, the 1997 Scholarly Achievement Award by
the Human Resources division of the Academy of Management, a 2013 Cutting Edge Research
Award and the 2014 Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award by the Academy of
Human Resource Development, and was nominated for the 2004 Outstanding Empirical Paper
Award by the Eastern Academy of Management. His work has been published in journals
such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Journal, the
Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management, Organization Science, Organizational
Research Methods, the Journal of Business Research, Human Resource Development Quarterly,
Contemporary Psychology, and the ACA Journal and has been cited over 14,500 times
by colleagues. He served multiple terms on the editorial board of the Academy of
Management Journal and serves as an ad hoc reviewer for several other premier journals
in his field. His primary research interests include strategic management, strategic
human resource management, organizational design, motivation, and other factors influencing
individual and firm performance.
Dr. Doty has participated in numerous consulting or contract research projects for
organizations including CGG North America, International Business Machines, the American
Compensation Association, the Department of Labor, and the Army Research Institute.
In addition, he has provided consulting services to a variety of not-for-profit organizations
and small businesses such as Southwest Educational Development Laboratory and the
Texas Council on Economic Education. He also has delivered executive education for
Syracuse University, Cornell University, and the University of Arkansas.
Curriculum Vita