Elizabeth Sills

Elizabeth Sills

Associate Professor of Geography

Phone: 903.566.7442
Email: esills@uttyler.edu
Building:   CAS 142
Department: Social Sciences


Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, PhD. Geography, May 2013
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, M.A. Anthropology 2007
The University of Texas at Austin, B.A in Anthropology, 1999

Research interests include the ancient Maya, salt production, ancient economies, coastal archaeology, sea-level rise, sediment chemistry, preservation of wooden architecture, 3D imaging and printing, and Geographic Information Systems.

Teaching interests include World Regional Geography, Physical Geography, Latin American Geography, Human-Environment Interactions, North American Geography, Cartography, and Geographical Information Systems.


Dr. E. Cory Sills is an Associate Professor of Geography at UT Tyler and has over 20 years of experience in archaeology. She is the Associate Director for the Underwater Maya project at the Paynes Creek Salt Works in Belize that has been supported by the National Science Foundation. In addition, she has conducted research at the Placencia Lagoon Salt Works, where she was awarded a grant from the Archaeological Institute of America. Dr. Sills actively engages students in archaeology and geography through teaching, fieldwork opportunities, and student involvement in the Archaeology and Digital Imaging Labs.