Yonjoo Cho

Yonjoo Cho


Phone: 903.566.7260
Email: ycho@uttyler.edu

Human Resource Development

Yonjoo Cho

Yonjoo Cho

Title: Professor
Department: Human Resource Development
Building: COB 315.21
Email: ycho@uttyler.edu
Phone: 903.566.7260


Ph.D. in Instructional Technology, The University of Texas at Austin
M.A. in Sociology, Yonsei University, South Korea
B.S. in Education, Yonsei University, South Korea


Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Dr. Yonjoo Cho received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin and worked in diverse organizations including a telecommunications company, a non-profit organization, and a business school. Back in the United States in 2008, she joined Indiana University as a faculty of HRD, conducted research on action learning in organizations, international HRD, and women in leadership, and moved to UT Tyler in 2020, where HRD is housed in its own department. She enjoys teaching Ph.D. courses (e.g., contemporary issues in the HRD literature) using her experience as Editor-in-Chief of a flagship HRD journal, Human Resource Development Review (Impact Factor: 6.4) 2020-2023 and teaching online master’s courses (e.g., needs assessment in HRD) using project-based learning for student employability. She received the Outstanding HRD Scholar Award at the 2024 AHRD Conference.

Curriculum Vitae