Marco Castaneda

Marco Castaneda

Associate Professor of Economics

Phone: 903.565.5790
Building:   CAS 138
Department: Social Sciences


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, 2000
  • M.A. in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, 1997
  • B.A in Economics and Mathematics, University of Alaska at Juneau, 1995 

Research Interests: Microeconomics, Game Theory, Economics of Organization, Health Economics


Marco A. Castaneda is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Texas at Tyler. His teaching and research interests are in Microeconomic Theory and the Economics of Organization, with particular emphasis in Health Economics and the Economics of Non-For-Profit Organizations. His research has been published in top economic journals including Economic Theory, the Review of Industrial Organization, and the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. 

Selected Publications

  • Castaneda, M.A and J. Marton. “Employer Provided Health Insurance and the Adverse Selection Problem,” Public Finance Review, 41 (1), 3-36 (2013).
  • Castaneda, M.A. and D. Falaschetti. “Does a Hospital’s Profit Status Affect its Operational Scope?”Review of Industrial Organization 33 (2), 129-159 (2008).
  • Castaneda, M.A. and J. Marton. “A Model of Commodity Differentiation with Indivisibilities and Production.” Economic Theory 34 (1), 85-106 (2008).
  • Castaneda, M.A., Garen, J., and J. Thornton. “Competition, Contractibility, and the Market for Donors to Non-Profits.” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 24(1), 215-246 (2008).
  • Castaneda, M.A. “The Hold-up Problem in a Repeated Relationship.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 24 (5), 953-970 (2006).
  • Castaneda, M.A. “The Organization of Production in a Competitive Economy.” International Journal of Economic Theory 2 (2), 159-170 (2006).
  • Castaneda, M.A. and M. Saygili. “The Health Conditions and the Healthcare Consumption of the Uninsured,” Health Economics Review 6 (55), 2-19 (2016).

 Curriculum Vitae