Wallace Marsh

Wallace Marsh

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 903-730-3942
Email: wmarsh@uttyler.edu
Department: Pharmacy


BS, Pharmacy,  University of Texas at Austin, 1993
MS, Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas at Austin 1996
PhD, Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas at Austin 1999
MBA, Business Administration, Nova Southeastern University, 2002
MS, Education, Nova Southeastern University, 2005


Dr. Wallace Marsh is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Tyler.  Before joining the Fisch College of Pharmacy, he served as the Director of Academic Affairs, Assessment, and Accreditation at the University of New England, School of Pharmacy.  He also held various faculty and administrator roles at Shenandoah University, School of Pharmacy and Nova Southeastern University, College of Pharmacy.

Dr. Marsh’s teaching interests include healthcare systems, evidence-based medicine, management and leadership, and outcomes research.  His research interests include meta-analysis, outcomes research, surveys, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Complete Curriculum Vitae