Psychology and Counseling Departmental Course Syllabi
UT Tyler Psychology and Counseling
- COUN 5308.001 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling
- COUN 5312.001 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.001 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5335.001 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5335.069 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5340.060 - Research and Program Evaluation
- COUN 5345.001 - Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
- COUN 5345.068 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5368.001 - Assessment in Counseling
- COUN 5387.060 - Internship II in School Counseling
- COUN 5387.069 - Internship II in School Counseling
- COUN 5387.070 - Internship II in School Counseling
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.002 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.003 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.068 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.069 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUND 5393.070 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393- 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- COUN 5396-5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- PSYC 1301.001 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.D001 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.060 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.061 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.062 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.D070 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.D090 - Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2320.060 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2331.002 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.001 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.060 & .061 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.062 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.061 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3325.060 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3345.001 - Career Applications in Psychology
- PSYC 3350.001 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting
- PSYC 3370.001 - Psychology of Close Relationships
- PSYC 4311.001 - Intro to Psychopathology
- PSYC 4311.060 - Intro to Psychopatholgy
- PSYC4315.060 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.060 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4331.001 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4341.060 - Personality Theories
- PSYC 4341.061 - Personality Theories
- PSYC 4345.060 - Addressing Pressing Problems in a Diverse World
- PSYC 4353.001 - Lifespan Development
- PSYC 5320.001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5320.060 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5328.060 - Issues & Professional Ethics
- PSYC 5330.001 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
- PSYC 5345.001 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5352.060 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 5356.001 - Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory
- PSYC 5366.001 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5366.002 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5366.003 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5380.001 - Introduction to Clinical Skills
- PSYC 5384.001 - Congnitive Behavior Therapy & Applications
- PSYC 5393.001 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.002 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.003 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- PSYC 5394.064 - Thesis
- PSYC 5396.060 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology Clinical
- PSYC 5397.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.060 - Advanced Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398.001 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 5399.060 - Independent Study
- PSYC 6301.001 - Advanced Tests and Measurement (Psychometrics)
- PSYC 6310.060 - Cognition and Emotion
- PSYC 6312.001 - Practicum with Underserved Populations
- PSYC 6320.001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 6341.001 - Multivariate Statistics
- PSYC 6381.001 - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Seminar
- PSYC 6383.001 - Teaching of Psychology
- CEPG 1000.001 - Thriving in the College of Education and Psychology
- PSYC 1301.002 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.060 - Introduction to Psychology - ONLINE
- PSYC 1301 - Psychology of Close Relationships
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2331.061 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 2354.002 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning ONLINE/Asynchronous
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationship & Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.002 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- PSYC 4315.001 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.060 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4331 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4353.001 - Lifespan Development
- PSYC 5312.002 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5320-001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 5366.001 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5368.002 - Clinical Mental Health Assessment
- PSYC 5380.001 - Professionalism
- PSYC 5392.001 - Clinical Skills I
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 6311 - Social and Cultural Psychology
- PSYC 6313.001 - Evidence Based Practice
- PSYC 6340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 6381.002 - Seminar in Underserved Population
- PSYC 6382.064 - Research with Underserved Populations
- PSYC 3310.460 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 4321.460 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4360.301 - Advanced Topics in Psychology
- PSYC 4371.560 - Internship in Psychology
- COUN 5308.560 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling
- COUN 5313.569 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5315.501 - Couples Therapy
- COUN 5324.501 - Cultural Diversity and Advocacy
- COUN 5326.560 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5335.560 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5340.068 - Research and Program Evaluation
- COUN 5370.560 - Trauma-Informed Counseling
- PSYC 5320.569 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5358.501 - Neuropsychological Assessment: Fixed Battery
- PSYC 5359.560 - Flexible Neuropsychological Battery
- PSYC 5380.301 - Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 5380.560 - Seminar in Psychology: Death and Dying
- PSYC 5397.501 - Advanced Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- COUN 5308.001 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling
- COUN 5312.001 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.060 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5335.060 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5340.060 - Research and Program Evaluation
- COUN 5344.069 - Advanced Principles of School Counseling
- COUN 5345.001 - Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
- COUN 5368.060 - Assessment Counseling
- COUN 5387.069 - Supervised Internship in School Counseling II
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.002 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.068 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.069 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.070 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- COUN 5396.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.003 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.061 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2320.060 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2331.002 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.061 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.062 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3315.061 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3320.001 - Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3345.001 - Career Applications in Psychology
- PSYC 3350.001 - Intro to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting
- PSYC 3370.060 - Psychology of Close Relationships
- PSYC 4311.060 - Abnormal Psychology Syllabus
- PSYC 4315.060 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.060 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4331.001 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4341.001 - Personality Theories
- PSYC 4341.060 - Personality Theories
- PSYC 4370.001 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4371.001 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 5312.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5320.001- Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5328.060 - Issues & Professional Ethics
- PSYC 5330.001 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
- PSYC 5340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 5345.060 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5354.001 - Psychopharmacology
- PSYC 5356.060 - Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory
- PSYC 5366.001 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5380.002 - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Seminar
- PSYC 5384.001 - Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Applications
- PSYC 5392.001 - Clinical Skills II
- PSYC 5393.002 - Applied Therapy (Practicum)
- PSYC 5393.003 - Applied Therapy Syllabus
- PSYC 5395.060 - Thesis
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology Clinical
- PSYC 5397.060 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.061 - Advanced Supervised Practicum in Psychology Clinical
- PSYC 5398.001 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 6301.001 - Advanced Tests and Measurement (Psychometrics)
- PSYC 6320.001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 6341.060 - Multivariate Statistics
- PSYC 6354.001 - Psychopharmacology
- PSYC 6366.001 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 6382.065 - Research with Underserved Populations Study
- PSYC 6398.065 - Dissertation
- COUN 5312.001 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.001 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5324.001 - Cultural Diversity & Advocacy
- COUN 5324.002 - Cultural Diversity and Advocacy
- COUN 5326.001 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5345.001 - Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
- COUN 5345.068 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5345.060 - Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
- COUN 5370.001 - Trauma Informed Counseling
- COUN 5384.001 - Advanced Theories and Evidence Based Practice Semester
- COUN 5386.001 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5387.001 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationship & Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.003 - Helping Relationship & Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.002 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- PSYC 5366.001 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5358.001 - Neuropsychological Assessment: Fixed Battery
- PSYC 5368.001 - Clinical Mental Health Assessment
- PSYC 5393.001 - Applied Therapy II
- PSYC 5312.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5320.001 - Advanced Study In Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 5392.001 - Clinical Skills
- PSYC 5392.002 - Clinical Skills
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398.001 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 5340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 6312.001 - Practicum with Underserved Populations
- PSYC 6313.001 - Evidence Based Practice
- PSYC 5352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 6381.001 - Seminar in Underserved Populations
- PSYC 6381.002 - Seminar in Underserved Population: Veteran Culture
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.061 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.062 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 3315.001 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2331.002 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 3310.001 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.002 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3320.001 - Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3345.001 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 3350.001 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3370.001 - Psychology of Close Relationships
- PSYC 4315.001 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.060 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4360.060 - Advanced Topics in Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 4370.001 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4371.001 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4331.001 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 2354.002 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 4311.061 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- COUN 5313.569 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5326.001 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5330.569 - Counseling Children and Adolescents for School Counselors
- COUN 5334.069 - Foundations and Ethics in School Counseling
- COUN 5335.060 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5370.060 - Trauma Informed Counseling
- COUN 5380.501 - Seminar in Counseling: Play Therapy
- COUN 5308.060 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- COUN 5395.041 - Professional Practice in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5397.501 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- PSYC 5308.060 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 5330.560 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
- PSYC 5350.560 - Clinical Neuropsychology
- PSYC 5359.560 - Flexible Neuropsychological Battery
- PSYC 5380.560 - Seminar in Psychology: Death and Dying
- PSYC 5368.560 - Clinical Mental Health Assessment
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.060 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301. - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.060 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 3310.060 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3325.060 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 4311.461 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4315.460 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4370.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4353.061 - Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 4360.001 - Topics in Psychology
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5391.002 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I/II
- COUN 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I/II
- COUN 5399.001 - Independent Study
- PSYC 5312.060 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5380.060 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 5392.060 - Applied Counseling Practice
- PSYC 5330.001 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
- PSYC 5393.001 - Clinical Skills II
- PSYC 5397.001 - Doctoral Students
- PSYC 6301.001 - Advanced Tests and Measurement (Psychometrics)
- PSYC 6310.061 - Cognition and Emotion
- PSYC 6341.001 - Multivariate Statistics
- PSYC 5341.001 - Multivariate Statistics
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.011 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001- Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3310.001 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3345.001 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 3350.001 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting
- PSYC 3370.060 - Psychology of Close Relationships
- PSYC 4315.001 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4345.060 - Addressing Pressing Problems in a Diverse World
- PSYC 4353.001 - Development Psychology
- PSYC 4382.001 - Honors in Psychology
- PSYC 4370.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4371.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- COUN 5348.069 - Mental Health in Schools
- COUN 5312.001 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.060 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5324.001 - Cultural Diversity & Advocacy
- COUN 5326.001 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5334.069 - Foundations and Ethics in School Counseling
- COUN 5345.001 - Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
- COUN 5368.001 - Assessment in Counseling
- COUN 5370.001 - Trauma Informed Counseling
- COUN 5384.001 - Advanced Theories and Evidence Based Practice
- COUN 5386.069 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5386.068 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5387.069 - Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5391.002 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationship & Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.002 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.002 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I & II
- COUN 5396.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I & II
- COUN 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I & II
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I & II
- PSYC 5393.003 - Applied Therapy II
- PSYC 5308.001 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 5312.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5320.001 - Advanced Study In Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 5345.001 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5345.068 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5345.069 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 5358.001 - Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSYC 5366.002 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5368.001 - Clinical Mental Health Assessment
- PSYC 5312.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5380.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5392.001 - Clinical Skills
- PSYC 5393.001 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.002 - Applied Therapy (Practicum)
- PSYC 5393.003 - Applied Therapy II
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398.001 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 6308.001 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 6312.001 - Practicum with Underserved Populations
- PSYC 6313.001 - Evidence Based Practice
- PSYC 6340.001 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 5352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.003 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.062 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2320.061 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2331.002 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics & Laboratory Syllabus
- PSYC 2354.002 - Statistics & Laboratory Syllabus
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.060 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3320.001 - Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3345.001 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 3350.001 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting Online
- PSYC 3370.060 - Psychology of Close Relationships Online
- PSYC 4311.001 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4311.061 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4315.001 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.460 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4331.001 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4341.060 - Personality Theories
- PSYC 4345.060 - Addressing Pressing Problems in a Diverse World
- PSYC 4353.001 - Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 4370.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4371.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- PSYC 4381.001 - Honors Developmental Psychology
- COUN 5308.560 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- COUN 5312.568 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5314.568 - Applied School Counseling
- COUN 5314.569 - Applied School Counseling
- COUN 5324.402 - Cultural Diversity & Advocacy
- COUN 5324.569 - Cultural Diversity & Advocacy
- COUN 5326.560 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5335.560 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5340.001 - Research and Program Evaluation
- COUN 5368.569 - Assessment Techniques in Counseling
- COUN 5370.560 - Trauma Informed Counseling
- COUN 5396.501 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5396.502 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.501 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5397.502 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- PSYC 5308.561 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 5320.560 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5324.503 - Diversity in Clinical Psychology
- PSYC 5340.560 - Research and Program Evaluation
- PSYC 5345.569 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5359.561 - Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory
- PSYC 5380.560 - Seminar: Death and Dying
- PSYC 5396.561 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.560 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.561 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 6324.501 - Diversity in Clinical Psychology
- PSYC 6342.560 - Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 2320.060 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.060 - Research Methods
- PSYC 3306.060 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.460 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3345.060 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 4311.560 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4315.460 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.460 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4321.460 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4353.062 - Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 4370.561 - Field Experience in Psychology
- COUN 5199.060 - Independent Study: Social-Emotional Learning in Schools
- COUN 5308.060 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- COUN 5312.060 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.060 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5335.060 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5335.069 - Career Counseling and Assessment
- COUN 5340.001 - Research and Program Evaluation
- COUN 5344.069 - Advanced Principles of School Counseling
- COUN 5368.001 - Assessment Techniques in Counseling
- COUN 5387.068 - Supervised Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5387.069 - Supervised Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5391.002 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5391.003 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.002 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.069 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5396.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5345.060 - Group Counseling Theory and Practice
- COUN 5392.060 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- PSYC 5312.001 - Counseling Theories
- PSYC 5320.001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5324.001 - Diversity in Clinical Psychology
- PSYC 5328.061 - Issues and Professional Ethics
- PSYC 5330.001 - Counseling Children and Adolescents for School Counselors
- PSYC 5345.060 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5354.060 - Psychopharmacology
- PSYC 5356.060 - Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory
- PSYC 5366.060 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 5380.002 - Seminar: Death and Dying
- PSYC 5392.001 - Applied Counseling Practice
- PSYC 5392.002 - Applied Counseling Practice
- PSYC 5393.001 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.002 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.003 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.060 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.061 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398.001 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 6301.001 - Advanced Tests and Measurement
- PSYC 6320.001 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 6341.001 - Multivariate Statistics
- PSYC 6366.060 - Assessment of Individual Mental Ability
- PSYC 6381.001 - Seminar in Underserved Populations
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.060 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.d060 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.001 - Research Methods
- PSYC 2331.002 - Research Methods
- PSYC 2354.001 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 2354.002 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.060 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.063 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.061 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3315.061 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3320.060 - Interpersonal and Small Group Interactions
- PSYC 3325.001 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3335.060 - Diversity and Social Justice
- PSYC 3345.001 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 3350.001 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting
- PSYC 3370.060 - The Psychology of Love Relations
- PSYC 4311.060 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4315.001 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4318.060 - Physiological Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4331.001 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4341.001 - Personality Psychology
- PSYC 4341.060 - Personality Psychology
- PSYC 4370.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
- COUN 5312.060 - Counseling Theories and Applications
- COUN 5313.060 - Family Therapy
- COUN 5324.001 - Cultural Diversity & Advocacy
- COUN 5326.001 - Addictions Counseling
- COUN 5328.001 - Foundations and Ethics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5334.069 - Foundations and Ethics in School Counseling
- COUN 5345.060 - Group Counseling Theory and Practice
- COUN 5348.069 - Mental Health in Schools
- COUN 5368.001 - Assessment Techniques in Counseling
- COUN 5370.060 - Trauma Informed Counseling
- COUN 5384.001 - Advanced Theories and Evidence Based Practice
- COUN 5386.068 - Supervised Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5386.069 - Supervised Internship in School Counseling
- COUN 5391.001 - Essential Counseling Skills
- COUN 5392.001 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5392.060 - Helping Relationships and Clinical Interviewing
- COUN 5393.001 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.002 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5393.003 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- COUN 5396.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5396.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship I
- COUN 5397.001 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5397.002 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- COUN 5399.001 - Independent Study: Advanced Theories and Evidence Based Practice
- PSYC 5308.001 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 5312.001 - Counseling Theories
- PSYC 5320.060 - Advanced Study in Human Growth and Development
- PSYC 5328.060 - Issues and Professional Ethics
- PSYC 5340.060 - Research and Program Evaluation
- PSYC 5345.060 - Group Counseling and Therapy
- PSYC 5352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 5358.001 - Neuropsychological Assessment: Fixed Battery
- PSYC 5368.001 - Clinical Mental Health Assessment
- PSYC 5380.001 - Seminar: Death and Dying
- PSYC 5392.060 - Applied Counseling Practice
- PSYC 5392.061 - Applied Counseling Practice
- PSYC 5393.001 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.002 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5393.003 - Applied Therapy
- PSYC 5395.004 - Thesis
- PSYC 5396.001 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5396.060 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5397.060 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
- PSYC 5398.002 - Research Seminar in Psychology
- PSYC 6308.001 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- PSYC 6313.001 - Evidence Based Psychotherapy
- PSYC 6340.060 - Advanced Statistics and Design
- PSYC 6352.001 - Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 6375.001 - Supervision and Consultations
Under Graduate:
- PSYC 1301.001 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.061 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 1301.062 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2320.001 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2320.060 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 2331.060 - Research Methods
- PSYC 2331.061 - Research Methods
- PSYC 2354.060 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 2354.061 - Statistics and Laboratory
- PSYC 3306.001 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3310.060 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3310.061 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 3315.060 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 3325.061 - Learning and Conditioning
- PSYC 3335.061 - Diversity and Social Justice
- PSYC 3320.060 - Interpersonal and Small Group Interactions
- PSYC 3345.060 - Mental Health Services
- PSYC 3350.060 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC 3360.060 - Psychology of Parenting
- PSYC 3370.060 - The Psychology of Love Relationships
- PSYC 4311.060 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4315.060 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 4321.060 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 4331.002 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4331.060 - Advanced Research Methods
- PSYC 4353.001 - Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 4353.060 - Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 4370.060 - Field Experience in Psychology
For archived syllabi, please contact the dean's office at