Chi Sigma Iota

Upsilon Tau Theta Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society in Counseling Seal

UT Tyler Psychology and Counseling

Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society in Counseling

Welcome to the Upsilon Tau Theta Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society in Counseling

Students in the CMHC program at UT Tyler who join the Upsilon Tau Theta chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) are recognized for their honor, integrity, and academic success. Established to recognize outstanding achievement and service within the counseling profession, Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic & Professional Honor Society International is the international honor society of professional counseling for professional counselors that values academic and professional excellence in counseling. 

CSI promotes a strong professional identity through members (professional counselors, counselor educators, and students) who contribute to the realization of a healthy society by fostering wellness and human dignity.

CSI’s mission is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling.

Founded at Ohio University in 1985, CSI currently has more than 150,000 initiated members. This makes CSI one of the largest single-member organizations of professional counselors in the world. More than 420 chapters have been chartered, and new chapters are being developed in the U.S. and other countries as counselor education programs commit to meeting national accreditation preparation standards. Members will be found in countries all over the world. With the evolution of professional counseling globally, we expect to support more chapters in more countries in the future.

Please visit here for more information about Chi Sigma Iota.

Benefits of Membership  

  • Professional Development

    • Members are able to attend one-hour webinars for free and obtain free CE clock hours. Topics include leadership, professional and client advocacy, and professional issues.
    • Each year, CSI hosts CSI Days which is comprised of leadership training, opportunities for members to network with other counseling professionals and members, professional development sessions, and special recognition of outstanding academic and professional achievement.
  • Resources

    • Counselor Bookshelf - CSI has developed a new interactive forum for CSI members to post reviews of books and other helpful resources. Reviews can be read by other counselors and responses can be posted by CSI members. 
    • The CSI Exemplar is distributed three times a year to all CSI members and is the main communication for informing members on a variety of professional topics and issues as well as activities of the Society.
    • Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy provides professional counselors, counselor educators, and counseling students with research and evidence-based recommendations in topics that promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling. 
    • Career Resources - Chi Sigma Iota provides information on networking tips, job search ideas, resume, and curriculum vita development, tips on negotiating salaries, and much more!
  • Leadership Development

    • The CSI offers a variety of leadership development activities at the local and also national level. These include occasional papers, articles, and workshops focused on leadership.

  • Awards

    • CSI chapters and members are always encouraged to strive for excellence and high achievement. Annual awards are given during Spring Induction Ceremony s to further compel students to work for outstanding scholarship and professionalism.

  • Stay connected with other members even after graduation!

    • CSI members are invited to join Upsilon Tau Theta Chapter Facebook and Instagram pages.
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Becoming A Member

Students who meet the qualifications will receive a formal invitation letter via e-mail twice a year, in March and in October. The letter contains information about the open enrollment period and includes the steps required to join our chapter of CSI.

If, during the open enrollment period, you do not receive an invitation, and you believe you should have received one please contact the Chapter Faculty Advisor (CFA), Dr. Ramona I. Grad.

After students receive the invitation, they will fill out the online application. Upon acceptance, students will be invited to an induction ceremony.

In order to be considered a member of the Chi Sigma Iota, Upsilon Tau Theta chapter a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. The student is enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

  2. The student must have completed at least one semester of full-time graduate

  3. The student must have a 3.5 GPA or higher.

  4. The student must be recommended for membership by the chapter, including
    a promise for a capacity to represent the best of professional counseling
    through appropriate professional behavior,ethical judgment,emotional
    maturity, and attitudes conducive to working to advocate for wellness and human dignity for all. 




Executive Board 2024-2025

Jesus Emmanuel Diaz - President

Kirsten Patterson – Past President

Erin Corley – President-Elect

Destiny Jordan – Secretary

Dimas Rodriguez – Treasurer


Contact Us 

Thank you for your interest in the Chi Sigma Iota – Upsilon Tau Theta!

Contact the Upsilon Tau Theta Chapter Advisor with any questions

Ramona I. Grad, Ph.D., LPC, NCC
