Transitional Year Resident Wellness

The University of Texas at Tyler places a strong emphasis on the wellbeing of all faculty, staff, residents and students. The Employee Assistance Program, which is available to all employees, offers counseling services, financial guidance, burnout surveys and other resources to aid in the prevention of burnout and the improvement of overall wellness.

Resident Wellness Committee

The transitional year residency program has a resident-led Wellness Committee that assists in planning many wellness activities throughout the year. The members of this committee also serve on the GME Wellness Committee as the transitional year resident representatives. The program sponsors several wellness events including a Welcome Picnic during orientation, where residents and their families are invited for lunch and team-building activities. Other sponsored events include a holiday party, birthday celebrations and a graduation event. The resident wellness committee has planned gatherings such as dinners and volunteer experiences.

Individualized Learning Plans

To assist in the transition from medical school to residency, all new interns complete an Individualized Learning Plan prior to arrival, identifying areas that may require additional support. The program director works directly with each intern to identify specific goals and create a plan for success during the transitional year. The interns also meet with their faculty mentors to further discuss their Individualizes Learning Plans and set specific goals throughout the year.

Formal Mentoring

Transitional year interns are paired with a faculty mentor who meets with the intern on a regular basis. Mentors provide support and encouragement throughout the year, offering guidance for the interns as they adjust to residency and plan for their future endeavors. The mentors assist in career planning, identifying research and QI interests, and setting specific goals to aid the intern in successfully completing their Individualized Learning Plan.

Dinner Together at a Tyler Restaurant



Resident Welcome Picnic

Residents and their families are invited to a Welcome Picnic during orientation. Food, games and get-to-know-you fun take place in a relaxed environment.

Transitional Year Resident Welcome Picnic

Transitional Year Resident Welcome Picnic