Cellular & Molecular Biology
Research Activities
Our research within the department of Cellular and Molecular Biology emphasizes basic and translational science as well as the development of therapeutic interventions. To achieve our scientific goal, we employ the following multi-disciplinary approach:
- Molecular genetics
- Cell biology
- Cellular and molecular imaging
- Biochemistry
- Biophysics
- Immunology
- Animal model, including KO mouse
Our research utilizes various techniques of advanced biotechnology. Such expertise of the faculty members is the base of our biotechnology graduate program. We recently established state-of-the-art cellular and molecular imaging systems, including Leica SP8 Laser Confocal Microscope, OMX Super-Resolution Microscope, and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope combined with Yokogawa Spinning Disc Confocal Unit and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope for single molecule tracking capability with FIONA analysis. These resources are utilized for a variety of current research projects in our department and facilitate cohesiveness among the researchers in the department.
The faculty is committed to research that will further our understanding of the following:
- Chronic and acute lung injury
- Function of motor proteins in diverse cell motility and cytoskeletal rearrangement
- Vascular and airway contraction
- Innate and acquired immunity
- Coagulation and fibrinolysis
- Extracellular matrix
- Cancer cell biology
With our colleagues in Pulmonary Immunology and the Department of Microbiology, we also bring expertise to the study of the biology of infectious lung diseases, including mycobacterial disease and influenza. The faculty publishes 40-50 articles annually in peer-reviewed, first-class scientific journals and is supported by extramural funding predominately from the National Institutes of Health.
Teaching Activities
The Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology in the school of medicine offers a master of science in Biotechnology, which is a thesis-based program. Several faculty members are involved in providing high-quality instruction that includes lectures, labs, and mentoring thesis research. Departmental faculty members also train approximately 25 post-doctoral fellows each year. The program accepts applications starting in spring for the Fall semester.
We also offer a summer externship program for high school and college students. The primary goal of this program is to provide a stimulating, hands-on experience in scientific research as well as direct observation of professionals in healthcare. This will integrate the theoretical knowledge students have gained in biology, chemistry, and physics with their practical implications.
Masters of Science in Biotechnology