A medicine student talking to another student behind a desk


Dr. Sue CoxSue Cox, MD

A nationally recognized leader in medical education, Dr. Cox previously served as planning dean and currently serves as interim dean. She also serves as the associate dean for accreditation, strategy and quality improvement. An obstetrician-gynecologist by training, Dr. Cox has shaped medical education for 30 years and previously served as executive vice dean of academics and chair of the Department of Medical Education at Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin. The lead designer of curriculum for Dell Med, Dr. Cox co-chaired the  accreditation steering committee.

In 2019, she received the Association of American Medical Colleges Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award, recognizing faculty for distinguished contributions to medical education nationwide. Dr. Cox has received many awards for leadership, distinguished teaching and clinical work, including being listed among the Best Doctors in America.

Dr. Cox is known for emphasizing leadership skills, collaboration, innovation, problem-solving and cross-disciplinary teamwork with a focus on value-based healthcare.


Academic Leadership


Gisele Abron, PhD
Associate Dean, Admissions, Recruitment & Pathways
Email: gisele.abron@uthct.edu

dr-emmanual elueze

Emmanuel Elueze, MD, PhD, MPA, FACP
Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education & DIO
Email: eelueze@uttyler.edu


Crystal Bryce, PhD
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Email: crystal.bryce@uthct.edu 

man in suit jacket, with a patterned blue tie, smiling

Daniel Griffin, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education & Department Chair, Medical Education
Email: daniel.griffin@uttyler.edu 

dr-steven cox

Steven Cox, MD
President of University Practice Plan, Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs, Professor of Surgery
Email: scox@uttyler.edu 


Jeffrey Pearl, MD, FACS
Associate Dean, Professional Health Education
Email: jeffrey.pearl@uthct.edu



dr-torry tucker

Torry Tucker, PhD
Associate Dean, Research

Department Chairs

man in a tie and suit smiling

Jarett Berry, MD
Professor & Department Chair, Internal Medicine
Email: jberry@uttyler.edu

man wearing a white coat, smiling. Man has dark hair and brown eyes, olive complexion.

Hishaam Ismael, MD
Department Chair, Surgery
Email: hishaam.ismael@uttyler.edu

man in white coat,smiling. man is bald with facial hair.

Robert Creath, MD
Assistant Professor & Department Chair, Emergency Medicine
Email: robert.creath@uttyler.edu  

woman in white coat, smiling.

Jamie Librizzi, MD
Department Chair, Children's and Women's Health
Email: jamie.librizzi@uttyler.edu 

crum smiling in photo, wearing a black suit jacket

Michelle Crum, PhD
Division Chief, Preventive Medicine
Email: michelle.crum@uttyler.edu 

woman wearing white coat, with glasses and smiling.

Cheryl McCullumsmith, MD, PhD
Department Chair, Robert M. Rogers Department of Psychiatry
Email: cheryl.mccullumsmith@uttyler.edu

man with dark hair, wearing a black suit jacket and red, patterned tie.

Paul Detwiler, MD
Department Chair, Neurosurgery  

women in a pink blouse, dark hair, smiling

Dalia Nessim, MD
Division Chief, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Email: dalia.nessim@uttyler.edu

man in suit jacket, with a patterned blue tie, smiling

Daniel Griffin, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education & Department Chair, Medical Education
Email: daniel.griffin@uttyler.edu

man wearing a white coat with a light blue undershirt and yellow tie.

Ramachandra Reddy, MD
Department Chair, Cardiothoraic Surgery
Email: ramachandra.reddy@uttyler.edu

woman, smiling, wearing a business suit jacket

Jennifer Holman, MD
Department Chair, Dermatology

man in a grey suit, with blue undershirt, smiling.

Karan Singh, PhD
Department Chair, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email: karan.singh@uttyler.edu


Mitsuo Ikebe, PhD
Department Chair, Cellular & Molelcular Biology
Email: mitsuo.ikebe@uttyler.edu

man in a white coat, wearing glasses and smiling

Robert Tompkins, MD
Department Chair, Family Medicine
Email: robert.tompkins@uttyler.edu



man in suit, smiling

R. David Warters, MD, FASA
Professor & Chair, Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Email: robert.warters@uttyler.edu

Administration Support


Sarah Buchanan
Manager, Marketing & Communications
Email: sarah.buchanan@uthct.edu


Bryan Pannagl
Executive Director, Finance & Administration
Email: bryan.pannagl@uttyler.edu

Ronica Harper

Ronica Harper
Program Manager, Accreditation, Quality & Planning
Email: ronica.harper@uttyler.edu


Michelle Salge
Director of the Dean's Office
Email: michelle.salge@uthct.edu

female with blonde hair, wearing a black top, smiling

Lauren Miller
Administrative Assistant II




Undergraduate Medical Education Leadership

dr-andrea- cooley

Andrea Cooley, DO, FACOS
Assistant Dean, Clinical Experiences and Assistant Professor, Medical Education
Email: andrea.cooley@uthct.edu

man in suit jacket, with a patterned blue tie, smiling

Daniel Griffin, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education & Department Chair, Medical Education
Email: daniel.griffin@uttyler.edu 


Rebeca Racataian-Gavan, MD
Assistant Dean, Clinical Competence
Email: rebeca.racataian-gavan@uthct.edu

David Rice, MD

David Rice, MD
Assistant Dean, Foundation Sciences
Email: david.rice@uthct.edu

Undergraduate Medical Education Faculty & Staff

Chaynee Atwood

Chaynee Atwood, MBA
Sr. Program Coordinator, Academic Affairs
Email: andrea.cooley@uthct.edu

Pamela Lucchesi

Pamela Lucchesi, PhD
Professor and Director of Faculty Development
Email: pamela.lucchesi@uthct.edu

man in suit, smiling.

Carlos Martinez Diaz, MS
Anatomist Instructor


Josh Pazos
Simulation Operations Specialist
Email: joshua.pazos@uttyler.edu

blonde-haired female smiling, wearing a yellow top with a black jacket

Christie Hazelwood
Simulated Patient Educator

Dr. Philip Pippin, MD

Philip Pippin, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine


Natalie Hicks
Program Coordinator

Demidmaa Tuvdendorj

Demidmaa Tuvdendorj, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine


Corey Landers
Sr. Data Analyst, Assessment & Evaluation

Yvonne Valentine

Yvonne Valentine
 Program Coordinator, SMILE Center


Jeffrey Levin, MD
Director, Population Health & System Science


Takova Wallace-Gay, PharmD 
Associate Professor and Director, Interprofessional Education

Karen Lewis

Karen Lewis, PhD, MAEd, CHSE
Director, SP Program & Clinical Skills


Roland Williams
IT Support Partner


Wesley Lockhart
Operational Director, Simulation