Student Assistance and Advocacy Center

Student Assistance and Advocacy Center
Dean of Students

If you feel threatened or know of someone who is in extreme distress, call 911 or University Police Department (UPD) Dispatch at 903.566.7300.

The Student Assistance and Advocacy Center Team does not respond directly to emergencies. However, if you are a student who needs additional consultation, please contact the Crisis Line at 903.566.7254.

Can We Help?

The college experience can be stressful and overwhelming for many students. However, when a difficult situation interferes significantly with a student's well-being, it may be time to seek assistance. The Student Assistance and Advocacy Team (SAAT) is dedicated to providing comprehensive advocacy and intervention services to assist students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success in an effort to balance the needs of individual students with the needs of the campus community.

We believe that empowerment is a vital aspect of advocacy. To that end, the Student Assistance and Advocacy Center partners with students to foster self-advocacy when facing barriers to success.

Team Goals:

• Support students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success
• Address questions or concerns about utilizing various campus resources
• Aid students in identifying and navigating campus offices to meet their respective needs. 

Accessing Our Services

  • Fill out our Assistance-and-Advocacy Form or
  • To speak with a member of the Student Assistance and Advocacy Team, during normal business hours, call 903.565.5946 or
  • Come to our office located in the Dean of Students suite, UC 3110

Submissions will be received during normal business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays. If this is a true emergency or requires immediate attention, please call 911 or UPD Dispatch at 903.566.7300.


The guidance provided by the staff of the Student Assistance and Advocacy Center should not be confused as therapy. The laws that apply to a confidential therapeutic relationship do not apply to all helping relationships. There may be instances when information needs to be shared with other campus partners to ensure the safety of the campus community. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, information will only be shared strictly on a need-to-know basis.