Core Curriculum Assessment

Core Curriculum Assessment

The University of Texas at Tyler Core Curriculum is approved annually by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Texas (THECB) and aligns with the UT Tyler mission and strategic plan to prepare all UT Tyler graduates to be productive and successful 21st century leaders.

The purpose of Core Curriculum assessment is to improve student attainment of the Texas Core Objectives and to affirm the following foundational goals of general education:

  • All Core Curriculum Course competencies are college-level.
  • Assessment documents the degree of acceptable student attainment for each student learning outcome.
  • Core courses present a breadth of knowledge and do not focus narrowly on skills, techniques and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession.
  • Core courses are designed to fulfill the general education requirements for the entire student population.

 UT Tyle Core Student Learning Outcomes

The Texas Core objectives serve as the UT Tyler student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of all undergraduate degree programs. The UT Tyler Core Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are: 

SLO 1 Critical Thinking: Students will be able to analyze and evaluate information within a discipline-specific context.

SLO 2 Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students will be able to analyze numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.

SLO 3 Personal Responsibility: Students will be able to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making.

SLO 4 Communication: Students will be able to develop and communicate ideas effectively in written, oral, aural, and/or visual modes appropriate to the subject and audience.

SLO 5 Teamwork: Students will be able to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.

SLO 6 Social Responsibility: Students will be able to synthesize knowledge of civic responsibility, intercultural knowledge, and global awareness skills that promote responsible citizenship in a global society.

2024-25 UT Tyler Core Curriculum and Component Assessment Mapping

THECB Texas Core Curriculum Assessment Guide


All UT Tyler Core SLOs are assessed using faculty-selected dimensions from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics. VALUE stands for Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education and is a campus-based, faculty developed assessment approach organized and led by AAC&U as part of its Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) initiative.

AAC&U developed the VALUE rubrics as an open educational resource to reliably assess original student work across 16 broad learning outcomes. The VALUE Rubrics were initially developed from 2007 to 2009 by teams of faculty from colleges and universities across the United States and are periodically revised based on feedback from faculty.

Core faculty follow the practices set forth in UT Tyler VALUE Rubric Scoring Guidelines to score sampled student artifacts from each Core course, which are based on AAC&U’s Rubric Calibration Training and Scoring Guidelines

Core Assessment Rubrics

In addition to the VALUE Rubrics, AAC&U has developed VALUE Assignment Design and Diagnostic (ADD) Tools for Critical Thinking and Written Communication. The VALUE ADD Tools are intended to aid faculty and instructional designers in developing assignments designed to elicit evidence of student attainment of the learning outcome.

Assessment Plan Forms

To ensure that course learning outcomes and content are aligned with the relevant Core objectives, AIE developed Assessment Plan forms for each FCA that identify the required Core objectives, the course learning outcome that aligns with each required Core SLO, the signature assignment, and the rubric dimensions to be assessed. An assessment plan form should be completed for all new Core course proposals and updates to existing course assessment plans. Please contact the CAS Assessment Coordinator with questions or assistance in completing the form.

Foundation Component Area (FCA):
Component Area Option (CAO):