Art Course Syllabi
Contact Us
Department of Art & Art History
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7250
Fx: 903.566.7062
Art and Art History Syllabi
UT Tyler Department of Art and Art History
Summer 2025 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art - Summer I
- ART 4354 Greek Art - Summer I
- ART 5354 Greek Art - Summer I
- ART 4390 Topics in Studio Art-3D Mixed Media - Summer I
- ART 1306 Art and Film - Summer II
Spring 2025 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Dual Credit sections D001/D070/D090)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 001)
ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 060/061 - Online/Distance)
ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 062 - Online/Distance)
ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design - ART 1316 Drawing I
- ART 2304 Art History Survey II
ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
ART 3320/3321 Intermediate Life Drawing I&II
ART 3343 Jewelry & Metalsmithing
ART 3340/5336 Aesthetics in Visual Learning
ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
ART 3376 Intermediate Printmaking - ART 3379 Intermediate Ceramics
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Studio Art)
- ART 4320 Advanced Drawing
ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
ART 4341 Advanced Jewelry & Metalsmithing - ART 4370 Undergraduate Practicum
- ART 4371 Undergraduate Internship
ART 4376 Advanced Printmaking
ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics - ART 4390 Special Topics in Studio Art: Iron
ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism (section 060)
ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Art & Migration in the Modern Era (section 001) - ART 4394/5394 Contemporary Issues
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice (sections 001/002)
ART 5395/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Fall 2024 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 001)
- ART 1312 3D Design
- ART 1316 Drawing I
- ART 2303 Art History Survey I:
- ART 2316 Beginning Painting
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 3300 Digital Media
- ART 3343 Jewelry and Metalsmithing
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3376 Intermediate Printmaking
- ART 3379 Intermediate Ceramics
- ART 3392 Professional Practices
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition
- ART 4346/5346 Baroque & Rococo Art
- ART 4349/5349 Twentieth-Century Art
- ART 4370/4371 Undergraduate Internship & Practicum
- ART 4376 Advanced Printmaking
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History
- ART 4399 Independent Study (section 001)
- ART 4399 Independent Study (section 003)
- ART 4399 Independent Study (section 004)
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5371 Graduate Internship Practicum
Spring 2024 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 001)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 061 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 2304 Art History Survey II
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 3320 Intermediate Life Drawing I
- ART 3343 Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- ART 3340/5336 Aesthetics in Visual Learning
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3369 Collage
- ART 3379 Ceramics
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Studio Art)
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4341 Advanced Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Visual Culture of the Cold War (section 001)
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Murals, Martyrs, and the Macabre: Mexican Revolutionary Art (section 002)
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5371 Graduate Internship Practicum
- ART 5395/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Fall 2023 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 001)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 061 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 1316 Drawing I (section 001)
- ART 1316 Drawing I (section 002)
- ART 2303 Art History Survey I
- ART 2316 Beginning Painting
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 3300 Composition and Design
- ART 3343 Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3379 Ceramics
- ART 3392 Professional Practices
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Studio Art)
- ART 4193 Art History Senior Thesis (section 001)
- ART 4193 Art History Senior Thesis (section 002)
- ART 4320 Advanced Drawing
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4341 Advanced Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- ART 4345/5345 Renaissance Art
- ART 4370/4371Undergraduate Internship & Practicum
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Women in Art II (section 001)
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Frida Kahlo: Art, Life & Death (section 002)
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5395/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Summer 2023 Course Syllabi
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (section 460 - Online/Distance)
- ART 4320 Advanced Drawing
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Orientalizing in 19th Century French Painting (Online/Distance)
- ART 5399 Graduate Independent Study
Spring 2023 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 061 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 2304 Art History Survey II
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 3320 Intermediate Life Drawing I
- ART 3340/5336 Aesthetics in Visual Learning
- ART 3343 Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Studio Art)
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4344/5344 Medieval Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4390 Topics in Studio Art: Book Arts: Materials and Techniques
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: American Art 1865 - Present
- ART 4394/5394 Contemporary Issues
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5395/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Fall 2022 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 061 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 1316 Drawing I
- ART 2303 Art History Survey I
- ART 2316 Beginning Painting
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 3300 Composition and Design
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3379 Ceramics
- ART 3392 Professional Practices
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Art History)
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition (Studio Art)
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4347/5347 Nineteenth-Century Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 4352/5391 Women in Art
- ART 4370/4371 Undergraduate Internship & Practicum
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Brazilian Art
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5395/5396/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Summer 2022 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 3369 Collage Theory and Practice
- ART 4354/ART 5354 Greek Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 4399 Independent Study (Branch)
- ART 5390 Graduate Topics in Studio Art
Spring 2022 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 060 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1306 Art & Film (section 061 - Online/Distance)
- ART 1311 Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 2304 Art History Survey II
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 3320 Intermediate Life Drawing I
- ART 3340/5336 Aesthetics in Visual Learning
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3379 Ceramics
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition
- ART 4320 Advanced Drawing
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4339/5391 Exhibition Practicum: Latin American Folk Art
- ART 4371 Undergraduate Internship Practicum
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: Neoclassical Art
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5371 Graduate Internship Practicum
Fall 2021 Course Syllabi
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art (Magnusen)
- ART 1301 Introduction to Art Lisot-Nelson - Online/Distance Course)
- ART 1306 Art and Film (Section 060 Hatcher - Online/Distance Course)
- ART 1306 Art and Film (Section 061 Hatcher - Online/Distance Course)
- ART 1312 Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 1316 Drawing I
- ART 2303 Art History Survey I
- ART 2316 Beginning Painting
- ART 2326 Beginning Sculpture
- ART 2379 Beginning Ceramics
- ART 2333 Beginning Printmaking
- ART 3300 Composition and Design
- ART 3366 Intermediate Painting
- ART 3369 Collage Theory & Practice
- ART 3392 Professional Practices
- ART 4192 Senior Exhibition
- ART 4337 Advanced Painting Techniques
- ART 4338/5391 Curatorial Training and Ethics
- ART 4346/5346 Baroque and Rococo Art
- ART 4370/4371 Undergraduate Internship & Practicum
- ART 4376 Advanced Intaglio/Relief
- ART 4379 Advanced Sculpture
- ART 4380 Advanced Ceramics
- ART 4390 Topics in Studio Art
- ART 4391/5391 Topics in Art History: The Body in 19th & 20th Century Art
- ART 5370 Graduate Studio Practice
- ART 5371 Graduate Internship Practicum
- ART 5395/5396/5397 Thesis and Thesis Exhibition (Studio Art)
Contact Us
Department of Art & Art History
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7250
Fx: 903.566.7062