UT Tyler Financial Aid - Exemptions and Waivers
Contact Us
Financial Aid and Scholarships
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7180
Fx: 903.566.7183
Exemptions and Waivers
Financial Aid
Exemptions and Waivers are reductions in tuition/tuition and fees. There is NO monetary value assigned to exemptions or waivers, and students will not receive a refund from an exemption/waiver.
Requests for ALL exemptions and waivers, as well as any required documentation, must be submitted to enroll@uttyler.edu prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Students who completely withdraw from classes prior to the census date each semester will be responsible for any balances on their student account.
*All UT Tyler students receiving an exemption or waiver who have not filed the FAFSA must now complete a Statement of Selective Service Registration Status located in the financial aid forms library. Please submit the form to the One-Stop or enroll@uttyler.edu*
*Flat-rate tuition programs are not eligible to receive exemptions or waivers.
Exemptions are a type of financial assistance allowing certain Texas residents to attend a public college or university in Texas without paying tuition, or in some cases, tuition and fees. Specific eligibility requirements and required documentation under these provisions may be obtained on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's website. Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Adopted Students Formerly in Foster or Other Residential Care
To provide college financial assistance to students who once were in foster or other
residential care and have been adopted.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Blind/Deaf Student Exemption Program
To help enable blind and deaf students to attend public colleges or universities in the state of Texas.
Vision-related disabilities are determined eligible by Vocational Rehabilitation Services Offices through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Students must contact their local TWC office to apply.
Hearing disabilities are determined eligible by Texas Health and Human Services (HHS). To apply, students must submit the Application for Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (Form 3900) to HHS.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
To Provide a benefit to the children of persons who have been disabled or killed in
the line of duty while serving the community.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Children of Professional Nurse Faculty and Staff
To provide an exemption of tuition to eligible students to encourage their parents
to continue employment as professional nurse faculty or staff members in the State
of Texas.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Clinical Preceptors and Their Children
To provide a partial exemption (up to $500/semester) from the payment of tuition to
eligible persons employed as clinical preceptors and to their children in order to
encourage the preceptors to continue their employment and induce others to seek such
employment in the state of Texas.
Students must submit the completed Preceptor Exemption application form and the Clinical Preceptor application. Incomplete/Unsigned forms are not accepted. New forms must be submitted each semester prior to the census date.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Note- RN-BSN flat-rate tuition programs are not eligible to receive exemptions or waivers.
Combat Exemption for Children of Military Service Members
To provide an education benefit to a child or stepchild of a member of the Armed Forces
who is deployed to active duty in a combat zone outside the United States.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Firefighters Taking Fire Science Courses
To provide tuition assistance to eligible employed and volunteer firefighters in the
state of Texas enrolled in college-level fire science courses (limited to 1. BS, Criminal
Justice 2. BAAS or 3. Master of Public Administration)
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the
census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
To provide college financial assistance to students who were in foster care when they
turned 18 years of age.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Highest Ranking High School Graduate
To provide an award to students graduating top in their classes in high school. Valid
only for first two semesters of enrollment.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Military: Hazlewood Exemption for Texas Veterans & their Dependents
To provide an education benefit to honorably discharged or separated Texas veterans.
Students should contact the Military and Veterans Success Center to establish eligibility.
*There has been a change in the citizenship requirement for the Hazlewood Exemption
Program. It is no longer required that the applicant be a U.S. citizen. The applicant
must be a permanent resident of the state of Texas. The change is effective as of
Spring 2008.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the
census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Military: Children of U.S. Military Missing in Action or Prisoners of War
To provide an education benefit to the children of persons listed as Missing in Action
or Prisoners of War by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Military: Texas National Guard Tuition Assistance Program
To provide an exemption from the payment of tuition to certain members of the Texas
National Guard, Texas Air Guard, or the State Guard.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Peace Officers Disabled in the Line of Duty
To provide a benefit to persons who were injured in the line of duty while serving
as peace officers.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Peace Officers Enrolled in Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice Courses
To encourage persons employed as peace officers to take college courses designed to
help them in their work.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Senior Citizen, 65 or Older, Free Tuition for 6 Credit Hours
To encourage senior citizens to continue their education and keep involved with local
colleges and universities.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Senior Citizen, 65 or Older, Free Tuition for Auditing Classes
To encourage senior citizens to continue their education and keep involved with local
colleges and universities.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children of Certain Deceased Public Servants (Employees)
To provide free tuition and fees, free textbooks, and possibly free room and board
to certain students whose parent or spouse was killed in the line of duty while employed
in certain public service positions.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
TANF Exemption Program
As of Fall 2020, this program is not currently funded.
To provide students who play taps at military funerals with a voucher for tuition reduction.
Requests for exemption of tuition and/or certain fees must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Specific eligibility requirements and required documentation under these provisions may be obtained on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's website. Waivers pertain to certain students who are not Texas residents. Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
100 Mile Waiver for Residents of Arkansas, Louisiana or Oklahoma Enrolled in Texas Public Universities (Bordering State Waiver)
**As of the 2020-2021 Academic Year, student must request waiver by emailing enroll@uttyler.edu prior to census date.**
This tuition waiver only applies to individuals who are residents of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
The 100 Mile Waiver of non-resident tuition charges only applies to the statutory tuition rate and not the designated tuition rate. Additionally, per state regulations the 100 Mile Waiver rate must be at least $30 dollars more per hour than the Texas Resident rate. For information on the current statutory tuition rate, you may view the Tuition and Fee Schedule for the academic year.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Competitive Scholarship Waiver
**As of the 2020-2021 Academic Year, student must request waiver by emailing enroll@uttyler.edu prior to census date.**
To allow a public institution to grant a waiver of nonresident tuition charges to
individuals who receive scholarships totaling at least $1,000 awarded by their institution
in competition open both to residents and to nonresidents.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Academic Common Market (ACM) Waiver
Texas is one of sixteen states participating in the Academic Common Market, an interstate agreement for sharing state-supported graduate programs. Residents of member states who are accepted for admission into selected out-of-state graduate programs may enroll on an in-state rather than out-of-state tuition basis. Information about UT Tyler graduate programs selected for the ACM by other states is available from the Office of Graduate Admissions.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Economic Development and Diversification Waiver
In-state Tuition Incentive may be offered by the Economic Development & Tourism division
of the Office of the Governor to qualified businesses that are in the decision-making
process to relocate or expand their operations into Texas. The incentive allows employees
and family members of the qualified businesses to pay the Texas resident tuition rate
at a Texas public institution of higher education without first establishing residency.
Employees and family members moving to Texas after the incentive designation expires
must reside in Texas for a 12-month period before being able to pay the Texas resident
tuition rate.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Please select the link above to review all waivers available to members of the United
States Military. Please contact the Military and Veterans Success Center for more
information on establishing eligibility.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant Waiver
To permit an individual employed at least half time (20 hours/ week) by a public institution of higher education as a research or teaching assistant, and his/her spouse and children, to enroll in public institutions in Texas while paying the resident tuition rate.
Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant Waiver Request Form –signed PDF must be submitted to enroll@uttyler.edu prior to Census Date.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Waiver for College Faculty and their Dependents
To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to teachers and professors employed at
least half-time on a regular monthly salary basis by any Texas public college or university.
Such waiver is also applicable to the spouse and dependent children of the teacher
or professor.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Waiver Program for Registered Nurses Enrolled in Postgraduate Nursing Degree Programs
To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition for registered nurses enrolled in graduate nursing programs offered by public institutions in Texas.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Contact Us
Financial Aid and Scholarships
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7180
Fx: 903.566.7183