Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

UT Tyler Psychology & Counseling

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

Faculty Research Areas

Dr. Michael Barnett

My research involves utilizing novel technologies for neuropsychological assessment of cognitive impairment among older adults.  I employ virtual reality technology to provide ecologically valid assessment of neuropsychological functioning and everyday functional capacities among older adults.  My research also investigates a number of areas in relation to neuropsychological functioning among older adults including off-topic verbosity, medication adherence, and financial exploitation.  I also conduct research on the impact of rapport on neuropsychological test performance.

Dr. Olga Berkout

My research involves developing novel strategies for assessment and intervention drawing on the contextual behavioral science framework.  I am particularly interested in using technology and alternative intervention formats as a means of extending the reach of behavioral science.  Current projects are focused on digital phenotyping within language data and web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Dr. Dennis Combs

My research areas focus on social cognition in schizophrenia, paranoia, and delusions.  I have focused on emotion perception deficits and methods to improve these in psychosis.  I have been a collaborator in the development of an evidence-based treated for social cognitive deficits called Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT).  Also, I am interested in developing assessment measures for paranoia, attributional style, and other social cognitive areas.  How neuropsychological deficits are related to social functioning and social cognition is also of interest.  My treatment approach is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis.

Dr. Bradley Green

My research examines the latent structure of psychological constructs, accurate measurement of those constructs, and the multivariate relationships among them. More specifically, I am interested in the measurement of personality and psychopathology, particularly as assessed by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory family of measures. I have worked extensively on the development and validation of instruments intended to screen for hypersexual problems, or sexual addiction, and to further measure the specific patterns of expression of problematic hypersexual behavior. I have recently been collaborating across disciplines to examine the relationships among genetic factors, psychopathology factors (e.g. personality traits, anxiety, depression, thought disturbance), and the risk for developing problematic hypersexual behaviors, as well as the degree to which genetic and psychopathology factors relate to specific patterns of expressing hypersexuality. I have also been fortunate to contribute to research on factors related to suicide in military personnel.

Dr. Adam McGuire

Broadly, my research aims to identify ways in which positive psychology constructs could be integrated into the treatment of PTSD and trauma-related outcomes. Currently, my research focuses on moral elevation (i.e., feeling uplifted and inspired by others' virtuous behavior) as a potential therapeutic tool for PTSD and moral injury in veterans. I am also interested in other positive psychology constructs such as gratitude, as well as other trauma-related outcomes for veterans including depression, anxiety, and substance use. In addition to my role at UT Tyler, I serve as a Clinical Psychologist and Research Investigator at the VA Center of Excellence for Research on Returning War Veterans in Waco, Texas.

Dr. Sarah Sass

In general, my research interests involve mechanisms and treatment of psychological disorders, emphasizing internalizing disorders such as anxiety and depression. Recent projects have included treatment research studies, primarily using basic science methods to evaluate attention bias modification (ABM) and mindfulness interventions in individuals reporting anxiety, depression, or other forms of psychological distress. I employ psychophysiological (including EEG, ERP, heart rate, skin conductance) in some of these projects, and self-report and behavioral methods in most projects. I primarily conduct research with adult populations but recently have expanded to working with adolescents and youth.