Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

UT Tyler Psychology & Counseling

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

Financial Support

Financial support for Clinical Psychology doctoral students at UT Tyler can include scholarships and clinic, research, or teaching assistantships. Funded students who matriculate into the doctoral program will receive a four-year clinical psychology PhD program scholarship (renewal based on performance) as well as a 50% tuition reduction.  Out of state or international students who receive an assistantship will be given in-state tuition rates. Assistantships are based on 20 hours per week and are expected to be provided for four years*, pending satisfactory performance in coursework and assistantships.   

*We cannot guarantee funding due to budget constraints and other economic factors but have been able to fully fund all students in the program since its inception in 2019.

Click here to see additional information about financial support.

Click here to see additional information about program costs.