Postdoctoral Training

Postdoctoral Training

UT Tyler Department of Mathematics

The postdoctoral training program will pair recent Ph.D. recipients with established mathematics researchers at UT Tyler. Faculty members at UT Tyler are very active in research, particularly in the areas of combinatorics/graph theory, number theory, and functional analysis/operator algebras. Below is a list of potential faculty mentors and their research interests.

Katie Anders

Dr. Katie Anders joined the UT Tyler faculty in 2014 and is now an Associate Professor of Mathematics. Her research interests are in number theory and combinatorics. Specifically, she works with digital representations and generalized graph splines. Katie's curriculum vitae is available here.

Madeline Dawsey

Research interests: Combinatorics and number theory, specifically partitions and modular forms. See Dr. Dawsey's curriculum vitae for more information.

Christy Graves

Research interests: Reliability polynomials. See Dr. Graves's curriculum vitae for more information.

Joseph Vandehey

Research interests: Number theory, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, continued fractions, normal numbers. See Dr. Vandehey's curriculum vitae for more information.