image of Pre-Med alumna Ciera Ward

Academy of Future Health Professionals

The University of Texas at Tyler


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See Upcoming AFHP Events!

Pre-Health Week ’25 February 26-27


UT Tyler has historically produced graduates well-prepared for the rigors of medical school. Many have gone on to become successful practitioners, including anesthesiologists, surgeons, neuroscientists, radiologists and pediatricians. The UT Tyler Academy of Future Health Professionals is designed to increase the number of students accepted into medical school and improve the quality of their readiness for medical school studies.

Offered through the UT Tyler College of Arts and Sciences, the AFHP program:

  • Delivers programs and workshops that encourage East Texas high school students to study medicine.
  • Delivers special symposia for UT Tyler pre-med students, focused on developing the personal characteristics needed for medical school including personal responsibility, altruism, empathy and ethics.
  • Facilitates for UT Tyler pre-med students job shadowing with medical professionals and research opportunities on campus, both critical for medical school acceptance.
  • Provides UT Tyler pre-med students with dedicated advising and support from start to MCAT to medical school acceptance, helping students to get into the medical school of their choice.

See the Pre-Med Academy Announcement (Press Release)

Meet UT Tyler Pre-Med Alumni

Overview for Pre-Med

The decision to go to medical school after receiving your bachelor's degree is a very important one and requires a good deal of thought and research on your part. Medical school is not easy and it is very expensive; therefore, your preparation should be taken very seriously. The three most important decision points you will reach on your way to medical school are 1) your undergraduate preparation, 2) the medical school admission process, and 3) the choice of which medical school to attend. At UT Tyler, we are prepared to help you with all of these decisions.

Incoming freshmen who are Pell Grant eligible and have an SAT or ACT score of not less than the mean for the state of Texas may participate in the UT Tyler JAMP.

  • Pre-Med Advising: This is conducted through the UT Tyler College of Arts and Sciences, which holds membership in the Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions and the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions. Dr. Rachel Mason, in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is the pre-medical advisor and is available to help students make the important choices regarding curriculum, extra-curricular activities, medical school application process and choice of medical school. AFHP is also the home to several student organizations including the Pre-Health Student Association, the Amercian Medical Student Association, the Pre-Dental Society, the Pre-PA Association, the Wilderness Medicine Student Interest Group and the Pre-Optometry Club.
  • Undergraduate Major: Medical schools do not recommend any one major for students planning to attend medical school. Nor is there one field, which will give you an advantage. Instead, medical schools look for a rigorous arts and sciences education that has sharpened skills and values essential to doing well in medical school and in becoming a physician. Select a major that you not only enjoy and have a passion for but one that will demand excellence in critical thinking, expository and persuasive writing, oral communication, critical reading, research and organization. Also, seek out a curriculum that requires research papers, substantial reading, laboratory experiences, essay exams and oral presentations.

At UT Tyler, you may want to consider one of the following majors: biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, English, health and kinesiology, history, mathematics, music, art, political science, sociology or speech communication.

Undergraduate Minor: If your major requires a minor, choose a minor and electives that complement your major. Because medical schools expect students to have several semesters of basic science courses, a BS/BA degree is highly recommended.

Though specific science and mathematics requirements for each medical school may vary, completion of the required courses below will satisfy minimum admission requirements to all sixteen of the Texas medical schools. Medical schools will update their websites and requirements often so take responsibility to frequently check to make sure you are up to date on current information. All science courses selected to fulfill the science requirements for admission to medical school should be courses that will satisfy the requirements for a major in one of the basic sciences.

Following is a list of required core courses as prerequisites to each of the eight medical schools in Texas.

  • A minimum of 14 semester hours of Biology: Required - BIOL 1306/1106, 1307/1107 General Biology I and II plus an addition 6 semester hours. Suggested courses include: BIOL 3332/3133 Genetics; BIOL 4300/4101 Microbiology; BIOL 3334/3134 Cell Biology or 4302/4102 Cell and Molecular Biology; BIOL 3343/3144 Physiology; BIOL 4350 Immunology.
  • CHEM 1311/1111, 1312/1112 General Chemistry I and II
  • CHEM 3342/3134, 3344/3145 Organic Chemistry I and II
  • CHEM 4334/4135 Biochemistry I
  • MATH 1342 Statistics
  • *PHYS 1301/1101, 1302/1102 College Physics I and II (Algebra-based)


  • *PHYS 2325/2125, 2326/2126 University Physics I and I (Calculus-based)
  • ENGL 1301, 1302 Grammar and Composition I and II
  • PSYC 1301 Introduction to Pyschology

*Medical or dental schools will accept either College Physics or University Physics.

Courses in business administration, computer science, fine arts, foreign language, philosophy and ethics are also recommended. Some schools strongly recommend students take courses in humanities, social sciences or behavioral sciences.

Courses in health career majors: nursing, pharmacy, kinesiology or allied health are not acceptable toward the prerequisite requirements.

  • Medical School Application Schedule: The application process is a lengthy one, and typically begins in the junior year of college. The process starts in the spring with the MCAT (Medical School Admissions Test) given throughout the year. Students typically test in January or April. Candidates submit their application materials no later than June. The application process for Texas public medical, dental, veterinary, and podiatry schools are on-line through the, Texas Medical and Dental School Application Service. Separate supplemental applications may also be necessary. Candidates may also use The American Medical College Application Service. Candidates may be notified of interviews to one or more of the medical schools as early as August and interviews occur through the fall. Successful candidates are notified of matches to one or more of the medical schools in early February. A candidate's choice of medical school leads to matriculation in the fall.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Medical school admission committees will look not only at your MCAT scores, your GPA and the rigor of courses taken, they will also want to see participation in meaningful extracurricular activities that enhance concepts of citizenship, leadership and service, as well as activities that build writing and speaking skills. As a pre-medical student you might want to become involved in activities such as student government, university and community service or athletics.
  • Also important is evidence that you understand the work of a physician. Working or volunteering in a clinic, hospital or other health related institution will give you good experience and demonstrate your interest in medicine. You may want to contact physicians and get permission to shadow them for a few months. However, excellent grades and high MCAT scores must be a priority. Do not sacrifice your GPA in favor of extracurricular activities. Medical school admissions committees are also looking for a degree of professionalism and a passion for helping people. Your resume should demonstrate these qualities.

Here's a list of Texas medical schools.

For more information or questions concerning courses at UT Tyler that will fulfill medical school prerequisites please contact:

Dr. Rachel Mason
Chief Health Professions Advisor & JAMP Faculty Director
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd
Tyler, Texas 75799
Office: RBS 3002
Phone: 903.565.5641

Marti Halbrook, MS
Assistant Director, Academy of Future Health Professionals
The University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd
Tyler, Texas 75799
Office CAS 132
Phone: 903.566.7193