Wesley Hickey

Wesley Hickey, Ed.D.

Professor of Educational Leadership

Email: whickey@uttyler.edu
Building:   BEP 227
Department: Education


  • Ed.D. Stephen F. Austin State University
  • M.Ed. The University of Texas at Tyler
  • B.S. University of North Texas


Professional Certifications

  • Standard Superintendent
  • Professional Mid-Management
  • Secondary Biology
  • Secondary Physical Education

Courses Taught

  • EDLR 5320 - School Law
  • EDLR 5350 - Personnel Administration
  • EDLR 5353 - School Finance
  • EDLR 5360 - The School Superintendent
  • EDLR 5375 - Internship in the Superintendency

Professional & Research Interests

  • Public School Bond Elections
  • Superintendent Leadership
  • Church/State Issues

Curriculum Vita