Refund FAQs
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Refund FAQs
Student Business Services
Refunds are generated when a negative balance (a.k.a. "credit" balance) exists on your account. A credit balance is created when amounts applied to your account, like financial aid, veteran's benefits, and tuition reimbursements, exceed allowable charges, like tuition, fees, housing, meal plan, insurance, etc.
For currently enrolled students with a credit balance, the Student Business Services Office will:
- Analyze your student account
- Check for holds blocking your refund
- Utilize credits towards outstanding balances, when applicable
- Generate a refund
Please note: Financial aid will not automatically pay towards past due balances for prior terms. Certain financial aid will not pay toward certain charges.
When will I receive my financial aid refund?
Due to federal/state regulations and requirements, refunds may not occur the same day your financial aid disburses. This process should not take longer than 14 days from the day your financial aid disburses but often occurs within 3-5 business days if all the following are true:
Your financial aid or other benefits have paid your bill in full;
AND There is a negative/credit balance on your account;
AND Your term or session has started.
Note: UT Tyler cannot issue your refund prior to the beginning of your term/session.
How will I receive my financial aid refund?
UT Tyler will deliver your refund through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX, Inc. (see exceptions below). You may choose to have your funds deposited to your existing bank account or your BankMobile VIBE checking account via
How do I select my refund preference?
You will only have to select your refund preference once in your time as a student at UT Tyler. Once you have selected your preference initially, you may change it by logging into
To select your preference:
- Visit
- Enter your unique Personal Code you received in the green envelope or via email. You can also request a personal code by selecting the “Need a code?” link.
- Select how you'd like to receive your money.
- Deposit to an existing account - Your money will arrive 1-2 business days after BankMobile receives the funds from our school.
- Deposit to a BankMobile Vibe Checking Account - Your money will arrive the same business day BankMobile receives the funds from our school.
Can I use my financial aid to purchase course materials?
Absolutely! Starting about 1 month prior to classes beginning, enrolled students may utilize the Textbook Loan Program offered in coordination with the UT Tyler Bookstore. The Textbook Loan Program allows students to charge up to $1,000 in textbook charges to their student account prior to the term beginning.
Note: UT Tyler cannot issue your refund prior to the first day of classes.
What are the exceptions to refunds sent through BankMobile Disbursements?
Parent Plus Loans – These are sent to the borrower via check by mail to the address listed on the PLUS loan application.
Online Card Payments – If you withdraw from the term/session after paying with a card or cards online, the card(s) you used to pay will be refunded the amount of the eligible credit from your student account after any applicable charges are paid. Your account will not be reviewed for eligible refund until after the census date for the corresponding session/term.
Students with an international address – Students with an international address do not have access to a BankMobile Disbursements account as refund selection kits are only mailed to all the 50 U.S. states, including Washington, D.C. Students will need to update their mailing address in myUTTyler in order to receive refunds through BankMobile Disbursements.
What happens to my refund if I drop classes or withdraw?
Many forms of financial aid, scholarships and other tuition assistance programs are offered under the assumption that you will attend the institution for the entire period for which assistance was offered.
When you withdraw from all courses or stop participating in a number of courses for any reason, including medical withdrawals, you may no longer be eligible for the full amount of funds originally offered.
A prorated schedule may used to determine the amount of funds you have earned at the time of your withdrawal, which could result in a balance due on your account at UT Tyler; this is especially true if you have already received a refund.
Withdrawing from classes can impact International Student Status, Housing/Meal Plan, and degree progress. Please contact the corresponding department(s) for more information.
What happens to my tuition and fee charges if I drop classes or withdraw?
The University of Texas at Tyler is a State of Texas Agency. Refunds for dropped classes and withdrawals are not determined by the University but by the statute outlined in Section 54.006 of the Texas Education Code. This state-mandated refund schedule is strictly enforced and cannot be changed by UT Tyler employees for any reason. If you are unsure how your situation fits into this schedule, you may visit UT Tyler's Tuition and Fee Refund Schedule page or email