Nursing Seat Deposit
Contact Us
STE Room 230
3900 University Blvd
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7180
Fx: 903.565.5657
Nursing Seat Deposit
UT Tyler Cashiers Office
How Students can Pay Their Nursing Seat Deposit Online:
- Log into the myUTTyler Portal.
- Select the "My Finances" tile.
- Select "Manage My Finances" on the left side of the page.
- Select "Deposits" in the top menu bar.
- Step 1 - Deposit Payment - Click the "Select Term" drop down menu, choose the term you wil be first attending.
- Step 2 – Deposit Payment – Click the “Select Deposit Payment” drop down menu, choose the appropriate Nursing Seat Deposit option provided to you and click “Select”. Review the Deposit Information and then click “Continue”.
- Step 3 – Specify Payment Method – Select your preferred payment method (Electronic Check or Credit or Debit Card) from the drop-down menu and click Select. Complete the payment information as directed on this page (Card number or Bank Account Information.) To save this payment method, click the box next to Save this Payment for future use. Click Continue. Provide additional information if required for CC verification and click Continue when done.
- Step 4 – Confirm Payment - Confirm the information is accurate. Make changes if necessary by clicking Back. Once the information is confirmed to be accurate, click the “Submit Payment” button.
- Step 5 - Payment Results
- After you hit the “Submit Payment” button, the next screen will show if the payment is successful or not.
- If the payment is successful, this is the final step for the student and a receipt will be emailed to your patriots email account.
- If the payment is not successful, click the “eDeposits” tab and start over OR contact Student Business Services by emailing them a screen shot of the error @, so they can assist you.
- If you are finished with the payment portal, click Log Out within the payment frame.
- Return to myUTTyler by clicking on the Student Center link in the left menu.
- Once you are finished in myUTTyler, please Sign out and close your browser for security purposes.
Contact Us
STE Room 230
3900 University Blvd
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7180
Fx: 903.565.5657