Dual Credit TSI Requirements

TSI Requirements

To be eligible to enroll into dual credit courses, students must meet TSI course requirements for their specific dual credit course load.

What is TSI?

TSI stands for the Texas Success Initiative. The TSI assessment (TSIA) is a test designed to determine if a student is ready for college level course work in reading, writing, and math. UT Tyler accepts the TSIA and TSIA 2.0 .

Why are dual credit students required to be TSI Complete?

Dual credit courses are college level courses. Students must meet the same TSI requirements to ensure they are ready for college level coursework.

TSI Policies and Examples:

  • We will not require students be TSI complete for subjects/courses that they will not be taking during their dual credit career.

  • Dual Credit Students will always be checked for exemptions first before being counseled to take the TSI test.

  • Once the student graduates and attends a Texas public higher education institution, they are required to be TSI complete or exempt in math, reading and writing.

  • For example:

    • If a student is exempt in reading/writing they will not have to take the TSI for courses that require reading/writing completion.
    • If they do not plan on taking any math or science courses that requires the math TSI, then they will not have to be complete in math while they are a dual credit student.
    • However, if they do decide to take a math or science course that requires the math TSI, they will then have to take the math portion of the TSI if they are not eligible for exemption. 

For students with previous TSI scores:

Students who have already taken the TSI test at another institution will need to have their high school counselor send those TSI scores to the Dual Credit Coordinator or complete the authorization form that will allow UT Tyler to access your official scores online.

The following approved scores can be used to exempt students from taking TSI and allow them to be eligible to enroll in specific dual credit courses:

TSI Exemptions for Dual Credit

Student Category

Institution Where Course or Program Completed 

Applicability  Exemption Exemption Expiration

High School Student who successfully completes College Prep Course (TEC 28.014)

School district partners with any public, private, independent institution of higher education

Applies at the institution of Higher education that partners with the school district in which the student is enrolled to provide course(s), or at an institution that accepts the student as TSI-met based on course completion

Corresponding English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) and/or Mathematics sections

24 months from date of high school graduation & student must enroll in college-level course in exempted content within first year of enrollment at institution

Student enrolled and met readiness standards in mathematics and/or ELAR by institution 

Any Texas public, private, independent institution of higher education or accredited out-of-state institution 

Student has met college readiness standards in mathematics, reading, or writing as determined by receiving institution 

Corresponding ELAR and/or Mathematics sections  

No Expiration

Student completed college level coursework with C or better

Any Texas public, private, independent institution of higher education or accredited out-of-state institution

A student with a transcribed grade of ‘C’ or better is not subject to TSI in accordance with Rule 4.52(b).

Corresponding ELAR and/or Mathematics sections

No Expiration
College level coursework in a dual credit course as defined by Rule 4.83(11), including a College Connect dual credit course offered under Rule 4.86, with C or better.  Any Texas public institution of higher education A student with a transcribed grade of ‘C’ or better is not subject to TSI in accordance with Rule 4.54(c)(2)(b). Corresponding ELAR and/or Mathematics sections No Expiration
Student earned Texas First Diploma Any Texas public institution of higher education

A student who has earned the Texas First Diploma is TSI exempt under Rule 4.54(c)(3).

ELAR and Mathematics sections No Expiration


Assessment Type  Assessment Version

Minimum Score 

Combined? TSI Exemption?

Exemption Expiration





ACT Composite + English Prior to 2/15/23

Composite 23 and English 19

May combine with scores on test administered aer  2/15/23 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Section

5 years from date of test

ACT Composite + Math Prior to 2/15/23

Composite 23 and Math 19

N/A Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test

ACT Math After 2/15/23

Score of 22; No Composite

N/A Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test

ACT English + Reading After 2/15/23

Combined score of 40; No Composite

May combine with scores on test administered prior to 2/15/23

ELAR Section

5 years from date of test





SAT Evidence Based Reading &  Wring (EBRW)

After  3/5/16

EBRW 480

Not allowable ELAR  Section

5 years from date of test

SAT Mathematics

After  3/5/16

 Math 530

Not allowable Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test





GED Mathematical Reasoning


Mathematical Reasoning 165

N/A Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test

GED Reasoning


Language Arts



RLA   165

N/A ELAR  Section

5 years from date of test






HiSET Mathemacs Subtest


Math Subtest minimum of 15

N/A Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test

HiSET Reading Subtest, Writing Subtest, and Essay


Reading minimum of 15, Writing minimum of 15, and Essay minimum of 4.

N/A ELAR  Section

5 years from date of test








English III EOC 4000

N/A ELAR  Section

5 years from date of test



Algebra II EOC 4000

N/A Mathematics Section

5 years from date of test



TSI Requirements for Dual Credit

If student does not meet TSI exemptions, they must receive the following scores:

TSI Complete-Reading TSI Complete-Writing TSI Complete-Math


351 Reading


A placement score of at least 340, and an essay score of at least a 4; or

A placement score of less than 340, and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least a 4, and an essay score of at least a 5.


350 Math



TSI 2.0 Requirements for Dual Credit

If student does not meet TSI exemptions, they must receive the following scores:

Mathematics (for college-level coursework with a mathematics-intensive designation):

A college readiness classification (CRC) score of at least 950; or
A CRC score below 950 and a Diagnostic level of 6. 

English Language Arts Reading (for college level coursework with reading, writing, or reading and writing-intensive designation):

A college readiness classification (CRC) score of at leas 945 and an essay score of at least 5; or
A CRC score below 945 and a diagnostic level of 5 or 6 and an essay score of at least 5.