TSI Advisement Plan

TSI Advisement Plan

Advisement and Plan for Academic Success

If you are not exempt and do not pass a TSI assessment, the TSI coordinator will work with you to establish a program to ensure your readiness to perform freshman-level academic coursework.

Your plan for academic success will be designed on an individual basis to provide the best opportunity for you to succeed in obtaining your career and/or academic goals. At a minimum, your individual plan shall address:

  • Career advising.
  • Remedial education options.
  • Campus and/or community student support services/resources.
  • Degree plan or plan of study.
  • Regular interactions between you and your advisor.
  • Registration for next semester/next steps.
  • Differentiated placement.
  • You will be provided a description of the appropriate remedial education considered necessary to ensure your readiness to perform freshman-level academic coursework.

You will also be provided appropriate measures for determining readiness to perform freshman-level academic coursework.

Your academic advisor shall address

  • Career advising
  • Degree plan or plan of study
  • Future advising appointments 
  • Coursework you are eligible to enroll in based on TSI status

The TSI coordinator shall address

  • Developmental/ co- requisite course options
  • TSI agreement/ plan for becoming TSI complete
  • Campus and / or community support services/ resources
  • Registration for next semester

Scheduling an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with the TSI Coordinator email tsi@uttyler.edu or call 903.566.7180.