Library Video Tutorials

Access Medicine

AccessMedicine 10 minute overview



EndNote Training Resources

How to Use Endnote in 6 Minutes: Windows version -This is a very fast overview of the most popular features in EndNote for Windows.

EndNote X9 on Windows: The Short Course -This 23-minute class covers the basics for working with EndNote X9 on Windows.

EndNote Basics for Beginners -Video covers the absolute basics of EndNote.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar at UTT HSC – The Basics



JoVE – General overview and demonstrations



PsycINFO : Basic Search – Learn how to find relevant research in the behavioral sciences faster and more effectively. This 30-minute session will show you efficient ways of finding what you’re looking for using APA’s research databases on a variety of platforms.



PubMed at UTT HSC – The Basics

How to Search PubMed -This video takes you through how to do a basic search, how to use filters such as limiting by publication date, type of article, or age of subject.

Building a MESH search – This video demonstrates how to build and run a MeSH search in PubMed. MeSH searching is a form of advanced searching in PubMed that uses PubMed’s controlled vocabulary to “speak the same language” as PubMed. MeSH searching is often not necessary, but could be useful if your keyword search is producing way too many results that don’t seem relevant.

PubMed: Find articles by author – A brief tutorial on how to find articles by an author using PubMed.

PubMed: Find articles on a topic – A brief tutorial on how to find articles on a topic using PubMed.

PubMed: Find articles by journal – A brief tutorial on how to find articles from a journal using PubMed.

PubMed: Get the full text for an article – A brief tutorial on how to get the full text for an article cited in PubMed.

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) in MEDLINE®/PubMed®: A Tutorial – An exploration of how Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are used for indexing MEDLINE records in PubMed. This tutorial is intended for PubMed searchers.

PubMed for Nurses – This tutorial was created specifically to help nurses efficiently find literature using PubMed. Its concise, targeted content consists of five videos with exercises to test your knowledge. The tutorial was designed to be completed in less than 30 minutes.