
Ali Azghani

Ali Azghani


Phone: 903.566.7332
Email: aazghani@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Josh Banta

Josh Banta


Phone: 903.566.7189
Email: jbanta@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Brent Bill

Brent Bill

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.565.5883
Email: bbill@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology


Rosa Carillo

Phone: 903.566.7402
Email: rcarrillo@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Jessica Coleman

Jessica Coleman

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.565.5889
Email: jcoleman@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Stephanie Daugherty

Stephanie Daugherty

Associate Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.566.7013
Email: sdaugherty@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Jared Dickson

Jared Dickson

Lecturer/Research Associate

Email: jdickson@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Neil Ford

Neil Ford

Emeritus Professor

Phone: 903.566.7249
Email: nford@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Joseph S Glavy

Joe Glavy

Professor, Pharmacy Department & Adjunct, Department of Biology

Phone: 903.566.6217
Email: jglavy@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Matthew Greenwold

Matthew Greenwold

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.6303
Email: mgreenwold@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Katrin  Kellner

Katrin Kellner

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7009
Email: kkellner@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

James  Koukl

James Koukl

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Alan  Lizarraga

Alan Lizarraga

Laboratory Technical Supervisor, Lecturer

Phone: 903.565.5531
Email: alizarraga@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Cortney  Hughes

Cortney Lynn


Phone: 903.566.7249
Email: ccharba@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Suzanne Pundt

Suzanne Pundt

Senior Lecturer - Retired

Phone: 903.566.7274
Email: spundt@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Sara  Rumbelow

Sara Rumbelow

Lecturer and Anatomy & Physiology Coordinator

Phone: 903.566.6198
Email: srumbelow@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Jon N. Seal

Jon Seal


Phone: 903.565.7126
Email: jseal@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Ryan Shartau

Ryan Shartau

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7323
Email: rshartau@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Lynn Sherrod

Lynn Sherrod

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Don Wagner Killebrew

Don Wagner

Emeritus Professor

Department: Biology

Valdime Walker

Valdime Walker

Administrative Assistant III

Phone: 903.566.7402
Email: vwalker@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Lance R. Williams

Lance Williams


Phone: 903.565.5878
Email: lwilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Marsha Williams

Marsha Williams

Lecturer/Research Associate

Email: mwilliams@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology

Riqing Yu

Riqing Yu

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7257
Email: ryu@uttyler.edu
Department: Biology