Center for Students in Recovery at UT Tyler: Who We Are

Center for Students in Recovery

Who Are We?

Currently, the CSR consists of three aspects:

Sober social events on and off campus- We meet regularly throughout the year to raise awareness about recovery and stigma as well as to celebrate recovery on our campus. We would love to hear how we can better serve our community, if you have ideas for ways we can reach a larger audience, or just want to see a specific event being sponsored by a department on campus you can let us know by filling out a request online

Recovery support peer specialist services- peer support is at the core of recovery. Schedule an appointment today to meet with a certified peer specialist to discuss recovery planning, relapse prevention, and goal setting in recovery.

Training and presentations- sign your organization, department, college, or other group up to attend one of our educational presentations or recovery ally trainings. These are informative presentations that discuss topics such as supporting students in recovery in the classroom, fighting stigma, and basic overview of addiction and recovery. 

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