Study Abroad Blog

Study Abroad Blog

Students' Experiences

September 24th, 2023



Discovering Global Health 

India is typically not one of the countries that you first think of when talking about studying abroad. However, it is a culturally rich country where you will always find an opportunity to learn. In nursing school, the opportunities to study abroad are rare. ... read more




June 27th, 2023



An Inner Child's Dream Fulfilled 

Growing up, I always wanted to go to Europe and I remember always talking with my childhood best friend about how we were going to go to London and Paris when we grew up. London because we were big Dr. Who fans at the time ... read more




June 12th, 2023


The Small Moments in Big Places

Growing up in a small town in East Texas, it becomes easy to underestimate just how big the world is. Images of the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben seem to pop up so often that we become almost desensitized to the wonderment of it all. ... read more



June 6th, 2023

ben and the eye

Life Lessons

London, in short, was an absolute dream - though it was also so much more than that. In the time leading up to the trip, I was expecting an exciting adventure; instead, I was met with a life changing experience ... read more



April 21st, 2023



Pura Vida in Costa Rica

I chose to enroll in the Alternative Spring Break in Costa Rica experience because I wanted to have a chance to immerse myself in another culture and learn about community projects in a different part of the world. We started off our journey in San Jose ... read more



April 6th, 2023


Approaching a New Adventure

When I first arrived at Incheon Airport in Seoul, I couldn't fathom that I was finally on the soil of the very country I loved and dreamed of visiting for the longest time. Although I was miles away from my home in Texas in a foreign land surrounded by strangers, I did not feel scared. The excitement of discovering Seoul ... read more


March 11, 2023



24 Hours in Paris

After hearing about UT Tyler's exchange program with the University of Hertfordshire, I immediately found myself looking on Google Maps. To me, the possibilities were unlimited and my soon-to-be-filled planner was quickly learning that too. Seeing that the idea ... read more



March 3, 2023

old town

Comfort Zones and Making Friends

Summer of 2022, I went way out of my comfort zone and spent 4 weeks abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. As an introvert, I would never imagine that would have been my summer, but sure enough on June 24th I was on a plane to the Czech Republic. I am someone who has never traveled alone before ... read more 



February 16, 2023


Who's Hungry? Exploring British Cuisine

Within the first hour of my "British Culture" class, my professor was correcting our pronunciation of the word 'scone'. Born and raised in West Sussex, he was keen that we pronounced the word the correct way as ... read more



January 4, 2023


University of Hertfordshire: Q&A

As an East Texas native, I can confidently say there is a lot more that the world has to offer. My father worked as a psychology professor in China and went to school in both Japan and South Korea. He was the one that recommended the idea to take part in the study abroad program at UT Tyler. Looking into programs, there was a partner university that was only 50 minutes or so away from London called the... read more