UT Tyler Greek Life

Greek Life

Fraternity Recruitment

This section is mainly about our organizations that are members of our Men's Council. If you are interested in our National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) or Multicultural Greek Council organizations, those organizations utilize a different process for our membership intake. For more information about other membership opportunities, contact gogreek@uttyler.edu  

Men's Council Recruitment

Fraternity Recruitment at UT Tyler is overseen by the Men’s Council. Our fraternity recruitment is different than it is at other schools. Recruitment is a chance for men to connect, learn about the organization’s history, culture, mission, purpose, and identity on campus. 

This is different from a “rush” where interested students may feel pressured to decide on an organization that may or may not fit them. We want the men who want to join our fraternities to make informed decisions by taking time to discuss and make sure that the organization that they choose is right for them based upon involvement, engagement, and shared values.

To be recruited, you need to be an enrolled student at UT Tyler, and you need to be academically eligible to join. Academically eligible means that you have at least a 2.50 GPA in either high school or college. Please note that some of our chapters may have a grade point average requirement above 2.50 but none of them will go lower than 2.50. If you have questions, please reach out to the Greek Affairs Office

How do I join a fraternity at UT Tyler?

At the beginning of each semester, we typically have an official recruitment week geared toward those who want more information about all fraternities just after classes begin. 

We use Patriots Engage for our recruitment registration.  To use the form, it is best if you know your UT Tyler login and password. You’d then fill out the form using the instructions given. After being received, your form would then be reviewed to ensure that you meet the requirements, as stated above and your interest will be reported to the appropriate chapter(s).

During our "informal" recruitment process, if a chapter asks you to fill out a grade check form, that is also a form of registration and subject to the same eligibility requirements.

What Next?

After you receive the approval to proceed, you'll participate in activities to learn more about the chapter.  If you like the chapter and the chapter feels like you would be a good addition, they may formally ask you to join. This is commonly known as a "bid". Candidates should only accept an invitation for membership from an organization if they are comfortable joining that organization. Membership is considered lifetime.  

When does recruitment start?

Fall 2025 Men's Recruitment is yet to be scheduled. Please check back regularly for when dates are announced.  

After the official recruitment week in the fall, all chapters are expected and encouraged to engage in "informal" recruitment. 

For spring semester, times and dates will be announced via instagram. Please be sure to follow @uttylermc for the latest information.

Registration for Fall 2025 recruitment starts April 27, 2025 and will end on August 28, 2025.

Academic Appeals

There are times when men want to join a fraternity, but because of extenuating circumstances do not have the grade point average to do so. For this reason, we encourage men to apply for an appeal on the basis of academics. An appeal gives the Men's Council more information on a candidate’s specific situation and allows them to make a judgment as to whether a man will be able to go through recruitment. This does not guarantee the applicant will be granted an appeal, but it does give a student every opportunity to be able to potentially join a fraternity. Please email gogreek@uttyler.edu to get a copy of the form. Once completed, send it back.

Transfer Affiliation

If you are a transfer student who was initiated into a fraternity at another school, let us know! We currently offer these fraternities here at the University of Texas at Tyler: Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Sigma, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. If you are a member of one of those fraternities you have the ability to affiliate with them here at UT Tyler, in accordance with the fraternity's rules. 

We also have an interest group on campus called "The Knights" which has approached a national organization to affiliate with them.

Updated 3/14/25