Four greek life members with face paint

UT Tyler Greek Life

Why "Go Greek"?

Joining a fraternity or sorority at The University of Texas at Tyler is a great opportunity to get involved on campus and enhance your personal skills through scholarship, leadership, and service. Joining a fraternity or sorority is also a great way to make lifelong connections. 

Our fraternity and sorority students are among the most connected, organized, academically minded, and service oriented students at UT Tyler. 

Our Values as a Fraternity and Sorority Community


You are here as a student first. Our organizations are committed to excellence in scholarship. Each fraternity and sorority sets a requirement for chapter members to maintain a certain GPA in order to remain active and participate in fraternity and sorority events. The "All Greek" GPA is consistently above 3.0 and is normally at or above the all student average. 


Joining a fraternity or sorority is an excellent way to sharpen your leadership skills. Fraternity and sorority students gain experience as leaders by serving their organization as an executive board member, a committee member or chairperson. They may also serve as officers of their governing councils. Fraternity and sorority students are also involved across campus as members of the Student Government, Orientation, Swoop Camp, and a wide variety of other student organizations. 


Fraternity and sorority students are committed to service in the local community. They raise funds toward their organization's national philanthropy and complete service projects in our local community. Two of the largest events our community participates in are Trunk or Treat in the fall semester and the East Texas Big Event in the spring.


Brotherhood and sisterhood in a fraternity and sorority community are bonds that tie together individuals through much more than just wearing the same letters. Once you are a member, you are a member for life. With alumni groups throughout the world, there are opportunities after graduation to continue your involvement so that you can still enjoy brotherhood and sisterhood and find an instant support group – no matter where you go.

More Information


Current members can view community service report forms, policies and risk management information on our Resources page.

How to Join

Joining a fraternity or sorority is easy. Depending on what group you wish to join, the first step is to reach out. You can do that in several ways. You can email and ask for information on one or more organizations. Instagram is also an awesome way to connect with our organizations and find out more about them. You can follow @uttylergreeks and see what our organizations are doing! For more information about how to join a fraternity or sorority here at UT Tyler, please visit our "How to Join" page.  

UT Tyler Greek Life

Updated 3/17/25