OSP Research Design & Data Analysis Lab

Research Design & Data Analysis Lab

Office of Sponsored Programs

About Us

The mission of the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Sponsored Programs (ORSSP) Research Design and Data Analysis Lab is to support research at The University of Texas at Tyler by providing students, faculty, and staff with expert guidance in developing research designs and methods and conducting data analyses that are based on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approaches.

Our Objectives

  • Provide guidance in the development of research designs and methods for the use with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches including one-on-one consulting, workshops, and tutorials online.
  • Develop a repository of online resources on research approaches, designs, methods, and data analysis for use by students, faculty, staff, and beyond.

Our Team


  • Visit our resources page to help you with academic writing, qualtrics, data science research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and machine learning.

Upcoming Webinars and Workshops


Spring 2025 Qualitative Book Club: Meeting #1


The qualitative book club is a place to boost your knowledge of qualitative research. Each long semester, a different book is chosen.

Spring 2025 book is: Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory (2nd ed.). SAGE. 

Meeting #1: Chapters 1-2


1/23/25   7-8 pm   Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Diane Smedley, and Dr. Jennifer Watters   REGISTER NOW





Academic Writing Meeting #1: Start Writing & Stay Focused

  As we launch the Spring 2025 semester, let’s prioritize dedicating time for writing so that we will achieve our targeted writing outcomes. Helpful tips and encouragement will be provided.  You will be welcome to share your frequently encountered barriers along with any “tricks of the trade” for writing success. Be heartened by the reminder that you belong to a talented community of scholars with similar professional ambitions and challenges. 


  11a-12p   Dr. Babs McAlister   REGISTER NOW





Spring 2025 Qualitative Book Club: Meeting #2


The qualitative book club is a place to boost your knowledge of qualitative research. Each long semester, a different book is chosen.

Spring 2025 book is: Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory (2nd ed.). SAGE. 

Meeting #2: Chapters 3-4



  7-8 pm   Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Diane Smedley, and Dr. Jennifer Watters   REGISTER NOW







Spring 2025 Qualitative Book Club: Meeting #3


The qualitative book club is a place to boost your knowledge of qualitative research. Each long semester, a different book is chosen.

Spring 2025 book is: Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory (2nd ed.). SAGE. 

Meeting #3: Chapters 5-6



  7-8 pm   Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Diane Smedley, and Dr. Jennifer Watters   REGISTER NOW







Spring 2025 Qualitative Book Club: Meeting #4


The qualitative book club is a place to boost your knowledge of qualitative research. Each long semester, a different book is chosen.

Spring 2025 book is: Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory (2nd ed.). SAGE. 

Meeting #4: Chapters 8-9



  7-8 pm   Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Diane Smedley, and Dr. Jennifer Watters   REGISTER NOW







Spring 2025 Qualitative Book Club: Meeting #5


The qualitative book club is a place to boost your knowledge of qualitative research. Each long semester, a different book is chosen.

Spring 2025 book is: Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory (2nd ed.). SAGE. 

Meeting #5: Chapters 10-11



  7-8 pm   Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Diane Smedley, and Dr. Jennifer Watters   REGISTER NOW

Watch recordings and resources from past webinars and workshops.