Campus Emergency Guidelines
Contact Us
Environmental Health and Safety
PHY 123
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7011
Environmental Health and Safety
Emergency number |
7300 |
University Pines (Tyler Police, Fire, EMS) |
9.911 |
Poison Control Center |
1.800.POISON.1 (1.800.764.7661) |
Animal Control-City of Tyler |
903.535.0045 |
Important Numbers
UT Tyler Police -dispatch workday |
903.566.7300 903.566.7060 |
Police Emergency Cell (for use with power outage when unable to contact dispatch) |
903.520.7404 |
Environmental Health and Safety |
903.566.7011 |
Parking Office |
903.565.5840 |
Administrative Offices |
903.566.7060 |
President's Office |
903.566.7199 |
Provost |
903.566.7103 |
VP of Student Affairs and Public Relations |
903.566.7028 |
VP for Business Affairs |
903.566.7107 |
Physical Plant |
903.566.7291 |
Physical Plant Utilities Operations |
903.566.7030 |
Marketing and Communications Office |
903.566.7170 |
Student Counseling Ctr. |
903.566.7079 |
Services for Students w/ Disabilities |
903.566.7079 |
For more information, please contact: Environmental Health & Safety 903.566.7011
If you discover a FIRE
- Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
- Call the Fire Department at 9.911, if safe to do so. DO NOT GO INTO AN OFFICE LOOKING FOR A PHONE.
- Notify others in your area.
- Calmly proceed to an open area 100 yards away from the affected building.
If you hear an ALARM
- Turn off electrical equipment.
- Close doors against fire.
- Don't use elevators
- Use fire exit stairwells.
- Calmly proceed to an open area 100 yards away from the affected building
If you or anyone around you experiences a MEDICAL EMERGENCY
- Report the injury to your supervisor
- Call UT Tyler Police at 7300.
- Administer First Aid/CPR only if properly trained to do so.
- Take cover in designated "safe areas" or under heavy furniture on the ground floor in the center of a building, away from outside walls and windows.
- If outside, take cover and lie flat in the nearest drainage ditch, excavation or ravine.
- Avoid auditoriums, lecture halls, laboratories, studios and hazardous chemical storage areas.
If you receive a BOMB THREAT
- Elicit as much information as possible.
- Call UT Tyler Police at 7300.
- Check your immediate area for suspicious objects. DO NOT HANDLE ANY OBJECTS FOUND.
- If told by police, notify others in your area and calmly proceed to an open area 300 yards away from the affected building.
Bomb Threat Call Checklist
Obtain as much detail as possible about the bomb and its location. Legitimate callers usually wish to avoid injury or death -- request more information by expressing a desire to save lives.
NOTE: Date:___________________ Time:____________________ of call.
- Exact language used.
ASK: - Exactly where is the bomb?
- What time will it explode?
- What does it look like?
- What is it made of?
- Why are you doing this?
RECORD: Male or Female Estimated age_____ Ethnicity_______
Adult or Child
Speech (Check Applicable Boxes)
Slow, Excited or Disguised Accent __________
Rapid, Loud or Broken
Normal, Intoxicated or Sincere
Background Noises:____________ _____________________
Name of Person Receiving Call: ________________________________________
NOTIFY: Upon receipt of a bomb threat, immediately report the call to UT Tyler Police at 7060 or 7300 after regular business hours.
Suspicious Persons
If you notice someone who arouses your suspicion:
- Immediately call UT Tyler Police at 7060 or 7300.
- If this person is requesting to see a particular university official, ask the person to be seated.
- If possible, go to a phone outside the subject's hearing range and give the details and description of the subject to security staff.
Contact Us
Environmental Health and Safety
PHY 123
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7011