Barbara Cushing Bio
Barbara Cushing
Barbara Cushing received her Diploma RN in 1949 and worked in Austin and Galveston
in surgical
nursing while getting her BSN from the University of Texas at Galveston. Barbara originally
from a diploma program. After working at Parkland Dallas for over a decade, her and
her husband, Ivan
E. Cushing moved to Tyler in 1966 with their three children: Cathy, John and David.
Barbara taught at the UT Tyler School of Nursing from 1976 to 1998. She received her
MSN at Texas
Women’s University in 1980, became a Clinical Nurse Specialist, and was tenured at
UT Tyler in 1984.
She was very active on campus and in her community to help others – Girl Scouts, Biracial
Smith County Medical Alliance, Sigma Theta Tau and many others.
Barbara died in 1998; those who knew her remember this smart and somewhat sassy founding
fondly. The Iota Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau honored her life’s work and memory
by naming their
highest honor the “Barbara Cushing Award of Excellence in Nursing.”