Dr. Premananda Indic's research support
Contact Us
Department of Electrical EngineeringRBN 2005
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7417
Fx: 903.565.5877
Research Support
Active Grants:
2024-2029 Co-Investigator & Site PI
A Just-In-Time Adaptive Mobile Application Intervention to Support MSM who Engage in Chemsex
Source: National Institute of Health; Amount $3,992,918 ($244,749 for UT Tyler)
PI: Roman Shrestha, University of Connecticut
2024-2029 Co-Investigator & Site PI
Craving-Based Digital Phenotyping During MOUD Treatment
Source: National Institute of Health; Amount $3,973,233 ($605,854 for UT Tyler)
PI: Stephanie Carriero, University of Massachusetts Medical School
2021-2026 Co-Investigator & site PI (Analytical Core)
Vital Signs in Opioid Exposed Neonates (ViSiON)
Source: National Institute of Health (NIH); Amount: $2,794,132 ($861,744 for UT-Tyler)
PI: Namasivayam Ambalavanan, University of Alabama Birmingham
Completed Grants @ UT Tyler :
2019-2024 Principal Investigator (Multiple PI grant)
SBIR: RAE (Realize, Analyze, Engage) - A digital biomarker-based detection and intervention system for stress and cravings during recovery from substance abuse disorders. (Phase I & II)
Source: National Institute of Health (NIH); Amount: $1,706,153 ($136,804 for UT-Tyler)
PI: Megan Reinhart, Nicole Gilbertson, Continue You LLC and Stephanie Carreiro, UMASS Med. School
2019-2023 Co-Principal Investigator
Easy-Med: Interdisciplinary Training in Security, Privacy-Assured Internet of Medical Things.
Source: National Science Foundation (NSF); Amount: $495,970 ($248,597 for UT-Tyler)
PI: Prabha Sundaravadivel, UT-Tyler
2018-2022 Award Recipient
STARs Retention Award
Sources: The University of Texas System & the Provost Office, UT-Tyler; Amount: $600,000
2016-2022 Principal Investigator (Analytical Core)
Prematurity-related ventilatory control (Pre-Vent)
Source: National Institute of Health (NIH); Amount: $2,455,474 ($518,645 for UT-Tyler)
PI: Namasivayam Ambalavanan, University of Alabama Birmingham
Administrative Supplement: ($23,250 for UT Tyler)
2016-2021 Principal Investigator (site)
Design of a wearable sensor system and associated algorithm to track suicidal ideation from movement variability and develop a novel objective marker of suicidal ideation and behavior risk in veterans.
Source: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); Amount: $359,996 ($68,581 for UT-Tyler)
PI: Eric Smith, VA
2014-2018 Lead Principal Investigator
SCH: EXP: Collaborative Research: Design of a wearable biosensor system with wireless network for the remote detection of life-threatening events in neonates
Source: NSF; Amount: $656,583 ($144, 754 transferred to UT-Tyler);
Co-PIs: David Paydarfar, UT-Austin; Honggang Wang & Yong Kim, UMASS Dartmouth
Contact Us
Department of Electrical EngineeringRBN 2005
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7417
Fx: 903.565.5877