UT Tyler School of Education

College of Education and Psychology

Certification Requirements

In support of the College of Education and Psychology's mission to provide a positive environment, the Office of Educator Certification offers guidance, support, and preparation for all students and faculty toward the attainment of initial teacher certification or additional teacher certification.

General Certification Information

Standard Certification

In the State of Texas, certification is carried out by a certifying entity in conjunction with the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The certifying entity, e.g., The University of Texas at Tyler, recommends an individual for a certificate, and TEA processes the candidate and grants the certificate. The following information is from the TEA website:

What are the basic requirements for becoming a teacher in Texas?

Certification Requirements

  1. Completion of a degree.
  2. Completion of an educator preparation program through an approved entity.
  3. Submission of fingerprints, via digital fingerprints, required for a State and National criminal history background check.
  4. Completion of the appropriate state exams for certification. For further information regarding testing, including the testing and registration process, go the the NES website.

  5. Completion of the online application for certification.

If I am a certified teacher in another state or country, how do I become certified in Texas?

  1. Teachers from other states or countries who hold acceptable credentials from their home state or country can gain certification in Texas by passing the appropriate Texas certification tests. For more information, go to the TEA website.
  2. Some out-of-state teachers can gain certification in Texas based on the certification tests they took in another state, if SBEC has found those tests to be similar to and at least as rigorous as equivalent Texas tests. SBEC began the process of reviewing other states’ tests in Fall 2001. For an overview of this review process and a list of the out-of-state tests reviewed to date, go to the TEA website.

What are the classes of certificates available for UT Tyler students?


Standard certificates are issued to all applicants for initial and additional certifications who have completed the requirements for certification, including testing, and if necessary, a course of study at a certifying entity.

Certification is available at four levels for classroom teachers:

  • Core Subjects (EC-6)

  • 4th through 8th grade—available for
    • English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 4-8)
    • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies (Grades 4-8)
    • Mathematics (Grades 4-8)
    • Mathematics/Science (Grades 4-8)
    • Science (Grades 4-8)
    • Social Studies (Grades 4-8)
  • 6th through 12th grade
    • Chemistry (Grades 7-12)
    • Computer Science (Grades 8-12)
    • English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 7-12)
    • Health Science (Grades 6-12)
    • History (Grades 7-12)
    • Journalism (Grades 7-12)
    • Life Science (Grades 7-12)
    • Mathematics (Grades 7-12)
    • Physical Science (Grades 6-12)
    • Social Studies (Grades 7-12)
    • Speech (Grades 7-12)
    • Technology Education (Grades 6-12) [Grad Teach only]
  • Early Childhood through 12th grade (EC-12)—available in
    • Art (Grades EC-12)
    • Health (Grades EC-12)
    • Languages Other Than English - Spanish (Grades EC-12)
    • Music (Grades EC-12)
    • Physical Education (Grades EC-12)
    • Special Education (Grades EC-12) [in conjunction with Core Subjects EC-6-only]
    • Theatre (Grades EC-12) [Grad Teach only)

Probationary & Intern Certificates:

Probationary certificates are issued to applicants who:

  • are completing an internship in lieu of student teaching. The intern must be hired to teach as the full-time teacher of record at the level of certification being sought and in the subject area for which he/she has prepared.

  • have been hired by a school district to teach, but they do not have a standard teaching certificate yet. These individuals receive a certification plan to delineate the remaining courses required for their certification.

  • have a bachelor's degree.

  • have passed both the content test and the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities test.

The probationary certificate must be renewed each year,but it is limited to a total of three years. The holder of the probationary certificate must complete all certification requirements, including internship and testing requirements, in that period of time. A probationary certificate cannot be issued based only on the need to pass a certification exam.

Intern certificates are issued to applicants who:

  • are completing an internship in lieu of student teaching.  The intern must be hired to teach as the full-time teacher of record at the level of certification being sought and in the subject area for which he/she has prepared.

  • have been hired by a school district to teach, but they do not have a standard teaching certificate yet.  The individuals receive a certification plan to delineate the remaining courses required for their certification.

UT Tyler Certification Requirements for Initial Standard Certification

Requirements for Working on Probationary or Intern Certificates:

  • Admission to the School of Education.

  • Completion of all degree requirements with no grade less than a “C” and an overall GPA of at least 2.5.
    • Completion of all pedagogy requirements including student teaching or internship with no grade less than a “C” and a pedagogy GPA of at least 2.5.
    • Completion of all content requirements with no grade less than a “C” and content course GPA that meets the content departments’ requirements.
  • Completion of all appropriate state exams for certification.  For further information regarding testing, including the testing and registration process, go to the NES Website.

  • Completion of required paperwork from the Office of Certification.

  • Make online application for certification through the Texas Education Agency website.

UT Tyler Certification Requirements for Additional or Advanced Certification

  • Admission to the University as a Graduate Student working on certification, only.

  • Completion of a deficiency plan for new, additional classroom certification.

  • Completion of all course requirements with no grade less than “C”.

  • Completion of the appropriate State exam for certification. For further information regarding testing, including the testing and application process, go the the TEA website. Possible additional certifications include:
    • Early Childhood through 6th grade:
      • EC-6 Generalist
      • Bilingual Generalist-Spanish (Grades EC-6)
      • English as a Second Language Generalist (Grades EC-6)
      • Bilingual Supplement-Spanish (attaches to current certificate)
      • English as a Second Language Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
      • Special Education Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
    • 4th-8th:
      • English as a Second Language Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
      • English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 4-8)
      • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies (Grades 4-8)
      • Mathematics (Grades 4-8)
      • Mathematics/Science (Grades 4-8
      • Science (Grades 4-8)
      • Social Studies (Grades 4-8)
      • Special Education Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
    • All-level (EC-12):
      • Art (Grades EC-12)
      • Health (Grades EC-12)
      • Languages Other Than English - Spanish (Grades EC-12)
      • Music (Grades EC-12)
      • Physical Education (Grades EC-12)
      • Special Education (Grades EC-12)
      • Theatre (Grades EC-12)
    • 8th-12th Grades:
      • Chemistry (Grades 7-12)
      • Computer Science (Grades 8-12)
      • English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 7-12)
      • English as a Second Language Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
      • Health Science (Grades 6-12)
      • History (Grades 7-12)
      • Journalism (Grades 7-12)
      • Life Science (Grades 7-12)
      • Mathematics (Grades 7-12)
      • Physical Science (Grades 6-12)
      • Social Studies (Grades 7-12)
      • Special Education Supplemental (attaches to current certificate)
      • Speech (Grades 7-12)
      • Technology Education (Grades 6-12)

Advanced Certification Requirements: 

  • Admission to the Graduate Program and/or a Master’s degree.

  • A degree plan or a deficiency plan.

  • Completion of all course requirements with no grade less than a “C” and a GPA of at least 3.0

  • Completion of the appropriate State exam for certification. For further information regarding testing, including the testing and application process, go the the TEA website. Once there, click on the arrow for "Standards & Testing" located on the left side menu bar.

  • Submission of a Service Record from the school district that shows a minimum of two-three years teaching experience. Possible advanced certifications include: 
    • Educational Diagnostician (advanced)
    • Principal (advanced)
    • Reading Specialist (advanced)
    • School Counselor (advanced)
    • Superintendent (advanced)
  • Completion of the required application paperwork in the Office of Certification (BEP 247H)

  • Completion of the online application for certification.

What are the fees for certification?

What are the effective dates of certificates?

Type of Certificate

Effective beginning date

End date

Requirements for renewal, if applicable

Life time certificate issued through August 31, 1999

The date the applicant signed the application. The date of issuance shall not precede the completion date of all certification requirements. For holders of lifetime certificates received prior to February 1, 1986, that are now invalid, the certificate holder must contact SBEC for renewal information.

No expiration date

Not applicable

Five year classroom teaching certificate

The date of program completion.


  1. 150 hrs. professional development

  2. Fee

  3. Not be in default on student loans

  4. Not be in arrears on child support


Five year standard “professional” certificate

The date of program completion.


  1. 200 hrs. professional development

  2. Fee

  3. Not be in default on student loans

  4. Not be in arrears on child support

What is the application process?

AFTER you have completed all requirements including all coursework, all testing, and all teaching requirements, you are eligible to apply for certification. If you apply prior to completion of all requirements, your application will be rejected and SBEC will send an explanatory e-mail. You may reapply at the appropriate time.


  1. Go to the TEA website.
  2. Select “EDUCATOR LOGIN/ACCOUNT SET UP?” Sign in using your user name and password. Follow the directions given. NOTE: It is imperative that the educator keeps his/her personal information updated. The State Board for Educator Certification will communicate with the educator using the information that the educator provides.
  3. If you are applying for a Probationary Certificate, i.e., you have been hired to fill a position for which you are not yet entirely prepared, be sure to follow the track for “probationary” certificates.
  4. If you are applying for a Standard Certificate, i.e., you have completed all requirements for the certificate, you will follow the track for “standard” certificates.
  5. It is important to note that the certification process will be delayed if the applicant applies for the wrong certificate. The application will be removed, and SBEC will send an explanatory e-mail. The applicant must then reapply for the correct certificate.
  6. IMPORTANT: When applying, DO NOT SELECT “Alternative Certification”. UT Tyler does not offer this. DO NOT SELECT “Master Teacher”.
  7. IMPORTANT: To successfully apply for certification, you must do two things:
    • Complete the application form in the Office of Educator Certification (BEP 247H.)
    • Go online to TEA website to apply for certification.
      Note: A service record showing years of teaching is required for “professional certificates”—Principal, Superintendent, Educational Diagnostician, Reading Specialist, and School Counselor.
  8. An e-mail confirmation will be sent from SBEC when UT Tyler has made the recommendation, and when all fees have been paid to SBEC, an e-mail is sent to the candidate confirming the certificate. The new certificate is displayed in the "Official Records of Educator Certificates" section, also known as the virtual certificate site.
  9. School districts can access the progress of your application and will have access to the virtual certificate site to know when the certificate has been issued.

If problems are encountered, contact TEA using Live Chat.

Additional Certification Resources