UT Tyler School of Education
Contact Us
College of Education & PsychologyBEP 223
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7087
Fx: 903.565.5996
College of Education and Psychology
In the State of Texas, certification is carried out by a certifying entity in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). The certifying entity, e.g., The University of Texas at Tyler, recommends an individual for a certificate, and TEA processes the candidate and grants the certificate. Specific information about Texas teaching certificates is available at the TEA website.
The University of Texas at Tyler offers three types of certificates: initial teaching certificates, advanced professional certificates and probationary certificates.
Initial Certification
Standard initial certificates are available at the following levels:
- Grades EC-6
- Grades 4-8
- Grades 7-12
- Grades EC-12
To be eligible for certification, the candidates must:
- Complete the minimum of a bachelor's degree with no grade less than a "C" and a GPA of at least 2.5.
- Complete an educator preparation program through an approved entity.
- Complete the appropriate State exams for certification.
- Complete either the UT Tyler clinical teaching application or the intern application for certification.
- Complete the online application for certification.
- Submit digital fingerprints for a State and National criminal history background check.
Advanced/Professional Certifications
Professional certificates require a minimum of two or three years of teaching experience and a Texas teaching certificate. Degree information can be found at the Graduate Programs site. Professional certificates offered at The University of Texas at Tyler are:
- Educational Diagnostician (three years)
- Principal (two years)
- Superintendent (two years)
- Reading Specialist (Grades EC-12) (two years)
- School Counselor (two years)
To be eligible for certification, the candidates must:
- Complete the minimum of a master's degree with no grade less than a "C" and a GPA of at least 3.0.
- Complete an educator preparation program through an approved entity.
- Complete the appropriate State exams for certification.
- Complete the online Texas Education Agency application for certification.
- Complete the UT Tyler application for certification.
- Submit a service record verifying a minimum of two years teaching experience.
Intern Certification
One-year intern certificates are available for eligible candidates prior to completion of program. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
- Must have a position for which the candidate is preparing and submit a copy of the contract or a letter of intent-to-hire written on the school’s letterhead.
- Candidates seeking an intern certificate for advanced certification must have permission from the department for eligibility. The certification exam is not required for the advanced intern certificate.
- Candidates seeking an intern certificate for initial teacher certification must have
the minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have passed the content test.
- The position must be in a TEA-accredited school in Texas
- The position must be totally in the area and at the level of certification being sought.
Probationary Certification
One-year probationary certificates are available for eligible candidates prior to completion of program. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
- 1. Probationary certificates for initial teacher candidates must have the minimum of a bachelor's degree. The candidates must have passed both the content test and the appropriate PPR.
- Advanced probationary certificate candidates must have permission from the department for eligibility. The candidates must have passed the certification exam for the certificate being sought.
- Must have a position for which the candidate is preparing and submit a copy of the
contract or a letter of intent-to-hire written on the school's letterhead.
- The position must be in a TEA-accredited school in Texas
- The position must be totally in the area and at the level of certification being sought.
- One-year extensions are available for candidates who have not completed programs if all testing requirements have been met.. No more than two extensions are allowed by the Texas Education Agency.
Supplements are specialized fields of study that attach to an individual's classroom teaching certificate at the level of that certificate. Supplements are not stand-alone certificates. Supplement information can be found at the Supplements site. Supplements offered at The University of Texas at Tyler are:
- Bilingual Education
- English as a Second Language
- Special Education
What are the fees for certification?
Certification Resources
- Texas Education Agency (TEA)
- State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) account
- National Education Series (NES)
- TExES Information
Contact Information
Katie Martin, M.Ed.
Director of Educator Certification and Program Accountability
Office: BEP 247F
Phone: 903.566.7053
Email: certification@uttyler.edu
Contact Us
College of Education & PsychologyBEP 223
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7087
Fx: 903.565.5996