The Unexpected Adventure

headerStudy Abroad Blog

When first introduced to the idea of studying abroad, my immediate reaction was to say "no". My logical thinking brain said that it would be too expensive and would steer me off my original plan of graduation early. Thankfully, though, two words put me on the path that I was meant to follow. Why not? Why not choose to do something wild and different? Why not be spontaneous and accept an opportunity I will only have once? Why not look at studying abroad as being something that pulls me towards an unexpected adventure rather than it pushing me away from my original plan?

Cade in front of the London Eye.
Cade in front of the London Eye.

I had no idea what would be in store for me. I had never lived outside of my hometown, been on an airplane by myself, or been out of the country... and that was just the first day. During my semester abroad, I was able to travel to England, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Studying abroad allowed me to submerge myself in cultures that I had no idea about. I was able to experience discomfort at times which allowed me to grow in ways that were not possible before. I was able to see new and ancient cities. I saw landscapes that I'd only seen paintings of and paintings that I'd only seen photos of. 

Cade attending a soccer match with his roommates.
Cade attending a soccer match with his roommates.

However, the most important lesson that I learned while studying abroad was the importance of relationships. You can see all the wonders of the world but the greatest value you will find is in the people you meet. I can confidently say that my fondest memories while studying abroad were when I was surrounded by my second family sharing a meal. There is a beauty in having people from all over the world come together to form a bond. I learned that despite language barriers, political views, and nationality, we are still all so similar. 

My greatest piece of advice to anyone thinking of studying abroad would be to ask yourself the same question. Why not? Life's too short- make the most of it. 

This post was contributed by Cade, a study abroad alumni from Fall 2023. Cade is a Finace major who studied abroad at our exchange partner University of Hertfordshire in England.