Office of International Programs

Supporting a Global Campus

The Office of International Programs (OIP) supports UT Tyler's commitment to student success by providing meaningful and safe opportunities to develop global competencies and to serve the East Texas region through strategic international partnerships and multidisciplinary research collaborations.

OIP Highlights

Diwali at UT Tyler

We wish this festival of lights brings more warmth, joy, safety, and prosperity to your life. 


International Mother Language Day at UT Tyler

“Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage.”

From the United Nations International Mother Language Day |

Check out what our students have to say in the video below!



Our Values

We believe that global engagement is essential to a distinguished university experience--that the plurality of perspectives it fosters catalyzes transformational research and collaborative activity, builds a sense of shared responsibility on campus, and is key to equipping the next generation of UT Tyler graduates with work and study skills that are adaptable anywhere in the world.

OIP staff express this commitment daily by approaching each interaction with a prospective student, visitor, or current student as an opportunity to shape a more vibrant campus community.