Student Conduct Staff/Faculty Resources

Resources to assist faculty and staff in addressing and reporting conduct issues and incidents on campus.

Student Conduct and Intervention

Staff/Faculty Resources

Scholastic Dishonesty

When a faculty member suspects that a student has violated university regulations concerning scholastic dishonesty, the faculty member has two options:

(1) the faculty member may refer the case to the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention or

(2) the faculty member may meet with the student(s) involved and discuss the alleged violation and the evidence that supports the charge.

In either instance, it is important that the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention receives formal notice of the alleged incident. Therefore, please complete the online Academic Dishonesty Form.

Examples of Scholastic Dishonesty can be found in §8-802. Scholastic Dishonesty of the Manual of Policies and Procedures.

Reasons to Report

  • By submitting a report to the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention, we will be able to inform you if students have had previous instances of academic misconduct.
  • Reporting ensures that our records stay the most up to date.
  • Academic Integrity matters. It's important that our students embrace the honor code and understand the value of their degree.
  • Reporting allows the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention to reach out to the student and notify them of the hearing and appeal process, relieving faculty members of liability.

When Meeting with a Student

You may meet with the student to discuss the incident. If the student does not contest the charges, the faculty member may assess an academic penalty.  In the meeting, show the student the evidence you have found and give the student the opportunity to respond and explain their account of what happened.

If you find it more likely than not that the student has committed an act of scholastic dishonesty, and if the student is not contesting your decision, please assign them a penalty.  The academic penalties you can impose are:

  • Written warning that further scholastic violations may result in a more severe penalty.
  • No credit or reduced credit for the paper, assignment or test in question.
  • Retaking of examination or resubmission of assignment.
  • Failing grade or reduced final grade for the course.

After meeting with the student, you will need to complete the online Academic Dishonesty Form so that we can notify the students of their rights to appeal or proceed to a full hearing.

If a student contests the charges and/or does not agree with your finding, the incident should be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention for further action. You may refer the instance of misconduct to our office at any point at which you prefer a third party to review the case or would like some guidance on how to proceed.


Students may appeal the decision of a faculty member by giving written notice to the Office of Student Conduct and Intervention within 14 days from the date on which the decision was announced. The appeal is conducted in accordance with §8-600. Appeal of the Manual of Policies and Procedures. The appeal is restricted to the issue of penalty, and no transcript shall be required.

Residence Coordinator and Resident Assistant Resources

Report an Incident that Occurred in an On-Campus Living Facility

To report non-academic violations that occur within an on-campus living facility, please use the Residence Life Report Form. This will include violations of UT Tyler's alcohol/drug policy, disorderly conduct, and failure to comply within the residence hall/apartments.

An Incident Report (IR) must always be submitted via the Residence Life Report Form and be D.O.C.

  • DETAILED: The IR gives the reader a clear picture of what happened.
    • Try to answer all of these questions:
      • Who are the Respondents in the situation?
      • Are there any Complainants or Witnesses?
      • Who is/are the responding university officials?
      • What can be seen, smelt, heard, etc.?
      • Did you document the identification numbers for all parties involved (i.e., Respondents, Complainants, Witnesses, and responding university officials including RAs/RCs)?
  • OBJECTIVE: The IR is a non-biased presentation of facts. The IR is free of opinions and hunches.
    • If you believe that additional information should be shared about the individuals involved with the incident (e.g., character testimony, background information, etc.), you are advised to notify your Residence Coordinator or David Hill, Director of Student Conduct and Intervention, at
  • CONCISE: The IR does not include extraneous information.

IRs are used to document policy violations, health and safety inspections, and wellness/welfare check for the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team.

IRs should be submitted via the Residence Life Report Form by 8:00 a.m. the next business day in a professional manner following the DOC model and in third person.

Naming Convention

Once a resident is named, refer to the Respondent with their last name. For example:

…Resident Ariana Grande opened the door to Victory Village 2303. Resident Grande let RA Beyoncé Knowles-Carter into the room and agreed to turn the music down. Resident Grande apologized to RA Knowles-Carter for the noise and promised to be quieter in the future… 

If multiple individuals have the same last name, use the first letter of their first name with their last name. For example:

…Resident J. Smith and Resident L. Smith were the only residents present in the room… 

General Writing Tips

  • Be concise and thorough.
  • Report the Who, What, When, Where, and How.
  • Be sure to use a person’s first and last name the first time the individual is mentioned in the IR.
  • ALL individuals involved (Respondents, Complainants, Reporting Party, Witness, RA/RC, UPD Officers, etc.) should be listed in all of the appropriate places.
  • Use visual observations – not deductions.
  • Use quotes as often as possible.
  • Descriptive Quantitative Data
    • Preferred wording: 17 bottles of Blue Moon, 12 oz. each, were found in the common area of the apartment.
    • Unacceptable wording: There was a lot of beer from a turn-up.
  • Proofread to ensure everything makes sense, in chronological order, spellchecked, and grammatically correct.
  • Do not include editorial comments. If editorial comments are deemed necessary, notify your RC or David Hill.



Student Privacy

  • Commitment to FERPA The Office of Student Conduct and Intervention and the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team respects a student's right to privacy, and therefore, cannot provide information restricted by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records and gives students (over the age of 18 or attending an institution of higher education) the right to access and correct their records. Other than directory information, information contained in the educational records cannot be shared without the students' written consent.Learn More...