Thesis and Dissertation Center


Theses and dissertations must follow specific guidelines and formatting set by The Graduate School. Please click the appropriate link to get a step-by-step guide to completing your research (Students) or assisting your student through the process (Faculty).


Deadlines will vary each semester, so please be sure to check the Graduate School Calendar for more information. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all established deadlines. Work with the chair of your thesis/dissertation committee as you near these deadlines to ensure their availability for defending, reviewing, and approving your manuscript. Deadlines are STRICTLY enforced!

Roles and Responsibilities of the Chair, Committee Members, and Students

If the academic department does not provide students with a program-specific handbook addressing these topics, these guidelines will apply.

Guidelines for the Conduct of a Thesis Defense

Guidelines for the Conduct of a Dissertation Defense


PDF forms cannot be signed from the browser. Please download, save the form, and then open the form in Adobe. This will allow you to sign the form. If you have not configured your digital signature in Adobe, you will be prompted to do so before signing. The Graduate School is in the process of transitioning the forms into DocuSign so that you can complete them from your browser.

All forms necessary for the thesis or dissertation process can be found below. Although most of these forms are initiated by the committee chair or program director, the student is responsible for ensuring that forms are filed in a timely manner. Please check your step-by-step guide first to find out which forms you need, when to submit them, etc.

Before submitting committee forms, please contact The Graduate School to ensure your committee members are "Graduate Research Faculty" or "Visiting Graduate Research Faculty." If your chosen faculty do not hold one of these titles, please email for more information.

