Graduate Forms

The Graduate School

Graduate Forms

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PDF forms should be submitted according to the directions on the form. The DocuSign forms listed below may be initiated by the student. To initiate one of these forms, just click the link and you will be directed to fill out the form.

  • Graduate Restart Petition (DocuSign form)
    This form is for students who have done poorly in a past attempt at graduate study at UT Tyler and would like a fresh start. If approved for a student, the Graduate Restart Program will remove all prior graduate grades from the student’s GPA and the student will have a fresh start at their UT Tyler graduate program. Please note that a student can only be approved for Graduate Restart once. See the catalog for more details.
  • Core Residency Affidavit (PDF form)
    This affidavit should only be submitted if required by the Core Residency Form. If needed, it should be printed, notarized, and submitted by main or in person to the address on the bottom of the affidavit after submission of the Core Residency Form.

The forms below are available by request from The Graduate School –

  • Graduate Leave of Absence Request. Graduate students may request a leave of absence for a time period totaling no more than one calendar year. For doctoral students, this can occur before or during candidacy. A leave of absence stops the time-to-degree clock. Form requires explanation of reason for requesting a leave of absence and must be approved by the graduate academic program coordinator, department chair, and Graduate School dean.
  • Graduate Extension of Time Request. In cases where a graduate student cannot complete their degree requirements within the specified timeline for their degree, they may initiate a request for an extension of degree time. Form requires rationale for extension and must be approved by the graduate academic program coordinator, department chair, college/school dean, Graduate School dean, and Provost. Program coordinator must attach a degree plan showing what the student must do to complete their program.

Questions about these forms can be directed to The Graduate School at

The forms below must be initiated by a student’s graduate advisor. These forms will not be accepted from students directly.