Honors Core
Contact Us
Honors College
HPR 131
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7482
Honors Core
UT Tyler Honors College
The Honors College offers students the opportunity to take Honors courses (HNRS) or Honors sections of pre-existing courses to satisfy some of UT Tyler's core curriculum requirements. Honors students must take at least one credit-bearing Honors course or section in each of their first four semesters. First-year students in the Honors College are required to take HNRS 1351 & 1352, without exception.
HNRS Courses:
HNRS 1351: World, Text and Image I
Comparative study in the humanities and social sciences from antiquity to the Renaissance. This seminar course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the literature, history and art of this period. The course requires extensive writing. This course satisfies the language, philosophy, & culture core requirement. This course is required for all first-year Honors students. Offered in the fall.
HNRS 1352: World, Text and Image II
Comparative study in the humanities and social sciences from the Renaissance to the
20th century. This seminar course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the literature,
history and art of this period, and requires substantial writing by students. This
course satisfies three hours of the communication core requirement. This course is
required for all first-year Honors students. Offered in the spring.
HNRS 2351: World, Text and Image III
Introductory course in human expression—the process by which we come to understand ourselves, each other, and our social worlds through the use of symbols. This course explores our ability to draw creatively on the resources of language and nonverbal behavior to influence one another in public presentations, new media and interpersonal relationships. This course satisfies the human expression core requirement. Offered in the fall.
HNRS 2352: World, Text and Image IV
This seminar course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the fine and performing arts in fields such as music, theater and/or art history. This course is writing intensive. This course satisfies the creative arts core requirement. Offered in the spring.
HNRS 2413: Honors Calculus I
Interdisciplinary approach to the development of calculus. This course covers all topics covered in MATH 2413, plus additional topics. Prerequisite: Invitation by Honors Committee. Students cannot receive credit for both HNRS 2413 and MATH 2413. This class can count toward either the mathematics or STEM core requirement. Offered in the fall.
HNRS 2414: Honors Calculus II
Interdisciplinary approach to the development of calculus. This course covers all topics covered in MATH 2414, plus additional topics. Prerequisite: Invitation by Honors Committee. Students cannot receive credit for both HNRS 2414 and MATH 2414. This class can count toward either the mathematics or STEM core requirement. Offered in the spring.
Honors Sections of Pre-Existing Courses (Fall 2022):
In addition to HNRS classes, the Honors College offers several honors sections of pre-existing core courses each semester. These sections are only open to Honors College students and will feature small class sizes, seminar-style discussions, experiential learning, and distinguished faculty.
Honors Statistics I (MATH 1342)
Honors approach to the study of statistics: Measures of central tendency and dispersion, sampling, probability, testing of hypothesis, correlation and regression, and analysis of variance. This class can count toward either the mathematics or STEM core requirement.
Honors Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 2302)
Honors approach to the study of microeconomics: The course covers the scope and methodology of microeconomics. It explores economic principles to describe consumer and business firm behavior and the processes of price determination and resource allocation. It applies economic tools to select problems in competition, international trade and taxation. This class satisfies the social and behavioral sciences requirement on the core.
Honors Introductory Texas Politics (POLS 2306)
Honors approach to the study of Texas politics: Study of the institutions governing Texas and related policy processes. Includes a focus on the legislative process, the executive branch, and the judicial system. May be taken in fulfillment of statutory requirements for a baccalaureate degree. This course satisfies three hours of the government/political science requirement on the core.
Honors Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1301)
Honors approach to the study of Psychology: A survey of empirically based knowledge of behavior and mentation of individuals. This course satisfies the social and behavioral sciences requirement on the core.
Contact Us
Honors College
HPR 131
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7482