UT Tyler Honors College
Contact Us
Honors College
HPR 131
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7482
Honors Colloquium
[From Latin: com+loqui: "To talk together."]
"Colloquium" is Latin for dialogue or conversation. The Honors Colloquium series brings the members of our college together four times per semester to celebrate the life of the mind. Honors Colloquia provide us the chance to meet scholars, artists, and leaders from our region and nation. Past Honors Colloquium guests include best-selling author Tara Westover (Educated: A Memoir), marine biologist John Ryan (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute), and traditional Irish folk music group The Brock McGuire Band. Each year the Honors College hosts two traditional events that are open to the entire campus: our team-trivia contest, Global Quiz Night, and our student research showcase, The Lyceum.
Spring 2025 Honors College Event Schedule:
Thursday, January 30: Honors Night at the Movies - 6:00 pm, UC Theater
Join us for a night of comedy as we watch the Marx Brothers in A Night at the Opera!
Tuesday, February 18: Dionysia - 6:00 pm, UC Ballroom
Come and be amazed at the various talents of our students in the annual LOGOS talent show!
Tuesday, March 11: GB Tran - 6:00 pm, UC Theater
Cartoonist and graphic designer GB Tran, author of the graphic novel Vietnamerica, will discuss his life and work.
Friday, April 11: Lyceum - all day, UC
Every Honors student undertakes a senior project regardless of if they are on the research or service track. The Lyceum is the culmination of their project, as this is where the students present their final findings and experience.
If you have to miss an Honors Colloquium:
All Honors College students must attend all four Honors Colloquia each semester. Invariably, things come up that prevent students from attending. If you must miss an Honors Colloquium, simply attend another campus event from the list of approved events featured in the weekly Honors Dispatch email. After attending the make-up event, email K'Lin Noble a 100-word description of the event you attended in a Word document titled as your first and last name. In your email, be sure to include which colloquium you missed. All colloquium make-ups must be turned in by April 28, 2025. Plan ahead and do make-ups earlier rather than later.
Students who do not attend the requisite four Honors Colloquia per semester risk losing their membership in the Honors College and their honors scholarship.
Contact Us
Honors College
HPR 131
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7482