Communication Sciences and Disorders
Our Programs
The UT Tyler Communication Sciences and Disorders Program offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Sciences and Disorders and a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP).
The B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders is a preprofessional degree that primarily prepares students to pursue a master’s degree in speech-language pathology or audiology, work as speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs), or pursue related careers including healthcare, education, and early intervention.
Applications for the fall 2025 student cohort are being accepted. The deadline is March 7, 2025.
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (M.S.-SLP)
Public Notice of Accreditation Status:
The Master of Science (M.S.) educational program in Speech-Language Pathology (residential) at the University of Texas at Tyler is an Applicant for Accreditation Candidacy by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), which is located at 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800.498.2071 or 301.296.5700.
Overview of Accreditation Process and Timeline:
For a new speech language pathology graduate program to be established, the program must first be awarded Accreditation Candidacy Status by the CAA. Typically, this process lasts about 18 months. It begins with the submission of the Readiness to Apply for Accreditation Status Application. When the application undergoes Level 1 Review and is approved, the new program will be officially called “Applicant for Candidacy Status.” The approval is followed by a 2-day site visit by CAA representatives. CAA site visitors examine all program documents, hold meetings with all stakeholders, including program faculty, staff, undergraduate students, university administration, and the public. They examine the program documents and infrastructure, including the spaces allocated to teaching, offices, and the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic.
Once site visitors determine that the program meets CAA Accreditation Standards, they
will recommend that the program be awarded Accreditation Candidacy Status. Only then
can the new graduate program begin enrolling students. Accreditation Candidacy Status
lasts for 5 years, during which the program receives an annual evaluation by the CAA.
If the program continues to meet Accreditation Standards throughout the 5 years, it
will be awarded Accreditation.
It is important to point out that students graduating from an Accreditation Candidate
program are eligible for ASHA Certification, State licensure, and employment. They
will enjoy all the rights and privileges afforded to students graduating from an accredited
Progress of the UT Tyler SLP Graduate Program Toward Accreditation
The UT Tyler Communication Sciences and Disorders Program submitted the Accreditation
Candidacy Application for the new M.S.-SLP program in January 2023. The CAA completed
Level 1 Candidacy Application Readiness Review (CAA #380) and notified the program
of its approval on June 2nd, 2023. The approval letter states the following:
“The CAA approved the readiness application with an invitation that it be accepted as the official application. The program and sponsoring institution met all eligibility requirements, provided a comprehensive compliance development plan and documentation to support expected compliance at this stage and adequate support for continued development. Based on its review of the readiness application, the CAA made the following initial observations. Upon review of these initial observations, the program may elect to: 1. accept the CAA’s invitation to accept the application as the official candidacy application with planning for the conduct of the candidacy site visit, or 2. withdraw the application.”
The Program notified the CAA that it accepts the invitation to accept the application as the official candidacy application, and the site visit was successfully completed on February 2, 2024. The site vistors have submitted their comprehensive report to the CAA for review, and the CAA sent a copy to the Program. The two major items required of the Program are (a) to complete the hiring plan and ensure the Program will have sufficient faculty and staff by the start of the fall semester, and (b) to complete remodeling of the clinic and faculty offices. Work on both items is progressing as anticipated, and we expect everyting to be in place for the Program to start offering classes in the fall.
Suggestions Box:
Please help us improve our undergraduate and graduate programs. Please submit your
suggestions, feedback, or concerns to
Important Links
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association
National Library of Medicine
Center for Disease Control
ASHA Certification Standards
Texas State License for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs)
Texas State License in Speech-Language Pathology
For more information, please contact:
Brenna Scottrothrock, Administrative Assistant III
HPR 126, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
3900 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75799