The Graduate School

Thesis and Dissertation Center

For Faculty

As faculty, it is your responsibility and privilege to guide your students through the thesis or dissertation process. We have prepared the two guides below to assist you in ensuring that each step is correctly completed. Theses and dissertations that do not meet all of the Graduate School’s policies will not be approved.

Step-by-step guide to the thesis process for faculty

Step-by-step guide to the dissertation process for faculty

Guidelines for the Conduct of a Dissertation Defense

Guidelines for the Conduct of a Thesis Defense

Only those granted Graduate Research Faculty or Visiting Graduate Research Faculty status may serve as a thesis/dissertation committee member. If needed, please reapply before agreeing to serve on a student’s committee. If you are unsure whether you or a chosen faculty member hold one of these titles, please email for more information.

If at any time you have a question regarding these policies and procedures, contact The Graduate School at