Contact Information
Contact Us
Office of Continuous Improvement and Accreditation
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.565.5955
Quality Enhancement Plan
For general inquiries regarding the UT Tyler Quality Enhancement plan, please reach out to Dr. Lou Ann Berman, Associate Provost for Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness.
Members of the QEP Steering Committee are listed below. Membership in the college-level QEP committees are still in the process of being finalized.
Name |
Title |
College/Division |
Dr. Lance Williams | Chair & Professor of Biology | CAS |
Dr. Torey Nalbone | Associate Dean | COE |
Dr. Mary Helen Fagan | Associate Professor of Management | Soules COB |
Erica Conway | Clinical Instructor | SON |
Ashley Dalby | Lecturer and Distinguished Teaching Professor | SHP |
Dr. Colin Snider | Chair & Associate Professor of History | CAS |
Brista Hurst-Kent | Student Information Technology Coordinator & Former Staff Senate President | Staff Senate |
Dr. Anett Jessop | Associate Professor of Lit/Lang | CAS |
Dr. Staci Zolkoski | Associate Professor of Special Education | CEP/Faculty Senate |
Dr. Danielle Bailey | Associate Professor of Criminal Justice & Director of CETL | CETL |
Dr. Paul Streufert | Associate Professor of Lit/Lang & Executive Director of Honors | Honors |
Leah Velarde | Director of Career Success | Student Success |
Rebecca McKay | Executive Director Robert R. Muntz Library | Academic Affairs |
Beverley Golden | Associate VP, Marketing & Communications/Office of the President | Marketing and Communications |
Cindy Strawn | Director Institutional Analysis | Technology |
Allison Schwartz | SGA President | SGA |
Dr. Lou Ann Berman | Associate Provost Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness | Academic Affairs |
Wendy Duncan | Assistant Director of Assessment/QEP Director | Academic Affairs |
Contact Us
Office of Continuous Improvement and Accreditation
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.565.5955