My Patriot Account Support

Technology Support

To change your password use and click on the yellow Student Password Reset.

Self-Service Password Reset

Student Password Recovery Profile

Adobe icon Password Recovery Profile Instructions 

A Password Recovery Profile allows you to quickly reset your passwords at any time without contacting IT support. The process to create your Password Recovery Profile only has to be done ONCE. After you successfully create a Password Recovery Profile you will be able to reset your passwords.

NOTE: You will NOT be able to reset passwords without setting up your Recovery Profile first.


Student Password Reset Instructions

Adobe PDF icon Student Password Reset Instructions

Password Requirements

  • Contain at least 10 characters.
  • Contain upper and lower case characters.
  • Contain at least 1 number.
  • Not be an exact dictionary word match.
  • Not be your profile ID or name.
  • Not contain your profile ID or name.
  • Not be an old password.
  • Not contain more than 2 pairs of repeating characters.
  • Contain characters that can be typed on a standard English (US) keyboard.
  • Not contain any spaces.
  • It is recommended to contain at least 1 punctuation character in your password.

Please do not hesitate to email us at or come by USC 118.

Do NOT send your password.

Do NOT send your Social Security Number.

Be sure to include your full name, student ID number, and date of birth when requesting assistance. If you have an alternate email address, please send your email request from that account.