UT Tyler OU Campus Training

Using the Recycle Bin

OU Campus Training and Support

Access to move content to the Recycle Bin or deleting folders has been turned off site-wide. 

For assistance with moving content to the recycle bin, updating your site structure or assistance with site clean-up, please contact the web team.








NOTE: The Recycle Bin should be used with caution when moving files that are live on the UT Tyler server.

Moving a file to the recycle bin effectively removes the content from being accessible for use. When a file is moved to the recycle bin, derivatives on the production server or any publish targets are subsequently permanently deleted. If content is restored from the recycle bin, it must be republished to make the content available on the web site again

The ability to move content to the recycle bin depends on user permissions. If assigned, users can only recycle content to which they are assigned access right.

Moving a File to the Recycle Bin

  1. From the Content > Pages view, hover over the menu bar for a file and from the File menu choose Move to Recycle Bin.

    Alternatively, one or more files can be selected by clicking the adjacent checkbox, and Move to Recycle Bin is made available.

    Select the New button from within the folder structure, or use the drop-down menu.
  2. The resulting dialog warns that the selected file and any derivatives on production will be deleted. Also, i the content to be deleted is linked from another page, then a warning is provided about the broken link.

    A file can also be deleted from the production server (PDFs, images, etc.)
    Once a file is deleted from the production server or publish target, it cannot be restored. It can be re-published from the main file on the staging server with any routine form of publishing, such as publish, site publish, directory publish, or scheduled publish.

    Use caution when deleting files from production, as these files are not recoverable.
  3. Click Move to Recycle Bin. The files are moved to the trash.

    Note that a page or file checked out to another user or that has been scheduled for an action by another cannot be moved to the recycle bin.

MultiFile Recycle

Multiple files can be recycled with the same action by selecting the the checkbox in the header row of a list or each checkbox adjacent to the file name and clicking Move to Recycle Bin. Note that when performing a multi-object selection that includes directories, only Delete is available as directories cannot be recycled. Using a multifile section can be useful to simulate a directory recycle, as in this manner, all files within a directory can be selected for moving to the recycle bin, which will then allow the files to be restored, if necessary.

Note when selecting multiple files and a page or file checked out to another user or that has been scheduled for an action by another is included in the selection, Move to Recycle Bin is not available as it is not possible to recycle those pages.

The resulting dialog enumerates how many files will be moved to the trash and warns that derivative files on production will be deleted.


Directories cannot be recycled on staging or on a production server. Directories that are deleted are permanently deleted. The multiple file recycle function can be used to simulate a directory recycle. Select all files within a directory with the checkbox located above the view of the folder structure and click the recycle bin icon in the same area to recycle the files. Then the directory can be deleted. Recycling files within a directory in this method allows the files to be individually restored if needed.

To delete the directory from the Content > Pages view, hover over the menu bar for the directory and from the File menu choose Delete.

Alternatively, a directory can be selected by clicking the adjacent checkbox, and Delete is made available.

Users should work with the UT Tyler Web Team when removing/deleting files.

For more details, see Recycle Bin Overview documentation.